The Disconnected Number

"Chloe? What brings you here?" Genesis seemed to notice me only then. She walked in and instructed the secretary, who had just brought in coffee, "Notify everyone that the meeting is delayed by ten minutes!"


I sneered inwardly. This was clearly a subtle way of asking me to leave.


After giving her orders, Genesis sat beside me with a forced smile, "How are you feeling? It's good that you're out and about, but you should still rest more."


"Yeah, I got tired of lying down. The doctor also suggested I move around more. So, on a whim, I decided to visit the company and maybe have lunch with your brother," I replied coolly. "I didn't expect you all to be so busy."


"My brother is extremely busy these days. Business is much tougher now than when you were in charge. Selling a piece of equipment requires running around all day," Genesis lamented, indirectly complaining about the hardships.


"Well, don't let me keep you. I won't wait for your brother any longer. Don't let me delay your meeting for ten minutes," I said, standing up. I turned to Luke and instructed, "Tell him I stopped by when he gets back."


Genesis immediately stood up, apologetically, "I'm really sorry, your timing is just unfortunate. We have a sales report meeting. Why don't you stay a while longer? I'll call Sean and have him come back right away."


"No need. I just came out for some fresh air and ended up here. Don't let me interrupt your important business. I'll be heading back now," I said understandingly. As I walked out, I glanced at the empty conference room through its glass walls. There was no meeting; Genesis and Luke were playing good cop, bad cop, trying to keep me from staying at the company longer.


The Deng family members were indeed skilled actors, especially Genesis.


The two brothers escorted me to the elevator, smiling broadly. As the doors closed, I waved at them, dropping my smile as soon as the doors shut.


The elevator descended to the first floor, where Arya ran out to see me off at the entrance, watching until I got into my car.


As soon as I sat inside, I was so furious that I started crying uncontrollably.


Everything I had worked for was gone, turned into a gift for the Deng family wolves.


I couldn't swallow this humiliation.


I drove to a secluded spot and cried my heart out, leaning on the steering wheel.


Once I composed myself, I took out my phone and tried calling Christopher. Using my new phone to avoid any traces, I dialed his number, only to be told the number did not exist.


I clutched the phone, stunned, and redialed, with the same result.


How could the number be disconnected? I felt utterly helpless. I couldn't let things go on like this. I needed to find Christopher to understand what had happened. I didn't believe he was involved in smuggling goods.


Just then, my old phone rang. It was Sean.


It seemed Luke had already informed Sean.


I composed myself and answered, "Sean!"


"Darling, where are you? Why did you go out? Are you okay?" His voice was full of concern and incredibly gentle.


"I was so bored at home, so I went out for some fresh air! There was nowhere else to go, so I stopped by the company. But you weren't there!" I said, trying to sound weak. "Luke said you were at the port. Should I come to find you?"


"I'm already out. Tell me where you are, and I'll come to you," he replied.


"I'm on Qianjiang Road," I answered truthfully, wary that he might track my car. "If you're busy, I'll just go home. I've been out for a while and I'm getting tired."


"Okay, drive slowly. I'll be home soon too," he said, clearly signaling that he didn't want me lingering outside.


"Alright then, I'll head home directly!" I said, hanging up. I turned on my Bluetooth and called Gabriel, asking him to help find Christopher.


I had just arrived home when Sean came back, bringing my favorite hazelnuts.


"Why are you back so soon? I just got in!" I asked, lying on the sofa, exhausted. "Didn't you say you'd be a while?"


"I was going to visit the hospital, but the person I needed to see wasn't there, so I came back," he said, carefully observing my face. "You're getting better every day, even driving now!"


"Hardly. I drove just a short distance and my legs felt weak. If I don't start exercising, I'll be done for. Doctors these days are so unprofessional, they can't find anything wrong," I complained, pointing at the hazelnuts he was holding. "I want some."


Sean obediently sat beside me and opened the bag. I complained, "Did you wash your hands?" He smiled and quickly went to wash his hands, then returned to peel some hazelnuts for me.


As I was eating, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, stood up, and walked outside to answer it. He didn't say much, just a few hums, and then hung up.


He smiled at me, "Honey, someone came back. I have to go. I need to finalize things."


I glared at him, "You just sat down and now you're leaving again!" I knew this call was suspicious.


He kissed my forehead, "What can I do? Business is business."


"Will you be home for lunch?" I asked, "I was thinking of eating out with you."


"At this hour, I'll definitely take my client out," he said, his excuse overly sufficient.


Did he think I was too sick to see through his lies? Business calls where he distanced himself from me were always suspect. I waved him off, "Fine, go. Just make sure you pay me back the money you owe!"


He smiled warmly, "I think you're the one obsessed with money. It's all you talk about." He picked up his bag and said, "I'm off!" before leaving.


I cursed inwardly. The Deng family was the real money grubbers, shamelessly eyeing our wealth. Even before I was dead, they were circling like vultures, hoping for a share. But the Lu family's money wouldn't be so easily taken.