Unsettling Gaze

Ethan's penetrating gaze made Lily squirm uncomfortably. Why does he always have to stare at me like that? she wondered. "Are we going back now?" Lily asked aloud, suddenly remembering the long drive Ethan had made to reach her. "I know how to drive. I could take over if you're tired."

As Lily reached for the driver's door, Ethan's hand clamped down on her arm. He pressed against her back, his face lowering to her ear. "Lily, are you aching for me?" he purred, his magnetic voice sending shivers down her spine.

Out of all the things he could say, he chooses that? Lily blushed, touching her ear. "I just don't want you falling asleep at the wheel. I happen to value my life," she retorted, trying to sound serious.

Ethan's smile froze. He pushed Lily against the car, his hand caressing her through the thin fabric of his shirt. "Lily, proper mistresses know how to sweet-talk their men," he huffed.

Seriously? There's a mistress handbook I don't know about? Lily forced a smile. "Well, bring me a copy, and I'll be sure to memorize it." She shivered, the cold metal of the car seeping into her skin.

"Oh, I will," Ethan promised, kissing her earlobe and smirking as she trembled in his arms. One month. That's all I need to make her mine completely.

Lily struggled out of his grasp. "Enough. Let's just head back."

"We're not going back to the city. We'll find a hotel for the night." Ethan patted her rear suggestively. "You don't expect me to endure a six-hour round trip without any relief, do you?"

Relief. Is that all I am to him? Lily sighed. "Fine."

At the luxury hotel, Ethan frowned as Lily hesitated to exit the car. "Are you going to walk in on your own, or do I have to drag you?"

Is he blind? "How am I supposed to waltz into a five-star hotel wearing nothing but your shirt?" Lily tugged at the oversized garment. "I'd die of embarrassment!"

"Stop being dramatic." Ethan pulled her out and carried her bridal-style towards the entrance.

"Ethan, have you lost your mind?!" Lily shrieked, struggling in his arms as curious onlookers gawked at them.

"Keep squirming, and I'll drop you," Ethan warned as he strode into the opulent lobby.

Mortified, Lily buried her burning face against his chest. I can't believe this is happening. Ethan's low chuckle reverberated through her. The jerk is actually enjoying this!

In the presidential suite, Lily quickly scrambled out of Ethan's arms. "Do hotels provide guided tours these days?" she muttered. The thought of being carried in Ethan's embrace under the watchful eyes of the staff made her want to disappear through the floor.

Ethan uncorked a bottle of wine, pouring a glass and offering it to her. "Drink. It'll help warm you up."

"No, thanks. I'm not much of a drinker."

"It's good for the chill."

Oh, what the hell. "Fine." Lily took a sip, savoring the rich flavor. "This is amazing! Pour me another."

Ethan obliged, an amused glint in his eye as she drained the second glass. "Lily, you're the first person I've seen chug an '82 Lafite like cheap beer."

"The '82 what now?" Lily choked, sputtering wine across the plush carpet. *Did he say Lafite? As in, the insanely expensive wine?

"Where are your manners?" Ethan chided, though he seemed more entertained than annoyed.

Screw manners! I just guzzled a small fortune! Lily gaped at the bottle, a hysterical laugh bubbling up. An ordinary Lafite costs more than my rent, and he busts one out like it's no big deal. Rich people are insane!

After the shock wore off, Lily explored the lavish suite, marveling at the sheer extravagance. This place is a palace. I feel like I need a map just to find the bathroom.

Eventually, she located the grand marble tub and sank into the fragrant, steaming water with a blissful sigh. Maybe being Ethan's mistress has some perks after all.*

Lily's brief moment of peace shattered as music suddenly filled the room. Her eyes flew open to find Ethan standing there, wine glass in hand. Chopin. Alex's favorite. The familiar melody made her chest tighten with bittersweet nostalgia.

"What are you doing here?" Lily hissed, face aflame as she sank deeper into the tub.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." Ethan smirked, handing her the wine. "Drink."

Bossy as always. Lily scowled but accepted the glass, downing it quickly. "There. Happy? Now get out so I can wash in peace."

"You don't get to dismiss me." Ethan kicked off his shoes and climbed into the tub fully clothed. The water sloshed violently as he pulled her into a searing kiss, his hands and mouth seeming to be everywhere at once.

He's an arrogant, domineering jerk... but damn, the man can kiss. Lily's traitorous body responded, melting against him as his tongue plundered her mouth. She could taste the rich notes of the wine, the flavor somehow even headier on his lips.

As Ethan's skilled fingers worked their magic, Lily's head fell back in surrender, a breathy moan escaping her. I hate how easily he can unravel me. How am I supposed to resist him when he makes me feel like this?

Ethan had no intention of stopping, and Lily knew her feeble willpower was no match for his relentless sensual onslaught. He might not have my heart, but there's no denying he owns my body. I just pray that's enough for him. Because anything more... would destroy me.

Forcing aside the troubling emotions churning inside her, Lily gave herself over to mindless pleasure, losing herself in Ethan's intoxicating touch as the haunting strains of Chopin echoed off the marble walls.