Anna's Secret Support

It was a coincidence; I was quite familiar with that café. It had a backyard where one could park and a back door for entry. I parked my car in the nearby residential area and swiftly walked into the café. The café was filled with small cubicles, with few people sitting in the main hall. Those who came here usually had private matters to discuss and chose to sit in the cubicles.


I headed straight to the second floor. I had already seen where they had sat down, so I chose the adjacent cubicle and quietly slipped inside. To make eavesdropping easier, I sat on the side closest to them and ordered a cup of Blue Mountain coffee.


The cubicles here were not fully enclosed at the top, so the sound insulation wasn't great. From the adjacent cubicle, I could hear the man's gruff voice.


"Spill it. What do you need from me?"


"It's something important," came Anna's voice. "I need you to investigate something for me."


The man laughed sarcastically. "I knew it. You only remember me when you need something!"


"Could you not talk like that? I had no choice. Who else can I turn to? No matter what, you're the only one I trust!" Anna's tone carried a hint of resentment. "Do you think this is easy for me?"


"Easy or not, I don't know. But when you were living comfortably, I was nothing. You trust me? Ha! I'm nothing but a puppet to you, at your beck and call whenever you need."


The man's voice was filled with bitterness. "I must have owed you in a past life."


"Enough! And who owes whom? When you spend my money, I don't hear you complaining," Anna's voice had a tinge of anger.


I was a bit shocked. Anna had the guts to use Sean's money to keep a backup. She really had more sense than I gave her credit for.


"Don't bring up those small amounts. Just tell me what you need. Who do you want me to investigate?" The man seemed to relent and asked.


There was a pause before Anna spoke again. "This woman. I need you to find out who she is."


I realized that Anna must be asking about Elena.


"Ha! Who else could it be but that bastard's mistress? I told you, he's no good. If he can lay his hands on you, a nanny, he wouldn't stop there."


The man spat disdainfully. "I say, no need to investigate. Just take more of his money. That's the most practical! Next time he tries to transfer money using your card, just keep it. We can run away together. He's loaded; what can he do to us?"


I was startled. So Sean had been using Anna to transfer money. No wonder she was so loyal to him.


"Stop talking nonsense. There's something off here. Otherwise, he wouldn't treat me like this. No way. After all, I gave him..." Anna choked up. "You're so short-sighted, only seeing what's in front of you."


"Damn, you're really deep. Do you really think that Deng guy will marry you? Any fool can see he's just using you!"


The man's words were harsh but true.


But the truth is often harsh. Anna snapped, "Shut up! If you can't help, I'll find someone else!"


"Fuck, you have someone else? You're playing me? I've protected you since school, followed you to NorthSea City. Damn it, do you really think I'm just your tool?"


The man was getting angry. "Anna, don't push it. I'm still a man. I respect you because we've been through a lot together. Do you remember how you got to NorthSea City?"


As soon as he said that, Anna shushed him, lowering her voice, "Keep it down. The walls have ears!"


"You're scared now? When you were getting dirty, were you scared then?" The man's anger was palpable. "Damn, did you forget all these years while you lived comfortably? I've been hiding and running. Did you care?"


My heart pounded. Anna wasn't simple at all. This "getting dirty" the man mentioned must be significant. Why hadn't Gabriel's investigation turned this up? Inara's report only mentioned Anna's history of seducing her employers, but this hinted at something much deeper. The weight of this new information made my spine tingle.


"Joshua, you better keep your mouth shut!" Anna hissed, "Or none of us will survive."


This only confirmed that the matter was serious.


There was a long silence before Anna's voice softened. "Joshua, I remember everything you've done for me. I won't let you down! As long as I'm well, you'll be well too. This time, I won't let you help me for free."


It seemed Anna was changing tactics, opting for a gentler approach.


"Even if you find out, what can you do? Anna, let me remind you, that man is no good. You're too close to see clearly!"


Joshua's tone softened considerably, sounding almost fatherly.


"What do you know? If I wasn't sure, would I persist like this?" Anna countered. "I won't give up this opportunity easily. He owes me an explanation!"


"Are you sure?"


"Of course. Once he's decided, I'll win!" Anna said fiercely. "Even if I let go, he'll have to pay me a satisfactory price! I won't do this for nothing. Trust me."


"So you mean... you have something on him?" The man's voice lowered, tinged with excitement.


"More than just something!" Anna's tone was dismissive.


"Tell me. Can it work?" Joshua asked eagerly.


Anna snorted. "Knowing too much won't do you any good. Just find out about this woman for me! I can't let anything ruin my plan."


"Well... I need some funds. I'm strapped for cash right now," Joshua said, laughing hoarsely.


"Just do it. Be thorough!" Anna instructed impatiently.


Soon after, I heard a phone notification from the other side, followed by Joshua's complaint. "Twenty thousand? What can that do? Do you know how expensive it is to handle these things now? You think I can just find out everything with a photo? Am I a wizard? This needs professionals!"


"Just get it done. Once it's done, I'll give you another thirty thousand!" Anna replied irritably.