Ventrio's Origin

Ventrio is an organization founded by Hermes Buencamino, Roman Lebado, and Severino Dimaguiba. The goal of this organization is to create everlasting peace in this wicked world by eliminating criminals and anyone who tries to disrupt the peace that Ventrio aims to establish. Their mission is to bring paradise to Earth, ensuring that only the meek can inherit it.

September 11, 2019, 8:00 PM, After the Death of Hermes' Parents

The news hit Hermes like a physical blow. He couldn't accept it. Just that morning, their voices had filled the phone line, warm and familiar. Now, a chilling silence echoed in its wake. The news was clear - his parents were gone.

Unable to accept this harsh reality, Hermes clung to the memories of their last conversation. Later on, his Uncle Cain adopted him, offering a sliver of warmth amidst the crushing grief.

September 13, 2019, 9:00 AM

The police arrived at Uncle Cain's house with news about Hermes' parents. An autopsy report revealed a horrific scene. Hermes' father had suffered a brutal beating, sustaining fatal injuries. His mother had been the victim of a vicious gang rape. The authorities were still searching for the suspects.

Uncle Cain, burdened by the horrific details in the autopsy report, decided to shield Hermes from the full truth for now, fearing it would be too much to bear.

April 4, 2020, 6:00 PM, Hermes' Birthday

It was Hermes' birthday. Guests, including extended family, filled the room, many dressed in expensive suits. Some presented Hermes with gifts, while others offered birthday wishes.

A tall, distinguished man in a tuxedo stood out among the crowd. He approached Hermes, offering congratulations.

"I heard about your parents," he said, a hint of sadness flickering across his face as he met Hermes' gaze. "Although I couldn't attend the funeral, please accept my condolences."

Despite the months that had passed, the pain of his parents' death remained raw for Hermes. A flicker of confusion crossed his face as he offered his hand to the distinguished guest. "Thank you," he said, his voice tinged with sadness. "Who might you be? I apologize, but..."

"Zeus Lituangco," the man replied, his eyes crinkling at the corners with a hint of amusement. "And I must admit, Hermes, there's a reason I'm here. I Consider you... an unpolished gem."

Hermes wondered in confusion what he meant by that. "Unpolished gem?

Zeus's smile widened slightly. "Let's just say I'm interested in you, Hermes. I saw the potential in you. You are the type of person who is willing to do anything to achieve your goal." 

"What do you want from me?" Hermes asked, a hint of suspicion and annoyance creeping into his voice.

"No rush, kid," Zeus chuckled, clapping Hermes on the shoulder reassuringly. "We can talk about it next time. For now, let's just enjoy the party and have some fun."

Zeus reached into his pocket, pulling out a card. "Here's my calling card," he said, his gaze meeting Hermes'. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call. I'll help you out." With a hearty laugh, Zeus turned and left the party.

Hermes stared at the card, turning it over. A single letter was tucked behind it, the inscription stark and chilling:

Are you thirsty for blood?

April 5, 2020, 3:00 AM

Hermes jolted awake, his own scream echoing in his ears. A vivid nightmare – his parents' brutal deaths, their desperate cries of "Help! Help!" – had ripped him from sleep. The nightmarish scene lingered, preventing him from closing his eyes again. Unable to find solace, he decided to head out.

The glow of the 24/7 convenience store across the street beckoned, and Hermes found himself walking towards it, a longing for oblivion fueling his steps. After he bought some drinks he saw a lone figure sat on a bench, bathed in the pale glow of a streetlamp. As Hermes drew closer, he recognized the man's striking feature – black hair with a distinctive curve framing his face. The man nursed a drink, its amber liquid catching the light. Without a word, Hermes settled onto the bench beside him.

"Rough night? Hermes ventured, his voice quiet. The man's posture, slumped and shadowed by the dim light, spoke volumes. 

The man sighed, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. "Just some old memories," he said finally. "You too?" 

Hermes stared out at the deserted street, the liquor a dull ache in his stomach. "Yeah," he muttered, the word thick with unspoken grief. "Memories I can't seem to escape."

An unexpected camaraderie blossomed between them that night. As they shared stories, their laughter echoing softly in the stillness, a bond began to form. It was the night a friendship was born. The man was none other than Roman Lebado.

April 7, 2020, 9:00 AM.

Hermes called the calling card from the other night where Zeus gave it to him. He call the number in the card. After a while, a voice can be heard in the phone.

"Zeus, I need your help, Can I see you today?"

Same Day 11:30 AM

Hermes agreed to meet Zeus at a nearby restaurant. Inside, he spotted Zeus at a table, casually sipping coffee in a black suit. With a mix of apprehension and curiosity, Hermes approached and took a seat across from him.

Zeus didn't waste time. Setting down his coffee cup, he locked eyes with Hermes and asked directly, "Are you thirsty for blood?"

The question hung heavy in the air. Hermes, caught off guard by the bluntness and chilling nature of the inquiry, stammered, "Wh-what?" He stared at Zeus, speechless.

A hearty laugh boomed from Zeus, dispelling some of the tension. "Relax, kid," he chuckled, setting his coffee cup down. "Let's rephrase that. Are you thirsty for revenge?"

Hermes bristled at the informality. "Like I said at the party," he replied impatiently, "what do you want from me?"

Zeus leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. "I want you to work for me."

The unexpected offer left Hermes speechless for a moment. "Work for you?" he finally stammered, surprise coloring his voice. "Is that all?"

A flicker of amusement crossed Zeus's face.

Hermes fidgeted in his seat. "Well, I came here to ask for your help," he said.Zeus chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "I know why you're here, kid. Revenge, right? Don't worry, I'll help you get it. But first, you have to work for me. A fair trade, wouldn't you say?"

Hermes stared at Zeus, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. The promise of revenge was a potent lure, but the cost of working for this enigmatic figure remained unclear. With a heavy heart, he conceded, "If that's the only way... I'm in." 

Zeus's smile widened, a hint of something predatory beneath the surface. "Excellent," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "Welcome to the fold, Hermes."

As time marched on,

Under Zeus Lituangco's tutelage, Hermes Buencamino transformed. Zeus became his mentor, a hardened figure who drilled him in the art of combat. Hermes learned the intricacies of firearms – pistols, rifles, snipers, shotguns, and everything in between – dismantling and assembling them with practiced ease. But the training wasn't limited to weaponry. Zeus schooled him in the deadly grace of martial arts, teaching him to use every part of his body as a weapon – hands, feet, his very will.

After this rigorous training regime, Hermes was formally introduced to one of Zeus Lituangco's most trusted lieutenants, Severino Dimaguiba.