Elena Has a Son

"Anna, are you planning to make a move again?" The man's voice sounded worried. "Don't come looking for me this time!"

 "Ha! I have my ways!" Anna said confidently. "They won't find out! Besides, this was his idea. Once it succeeds, he can't back out."

 Her hint made me think of what she still had in her possession.

 "Alright then! I'll do my best," Joshua replied with a sarcastic laugh. "Let's go somewhere else. It's been a while. What's the point of sitting here drinking this dishwater?"

 "I have other things to do!" Anna deflected obviously.


"Come on, what's more urgent than my needs? One day won't make a difference. Let's go! I've been waiting for a long time; you need to take care of me!"


I knew exactly what the man meant by his urgent needs, and I cursed inwardly. This pair was really shameless.


There were some rustling sounds and Anna's irritated voice, "Enough, this isn't the place. Let's go!"


"Let's find a better place. When you need help, you have to show some respect, right?" The man insisted, clearly impatient.


"Fine, let's go!" Anna said coyly.


"That's the spirit. If he's playing around with other women, you shouldn't sit idle!" The man laughed lecherously, followed by the sound of the adjacent door opening.


I held my breath, listening as their footsteps faded away.


I pondered for a moment and then sent a message to Gabriel. Since someone was planning to make a move, I was more than happy to let Anna get what she wanted as soon as possible. Before I could leave, Inara called, asking where I was. I sent her my location, and she told me to wait there.


Before long, Inara stormed in, followed by Gabriel, who I hadn't seen in a while but was always in touch with.


Gabriel, being cautious, checked the adjacent cubicles to ensure no one was there before joining us.


He greeted me with a familiar nod and plopped down across from me, placing a thick file folder in front of me.


He raised his eyebrows at me, indicating, "Here! Everything you wanted!"


I quickly reached out, eager to open the folder and pour out its contents.


As I scanned the documents, a surge of excitement coursed through me. "This is incredibly efficient."


Gabriel shrugged proudly, looking smug.


The top document was about John, and it sent a chill down my spine. I hadn't expected such a malign presence within the Deng family.


Although I had always sensed that he wasn't a good person, I hadn't realized just how ruthless and complex he was.


Gabriel pointed confidently at the document in my hand. "That drug was John's doing. What I've found so far is just the tip of the iceberg. There's more to uncover, but it will take time. What I've found relates directly to you."


"The Deng family is a den of thieves, Chloe. When Chloe targeted you, everyone in the Deng family was involved!" Inara added. "You were right about the company's overhaul. It wasn't an overnight affair."


I looked up at Gabriel. "Any news about Christopher?"


Gabriel shook his head solemnly. "No, it's as if he vanished into thin air."


His words made my blood run cold.


"Gabriel, you must find him for me!" Even as I said it, I felt uncertain. Gabriel saying he had disappeared into thin air scared me.


"He's my schoolmate. Back then, he worked alongside me tirelessly. Every piece of equipment that entered the hospital was thanks to his connections. Without him, there would be no Danfeng Group today. The funding came from the Lu family, but the network was Christopher's. We must find him!"


Gabriel was silent for a moment. "Okay, I'll try my best. But I suspect... it's tied to John."


This was what I feared the most.


"As long as we find him, we'll know exactly what's happening in the company." My mouth twitched, but I controlled my emotions.


"The company's upheaval is closely related to Elena," Gabriel said, putting down his coffee and pointing to the pile of documents.


When Gabriel said that, I quickly turned my attention to the documents.


The information showed that after Sean officially took over Danfeng Company, Elena, as his secretary, was constantly by his side, helping him streamline existing clients, visiting both sales and suppliers.


Clearly, during this period, Sean must have won over Elena easily, and she became even more influential, becoming his chief assistant.


She helped Sean make drastic changes, gradually ousting my trusted veterans from the company.


Of course, John's tactics played a role in this, making them a sinister pair.


"Elena was crucial in Sean's regime change, a key contributor. That's why Sean valued her so much. During that period, Elena had half the power of life and death in the company. Some of those who were kicked out didn't even require Sean's intervention.


Later..." Gabriel hesitated before continuing, "Elena got pregnant, and Sean protected her completely, putting her in a behind-the-scenes role..."


"Pregnant?" I was shocked, looking at Gabriel.


Gabriel pulled out a photo from the documents. "This is her child with Sean! He's two years younger than your Gage, currently attending New Star International School. Elena has now become a full-time housewife!"


"New Star International School?" I exclaimed.


"Yes, the same school as Gage!" Gabriel confirmed with a nod. "He's a year below your Gage!"


Bitterness filled my mouth, and my heart pounded as if it would break, causing an acute pain.


"This is outrageous!" Inara couldn't hold back her anger and cursed, "That bitch."


"She has always been Sean's advisor, his most trusted assistant," Gabriel added.