
After undergoing rigorous training under Zeus Lituangco, Hermes Buencamino was introduced to one of Zeus's most trusted lieutenants, Severino Dimaguiba. A middle-aged man in his forties, Severino possessed a tall and imposing physique.

"Severino, there you are. Hermes, this is Severino Dimaguiba, one of my most trusted lieutenants." Zeus introduced the two with a firm handshake for Severino.

"Hermes Buencamino, sir," the younger man replied, offering a respectful nod.

"Now that you're here, Severino," Zeus said, placing a hand on Hermes' shoulder, "I want you to equip Hermes with the tactics and strategies he'll need. When the time comes for me to entrust him with a mission, he'll be well-prepared. Consider him under your wing, Severino."

Severino simply nodded, his respect for Zeus evident. He wouldn't question an order, his calm and refined demeanor betraying a wealth of experience.

Under Severino's tutelage, Hermes spent many days honing his tactical and strategic skills for upcoming missions.

April 27, 2020

While Severino was drilling Hermes in tactics, Zeus appeared unexpectedly. Noticing Zeus' arrival, the two halted their training.

Seizing the opportunity, Hermes inquired, "Sir, it's been days of rigorous training, and I'm eager to prove myself. Is there a mission suited to my current skills?"

A glint sparked in Zeus's eyes as Hermes posed his question. "Eager to prove yourself, are we? Forget menial tasks, Hermes. You'll be my personal hunter. There will be those who lurk in the shadows, plotting against me. You'll be the one to sniff them out, stalk them like prey, and eliminate the threat before it can strike."

"But..." Hermes faltered, his voice dropping a notch. "Sir, I haven't taken a life before."

A steely glint entered Zeus's eyes. "Think about it, Hermes. Those who plot against me are no innocents. They're vipers, seeking to disrupt the order I've established. You'll be eliminating those who threaten the stability of this very earth." 

Hermes stared at the ground, his jaw clenched. Zeus's words resonated, but a sliver of doubt remained. Unable to voice his reservations, he simply nodded. 

The phone in Zeus's pocket buzzed, momentarily breaking the tense silence. He glanced at the screen, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face, before answering. "Yes," he said curtly, listening intently for a moment. 

Hanging up, he met Hermes' gaze. "Actually," he began, as if to disrupt Hermes' discomfort, "you'll have your very first mission today."

"I will do my best, sir," Hermes replied, a newfound determination hardening his voice.

May 1, 2020

A heavy box arrived at the gates of Zeus Lituangco's mansion. The guard's questioning gaze met only a shrug from the young delivery boy. "Just following orders, sir," he mumbled before disappearing in a cloud of dust.

Unease prickled at the guard's skin. He delivered the unexpected package to Severino, Zeus' right hand in his absence. The air crackled with tension as Severino eyed the box, a muscle twitching in his jaw.

Before he could reach for it, a chorus of alarmed voices erupted from his men. "Sir, wait!" one cried. "What if it's a trap? A bomb!"

Severino's eyes narrowed. He wasn't known for his patience, and the concern in their voices grated on him. A curt wave of his hand silenced them. "Stand back," he commanded, his voice a low growl.

"But sir," another pleaded, "you're one of Zeus' most trusted lieutenants. We can't lose you like this!"

Severino, with a disregard for his men's pleas, ripped the box open with a single, swift motion. The air hung heavy with anticipation as he peered inside. His breath hitched, and a flicker of pure shock crossed his hardened features. For a long moment, he stood frozen, the box dangling from his grasp, his eyes locked on the unsettling contents within.

His phone pierced the sudden silence, the shrill ring a jarring contrast to the tense scene. Severino answered it on instinct.

A cheerful voice filled his ear. It was Hermes. "Sir, I just got word! My first mission – a complete success!"

Severino's throat tightened around the unsaid words. How could he share this supposed victory when the world had just tilted on its axis? He forced a semblance of composure. "Good work, Hermes," he managed, his voice strained. "But we have a bigger situation here. Get back to the mansion immediately.

"Before Hermes could question him further, Severino ended the call. His gaze darted back to the box, the contents now a horrifying confirmation of his deepest fears. Inside, nestled in a bed of shredded packing peanuts, was the severed head of Zeus Lituangco. Who would have dared to do this, and what did it mean for the future?

Beneath the grotesque trophy lay a single, stark calling card. A black triangle dominated the center, its corners sharp and menacing. A single, cold eye, reptilian in its intensity, stared out from its center. A single, wickedly curved demon horn protruded from the upper part of the triangle, completing the ominous symbol. Printed beneath, in a font that dripped with malice, were the words:


According to some sources, Casa de Diablo is one of the largest and oldest syndicates in Asia. Founded in 1977 by Fernando dela Pena II, the group has operated for decades.

May 5, 2020, Funeral of Zeus Lituangco

A pall of grief hung heavy over the mourners. Zeus Lituangco's charred remains sat in the urn, a stark contrast to the vibrant man they all knew. Hermes stood apart, a flicker of pain crossing his youthful features as he remembered Zeus's gruff but patient training sessions. The absence of Zeus's lower body only deepened the chilling mystery. Where had it gone? Was this a deliberate act of cruelty by his killers?

Severino approached Hermes, his usual composure shaken. "Hermes, I still can't believe it. Zeus... gone. They delivered his head in a box like some kind of trophy." His voice was thick with emotion.

Hermes clenched his fists, a surge of anger coursing through him. "Casa de Diablo..." he muttered, his voice laced with a vow.

"Demons," Severino spat, a muscle ticking in his temple. "That's what they were. Demons who will answer for their crimes."

After their somber exchange, Severino moved on to greet other mourners.

Suddenly, a mysterious woman, clad entirely in black, entered the funeral like a wraith. Her veiled face and sharp angles did little to hide an air of power and purpose. All eyes turned towards her as she glided through the crowd, her destination clear. She stopped in front of Hermes, her voice a low murmur that only he could hear.

"Can I talk to you, Hermes Buencamino?"

After the Funeral

After the funeral pyre had cooled to embers, Hermes stood alone, his face etched with a solemn vow.

"I swear on your memory, Mom, Dad, and Boss Zeus," he whispered, his voice thick with grief and resolve. "Those who took you will face the justice they denied you. They may have taken your lives, but they will never take my soul. I will hunt them down, and they will answer for their crimes.

"Fueled by a burning grief and a yearning for justice, Hermes, barely twenty years old, resolved to create something new from the ashes of his pain. He envisioned a world cleansed, a world free from the violence that had taken his loved ones. A paradise, a place where peace and justice reigned supreme.

With a heavy heart and a tremor in his voice, Hermes approached Severino, a respected lieutenant within Zeus Lituangco's organization. He laid out his plan, his words filled with a youthful idealism that both inspired and worried Severino.

A flicker of hope, long dormant, sparked in Severino's tear-filled eyes. "A paradise, you say?" he rasped, his voice heavy with grief and the weight of experience. The world they knew was steeped in violence, a far cry from the utopia Hermes envisioned. Yet, the glimmer of a better future, a future Zeus might have dreamt of, ignited a spark within the older man.

"We'll do it, Hermes," Severino finally declared, his weathered face etched with a resolve that surprised even himself. "For Zeus, and for a better tomorrow."