The Truth Comes Out

As Sean took a step, he intentionally stumbled, prompting a startled cry from Arya, who immediately reached out to support him.


Perfect! They're holding each other now! I snorted coldly and muttered under my breath. It was like dry kindling meeting a blazing fire! I didn't need to imagine what would happen next; Sean's powerful arms pulled her tightly into his embrace.


Arya gave a half-hearted attempt to push him away but quickly succumbed.


I knew Arya wouldn't let me down.


As expected, her natural performance exceeded my expectations. It was even better than I had hoped for.


I had a thorough understanding of Arya after seeing the information Gabriel had dug up. She had long been a wildcat frequenting nightclubs.


Growing up in a family like hers, once she stepped out of that broken home, her greed would undoubtedly expand rapidly.


The $1500 Anna gave her was far from enough to satisfy her ever-growing vanity. So, I was sure that for Arya, that $1500 was an insult, and instead of feeling grateful, it only deepened her resentment towards Anna.


Especially when she saw Anna living in such luxury, it fueled her indignation. That was why, just a few days ago, she had a fierce argument with her sister when she first arrived.


Of course, it was that argument that made me certain she would never disappoint me if I gave her an opportunity.


Like a lurking beast ready to pounce, Arya had been waiting for this chance. And I provided her with the perfect opportunity.


From the moment she stepped into our home, I knew she had designs on Sean.


That night, Sean didn't return to our room.


I stayed awake until dawn, not because of Sean's insatiable greed—his depravity had long since left me disillusioned, disgusted, and filled with nothing but loathing after seeing those photos on his computer.


Moreover, given all the things he had done to me, he deserved nothing less than death.


I was planning my next steps, thinking about how to break free from this deadlock.


Should I use tonight's scene as a blow to Anna, forcing a confrontation between them?


But sometimes, events unfold in ways you can't anticipate.


While I was carefully plotting how to stir the pot, they had already made their move.


Just as dawn was breaking, I was finally drifting off when a furious shout woke me up.


I was certain something had gone wrong downstairs.


I sat up quickly, ready to get out of bed, but reason overrode impulse, and I decided to let things play out a bit.


The commotion downstairs seemed to be subdued and not as intense as I had expected.


I thought for a moment, then took off my slippers and lay back down, pulling the blanket over me as if nothing had happened, telling myself to sleep. Often, the best shows come later, and if I went downstairs now, it would only be awkward for me.


After a short nap, I woke up at my usual time, washed up, and leisurely went downstairs.


In the living room, Sean was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his phone.


In the kitchen, Arya was cooking.


"Where's Anna?" I asked casually. "Why are you cooking?"


"She's upstairs looking after Kyle," Arya replied, struggling to fry some eggs. "Madam, would you like milk or coffee?"


"I'll do it myself," I said slowly. I walked into the kitchen and saw the various ingredients on the counter, feeling a bit annoyed. What a waste of good food.


Pretending not to notice, I poured myself a glass of warm water and left the kitchen.


Sean looked up at me, surprisingly gentle. "Why are you up so early?"


"Are you being sarcastic? You're the one up early. What time did you come back last night? I didn't hear a thing."


I sat next to him, feigning suspicion. "Or did you not come back at all?"


"I came back late. You were sleeping soundly, and I didn't want to disturb you."


He lied without missing a beat.


"I planned to go to Linno City this morning, but I postponed it," he continued.


"How did yesterday's meeting go?" I asked. "Did you spend the whole afternoon there?"


"No, I went back to the office in the afternoon. Things are still uncertain. The competition is fierce, and there's no bottom line anymore."


He looked helpless, showing no sign of guilt.


I was curious about the agreement they had reached that made them so quiet.


At breakfast, the food on the table made me question life. I glanced at Arya and deliberately gasped, "What happened to your face?"


Arya's pale, almost anemic face had a dark red handprint on it, making me wince.


It seemed the fight was quite intense.


Instinctively, she covered her face and forced a smile. "I was fighting mosquitoes last night."


"You hit yourself?" I feigned disbelief. "You sure didn't hold back!"