Chapter 5 - Sister?

"Wait.. what? Are you really going to join us?" Ace asked Aiah with excitement

"Yeah. It has been too long since I've played with a team before though so I might be a bit rusty." She replied to him while smiling

"No noo, we are in your care!" Ace said to her

The food arrived and they ate that shit up. Just like before the first one to finish was Lance as always. They all had fun talking and before they know it, it was getting so dark so they all bid farewell to each other but before that they all accompanied Aiah to her home incase something happened to her while walking alone.

"Thank you so much, guys!" Aiah said to them while bowing

"Nooo, we should be the one thanking you." Ace replied to her while making her stop bowing to them

"See you guys tomorrow!" Aiah said to them and she went inside their house

After that they all went to different places and went home. They bid farewell to each other and joke around while walking home. Ace got home.

"I'm home." Ace said while he was getting his shoes untied

"Brother!" someone said

Ace saw someone running from the hall and that person immediately hugs him. It was actually his little sister Stacey. Ace has been living with Stacey for five years now. Their parents died on an accident and he was taking care of her alone for quite a while now.

"Hey heyy, how are you?" Ace asked Stacey

"You do know that you are late, right? I was waiting for you the whole time!" Stacey said while pouting to his older brother

"Something happened but here I got some takeout that I someone bought me from the store." Ace said to her

"Hmmm. Okay, I'll forgive you but.. Who is this someone? Is it a girl?" Stacey asked Ace "Is it your girlfriend? Hmmm, you should let me meet her." Stacey said teasingly

"Stop teasing your brother and get this to the kitchen so that you can eat." Ace said while poking her forehead

Stacey ran towards the kitchen and prepared the food that was brought home by her older brother

"Don't run or you might fall and hurt yourself." Ace said while worrying about his little sister behavior

Ace also walked towards the kitchen and he saw that the food was already prepared.

"Wow, you're fast when it comes to food." Ace said to her

"Tee-hee" Stacey replied

They both sat down the chairs and talked about what happened today.

"Wow, so at first you were rejected by the girl that you THOUGHT that will be your girlfriend and then you were called to the teachers office and he gave you a college application. After that you guys played video games with your friends and you helped someone being harassed and she bought you guys food?" Stacey said to him.

She was talking nonstop about what Ace said. She was always this attentive when it comes to listening to his brother.

"Yeah, that is the gist of it." Ace replied to her "What about you? Anything interesting that has happened today?" Ace asked her

"No, nothing really happened. I immediately went home when the bell rang and cleaned the whole house and waited for you." Stacey said to his older brother

"Oh, okay. Tell me if someone or something is bothering you alright? Your brother will take care of it." Ace said while flexing his muscles

"Okay okay, I get it." Stacey said while laughing at what his brother did

After talking they both cleaned up the dishes and went to their respective rooms.

"Goodnight, Ace" Stacey said to Ace

"Goodnight, Stacey" Ace replied to her and they both closed their doors

Ace went to his studying area and opened the college application again. He has to come up with an answer to this for tomorrow or else he will be dead because of the terror of Mr. Zay. He was thinking heavily on what to do with it. He opened his drawers and saw a letter from their it was from his little sister.

Ace read the letter and it says

"Don't feel pressured, brother. Always do what you think is right. I'm alright so have fun with your youth. From your beautiful little sister. Ps. Buy me new make up hehe"

"This kid." Ace said while smiling and looking at the letter that was in front of him.

Ace and Stacey was always together since their parents died on a car accident. He was always taking care of her without stopping not even once and Stacey saw that his brother was always their for him and doesn't have time to have fun by himself. He doesn't want his brother to waste his youth and wants him to have fun that is why she made that letter for him. She wants to cheer up his brother even if it just a little bit. Little did she know that his brother is always happy because of her. He only wants to take care of her little sister and always wants the best for her.

Ace now know what to do with the college application. He wrote a letter for Mr. Zay and after that he went to sleep.