The Government's New Plan

Back in my room, I signaled Inara to be quiet and checked my phone to view the surveillance feed. I saw Sean absentmindedly unwrapping toys for Kyle.


Leaving the surveillance feed on, I said to Inara, "Quick, tell me what you know. He'll be up here soon."


Inara hurriedly handed me the medicine and whispered, "It seems Sean is indeed eyeing Dad's shares in New Life Pharmaceuticals. During this trip, he deliberately probed Dad for information."


I pondered for a moment, "That makes sense! He's already figured out the details with Ji Xiang."


"Moreover, news from the Red River City Planning Bureau suggests that the government intends to develop our old house area into a historic town. The compensation is said to be quite substantial. He wouldn't have missed this news."


"Compensation?" I muttered.


Inara nodded, and we immediately understood each other.


"Looks like that's the real focus!" I stated firmly.


Inara agreed, "That mad dog must have caught a whiff of the opportunity!"


I clenched my fists, watching Sean on the surveillance screen, my teeth gritting in anger. "He's targeting our Lu family. He's not done exploiting us, which is why he stopped my medication! It's outrageous."


"It seems we need to plan our next steps. I saw the nanny he arranged—middle-aged, not young! I've already asked Andrew to check her background, but I haven't dared to hint anything to Uncle Lu yet. Once we know more, we'll find a way to inform Uncle Lu. You should think about how to bring it up too," Inara reminded me.


Before we could discuss further, I saw Sean leaving the living room and heading upstairs.


Inara and I exchanged a look, and I quickly turned off my phone. I lay on the bed while Inara lounged on the chaise, pretending to be engrossed in conversation.


Sean took his time knocking and entering the room. I knew he had been eavesdropping, not wanting us to be alone for too long.


After lunch, Inara was called away by a phone call from her company.


Once Inara left, I, feeling exhausted, returned to my room to rest. Rejuvenating myself was crucial.


I understood that I was safe, at least until the city planning in Red River City was finalized. Sean would ensure I stayed alive.


If Inara's information was accurate, our family stood to gain the most from the compensation, as our old house was the largest and most distinctive. The compensation was highly attractive. If I were dead, what would be his gain?


No wonder Sean stopped my medication just when I was on the brink of death.


Indeed, a week later, Sean finally made time to take me to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up. The results were, unsurprisingly, favorable, with all indicators looking good.


Although the report was clearly doctored, Sean still had the doctor prescribe my medication.


Sean, beaming with pride, held me close, almost seeking praise, and boasted that in a couple of days, he would arrange a trip back to Red River City.


For safety, the next day, I had Inara take the medicine to Dean Han for testing. This time, the medication was fine and beneficial for my current recovery, which could complement Dean Han's antidote.


I didn't know whether to feel relieved or sad. This time, I was genuinely recuperating.


On Tuesday, I made a surprise visit to the company for an inspection.


Things had changed significantly. If it weren't for Arya at the front desk, I might not have even gotten into my own company.


Let alone having an excuse to check the company's finances.


Most of the old-timers who fought alongside me were gone.


However, the current executives were not unfamiliar, as they were all Deng family relatives.


The general manager's office was occupied by Luke, the Deng family's only sibling who attended a third-rate university, while Sean's sister Genesis was in charge of finance.


This outcome was beyond my expectations. Although I anticipated Sean would make changes, I didn't expect such a complete overhaul. My loyal team was wiped out.


It felt like I had traveled through time, stepping into unfamiliar territory.


When Arya accompanied me upstairs, Luke greeted me warmly, "Chloe, why didn't you let me know you were coming? I would have come to pick you up!"


Luke, in a sharp suit, wore a courteous smile. His eyes, behind glasses, subtly swept over Arya accompanying me.


The Deng family members were all good-looking. Though Luke wasn't as handsome as his brother Sean, his demeanor was completely different, giving off an air of refinement.


When I married Sean, Luke was still in high school. Not a great student, he loved hanging out at school. Despite his poor exam scores, he insisted on attending college.


So I paid for his education at a third-rate university, where he supposedly studied economic management.


Unexpectedly, it came in handy.


"I was bored at home, so I came to the company to look around," I glanced at the open-plan office and asked Luke, "Isn't your brother here?"


Luke responded without hesitation, "My brother went to the port today. A batch of equipment arrived, and he went to pick it up."


"The port? Isn't that Christopher's responsibility? Why did he go himself?" I asked directly.


Christopher was a college friend who had helped me a lot in my early days. When I founded the company, I brought him in to manage transportation and logistics. He was also one of my shareholders.


"Christopher resigned long ago! He was caught smuggling goods in our shipments and resigned after being exposed," Luke answered fluently.


"Smuggling?" I repeated in disbelief.


Before Luke could respond, Genesis walked in.


She entered and addressed Luke, "The meeting is about to start. Why are you still here?"


Luke looked at Genesis reproachfully, "Can't you see Chloe is here? Inform them the meeting is postponed a bit."