The Open and Secret Struggles Between Sisters

I glanced at Sean, who was engrossed in devouring the overcooked eggs. He must be genuinely hungry—understandable, considering last night's physical exertion. Arya muttered to herself, "My skin is so sensitive, it bruises easily."


"Well, you should be more careful next time. It looks like you've been hit," I remarked bluntly.


At that moment, Anna came downstairs with Kyle, placing him in his high chair before heading to the kitchen to get him milk and a small piece of cake. She didn't say a word, her expression cold and distant.


When she sat down to feed Kyle, I asked casually, "Anna, did you sleep in today?"


Anna flinched, giving me a sidelong glance, her eyes evasive. "I think I might have caught a cold. I was feeling a bit sluggish."


I turned to Sean. "You should take Kyle to daycare today. Anna needs to rest with her cold. Arya, you can go with him and help with Kyle. It's on your way to work anyway."


Arya nodded enthusiastically, but before she could speak, Anna quickly protested, "Madam, it's not necessary. I can take him."


I looked at Anna with a hint of reproach. "It's not about whether you can or can't; I don't want you passing your cold to Kyle."


"Anna, let me handle it from now on," Arya chimed in, her smile challenging. "It's more convenient for me and Mr. Sean to take him, don't you think, Madam?"


Hearing Arya's words, I immediately understood her provocation towards Anna.


Since they were already at odds, I decided to support Arya. This girl had a fighter's spirit. "Alright, it's settled then. Arya, you'll handle Kyle's drop-offs and pick-ups from now on. Let me know if there are any special circumstances."


I turned to Sean with a satisfied smile. "This way, Anna doesn't have to make an extra trip. Kyle seems to be fond of Arya, and I wouldn't trust just anyone with him. Thank goodness Arya is here!"


Sean gazed at me lovingly. "Whatever you say. I'll fully support it."


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Anna's face turn pale with anger, her grip on the spoon so tight her knuckles were white. "Anna has been very tired lately. You should rest," I added indifferently.


After breakfast, Arya happily followed Sean with Kyle in tow, getting into the car and driving away.


Watching the car leave, I couldn't help but smile. I wanted Anna to see with her own eyes how her sister was replacing her. Since the opportunity was handed to me, I wouldn't let it slip away.


Turning back to the living room, I saw Anna pretending to tidy up the coffee table, looking like she wanted to say something but holding back.


I busied myself with my phone, ignoring her anxiety.


My mind was already on the next step. With the family conflict heating up, the Deng family shouldn't be left out either. As for Elena, there was no rush. I needed her to climb high before she could feel the fall.


However, I had to know when she first got involved with Sean. I needed all the details.


Anna, seemingly having made up her mind, finally approached me, her expression resolute. "Madam, you don't need to look after my sister so much."


Feigning surprise, I asked, "What do you mean? Don't you want me to help her?"


"I know my sister better than anyone. She's...trouble. She's not as innocent as she seems," Anna said delicately.


"Oh?" I leaned back on the sofa, feigning curiosity. "What's she really like? Tell me."


Anna hesitated, her face conflicted, but I waited patiently.


"In short... don't spoil her too much. She'll take advantage of it. I'll find her a place to stay soon."


"Alright then," I nodded. "I only helped her because she's your sister. If you want to handle it, go ahead. But, if she's out of your sight, won't she become even more troublesome?"


My words hit a nerve, and Anna's face grew more irritated. "I can't let her cause trouble here!"


"Really? She seems like a well-behaved girl to me," I smiled.


Anna snorted, then looked at me. "I need to go out for a bit. Don't worry about lunch."


I waved her off. "Go handle your business. I'll take care of lunch."


"Don't worry, I'll be back in time for dinner," she said firmly. Clearly, Arya had pushed her to the limit.


But I doubted Anna was looking for a place. She was under immense pressure, both at home and outside. Yesterday, the message she received during dinner had left her on edge.


I knew the reason. I had asked Inara to send her those intimate photos of Sean and Elena from an unknown number. I needed someone to lose their mind for the plan to unfold.


If Anna had a plan to deal with Elena, I would genuinely respect her.


Curious about her next move, I decided to follow her after she left the house.


Sure enough, Anna didn't go looking for a place. Instead, she met with a man—strong and muscular, in his thirties.


They seemed familiar with each other and walked into a café together.