Chapter 4 - Join the team

Ace held Aiahs's hands and ran away from the group. He brought Aiah to a safe place where they could take a breather. Aiah was silent the entire time and Ace asked her what happened and why was she being harassed by those men.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" Ace asked Aiah while checking her for any injuries

"Uhh. No." Aiah replied to him

"Why did those men harassed you?" Ace asked her

"I don't know." She replied to him

Ace was dumbfounded on her questions because she was answering him like nothing happened to her. He clearly even saw her scared. He thought that maybe she was traumatize that was why she was acting that way to him. They were silent for a couple of minutes

"Why did you save me?" Aiah asked Ace, that question broke the silence between the two of them

"Uhm, I don't know myself, my body moved by itself and tadaaa here I am." Ace answered Aiah's questions jokingly

"You shouldn't have done that. Did you even know who those guys are?" Aiah asked Ace angrily

"Uhhh, no? Should I be scared of them.." Ace asked her curiously

"Yes, they are part of a gang that roam around here. We should go back and help them, those guys would be beat up by them." Aiah replied to Ace

"Uh, I don't think we should do that. They said they can handle it." Ace said to her

"Are you an idiot? Did you even hear what I said? I said they are part of a gang. Are you not worried of your friends in the slightest?" Aiah asked her while holding Ace's shirt tightly

"I heard what you said and I'm not worried about them. You should trust your friends when they say that they can handle it by themselves. Don't worry about them." Ace answered confidently

Ace saw that a tear suddenly fell on Aiah's face

"Wha.. Why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere?" Ace asked while panicking and was trying to find his towel to give it to her

"Why did you even save me? You should have left me there." Aiah said while she was crying

"My father said that I shouldn't ignore injustice being done. He said that I should always help someone in need because maybe that person may help me when I also need saving." He said to her

"Your father is an idiot." Aiah said to her

"Wha..?? DON'T CALL MY FATHER THAT" Ace said while making an angry face

Aiah suddenly laugh at him and she seems to be in a better mood now

"I'm kidding." Aiah said to him

Ace smiled when she saw that Aiah was smiling now

"Do you want to eat?" Ace asked Aiah

When suddenly someone hits him from the back of his head.

"I want to eat." Lance said to him while smiling

"Heyooo" Kayze wave his hands at them and smiled

"What the? You guys are already done?" Ace asked them

"Kyle practically demolished them. He didn't even let me hit one person once." Lance said to Ace while hitting Kyle back

"Hahahaha, sounds like what he would do." Ace said to Lance

"So, are you guys hungry? What do you guys want to eat?" Ace asked

"Chicken!" Lance shouted

"Beef soup!" Kayze also followed

"Anything." Kyle said

Ace smiled and suddenly turns to Aiah and asked her

"What about you? What do you want to eat?" Ace asked her

"Uhm.. No.. I'm not hungry.." She replied when suddenly her tummy grumbles

They all suddenly laugh and Aiah was embarrassed

"Come on, join us." Kayze said "Don't be shy. It's our treat, we are schoolmates, right?" Kayze added to what he said

Ace suddenly held Aiah's hands again and pulled her

"Come come, we'll buy whatever you want." Ace said

"What do you mean you buy her whatever she wants you don't even have any money." Lance said to Ace when he was hit in his head by Kyle

Aiah suddenly laugh and she said that she would by them food as a thanks for saving her

"I'll pay. It is a thank you for saving me." She said to them

They all walked towards a restaurant and Lance already found a seat for them to eat. He was always fast when it comes to food while the four of them was just walking slowly. Aiah said that they could order whatever they want and that is what Lance did when he was hit again by Kayze, Kyle, and Ace.

"Hey you, are you not even slightly shy?" Ace asked Lance

"But but but she said to order whatever we want." Lance said while making a puppy face

They all sighed on what Lance did and they all apologize for what he did. They said to Aiah that she should order them whatever she feels like and Kayze said that it was their first time on a fancy restaurants and they don't know what to order that is why she should order them food by her recommendations.

"Alright then" Aiah replied while smiling at them

Aiah and Ace got to the counter and order a lot of food. When they got back they already served them some appetizers and already it was being eaten immediately by Lance without any hesitation.

"Dude, slow down. Why are you even like this?" Kayze said to Lance

"No one is taking you food." Ace added

They all laughed at the scenario that was in front of them. Ace suddenly asked Aiah a question

"I saw you playing World of Fighters, what do you say you play with us sometimes? We are badly in need of a fourth member" Ace said to Aiah

Lance counted how many they are and it was five

"Hey hey, what do you mena four? We are five tho?" Lance asked Ace

"We are kicking you from the group, dude. You are always confident on winning when you haven't even won against Kyle." Ace replied

"Like I said earlier it was the internet!! The internet was bad at that computer shop." Lance said

They all laughed again

"What do you say you play with us sometimes? I promise you we are good." Ace said to Aiah

"Sure." She replied to him.