Arranging to Place a Person in the Company

Gabriel leaned back on the sofa, "She's the one Sean is most satisfied with among his many women!"


"Of course, Elena has been indispensable for Sean's success."


Gabriel, unconcerned about my feelings, added, "Elena is indeed a ruthless player and the biggest beneficiary. Once you're out of the picture, she will definitely be legitimized."


Gabriel's words were blunt and straightforward.


I tightened my grip on the photo, crumpling it and distorting the image.


I lifted my gaze to Gabriel and said meaningfully, "Then give this information to Anna. Let her learn from it! The enemy of my enemy is a weapon!"


Gabriel understood immediately, whistling as he looked at me.


After a moment, he suddenly said, "Oh, by the way! Elena and John are also very close."


I was taken aback and quickly asked, "How close?"


"When dealing with those old hands, the Deng brothers were very close, and Elena was a major player in those actions. There's no escaping Elena's role as a strategist. Naturally, their interactions were close."


"What a scumbag!"


I cursed harshly, "Keep an eye on them and see if there's any leverage we can use! I must dismantle the Deng family's team!"




Gabriel gestured an affirmative.


"Chloe, you're right. If there's something between Elena and John, that's our breakthrough. The Deng family are nothing but animals, a bunch of beasts."


Inara cursed angrily.


"Another potential weakness is Genesis. She's extremely selfish and greedy!"


I told Gabriel, "I need an opportunity to showcase her selfishness. She's in charge of finances now. It would be a shame not to let her slip up!"


Gabriel chuckled, "Indeed, that's a good idea! I've checked; Genesis' husband isn't any better. He's long had grievances against the Deng family, so their marriage is rocky. Once Genesis gets a taste of the benefits, she won't be able to stop herself."


"That's perfect. We definitely need to set this trap!" Inara agreed.


I murmured, "I really want to return to the company!"


Gabriel immediately responded, "Chloe, now is not the time to go back. It's too easy to alert them! Besides, wouldn't it be awkward for you? You wouldn't be able to do anything!"


"But I want to monitor their internal affairs." I said with some frustration, "Right now, they're like a seamless egg. I don't know anything about what's going on inside. The current executives are all Deng's people, like a firewall. I can't do anything. The remaining old hands are few and insignificant, and I can't easily use them."


"Instead of going yourself, plant someone inside." He suggested directly.


My eyes lit up immediately, "Yes, if I have someone in the company, it would be much easier."


I looked at Gabriel expectantly, eager, "But I don't have anyone suitable at hand."


"Anyone close to you won't do. It has to be someone new. Think about it; infiltrating their core, they will certainly investigate thoroughly. Leave this to me!"


Gabriel volunteered for the task.


He continued, "Let him get close to Luke. Luke hasn't achieved much and is in desperate need of a trustworthy confidant to stabilize his position. He must be eagerly seeking talent now!"


"Ah, that's exactly what I was thinking!"


I clapped my hands, sincerely thanking him, "Thank you, Gabriel!"


Honestly, I'm increasingly impressed with Gabriel. Besides his sharp tongue, he's really capable.


I turned to Inara, asking, "Inara, have you found the lawyer I asked you about?"


"No problem!"


Inara exchanged a glance with Gabriel, "When do you need him?"


"Arrange a meeting as soon as possible. I want to consult on some legal matters."


I said simply.


"Regarding what?"


Gabriel looked at me seriously and asked.


I didn't want to be explicit, but Gabriel kept pressing, so I had to be honest, "Divorce!"


As soon as I spoke, Gabriel threw cold water on me, "You can't get a divorce now. Do you even need to ask a lawyer? Firstly, if Sean still thinks he can extract gold from you, he won't divorce you easily. Secondly, divorcing at this time would be of no benefit to you. You'd probably get nothing—no property, no house, not even the kids…"


Gabriel disheartened me, "What would you do if you ended up penniless?"


"She won't do it, and neither would I!" Inara immediately interjected, "Why should we? You know, the Danfeng Group was single-handedly built by the Lu family. It's almost like the Lu family moved from Red River City to NorthSea City. Others might not know, but I do. Uncle Lu put all his assets into NorthSea City. Now it's in Sean's hands, and he's enjoying all the glory. But what about the Lu family?"


Tears welled up in my eyes, "I'm so incompetent. Blind and foolish!"


"It's true, you've been quite foolish regarding Sean." Gabriel said bluntly, "But, Chloe, you're not hopelessly stupid!"


I was amused by his words, "Are you insulting or praising me?"


He laughed too, "Both, a bit of praise and criticism! The lawyer is no problem. I…"


"I'll find one for you, someone absolutely satisfactory and reliable."


Before Gabriel could finish, Inara cut him off.


I urged her again, feeling uneasy, "He must be reliable. You know, the Deng family has their hounds. I'm afraid of any slip-ups. It's not that I want to divorce right now, I just want to know my odds at this time. So I can prepare early. I've been too passive in many things. How can I turn passivity into initiative without breaking the law?"




Gabriel gave me a thumbs up.


I smiled wryly, "Even a clumsy bird has to start flying early!"


"You're not clumsy in other matters, just in judging people!"


Gabriel added, making Inara and me laugh.


"Oh, right! I almost forgot to ask you something."


I nearly forgot about the man Anna met earlier, "Gabriel, when you were investigating Anna, did you come across a man named Joshua?"


"Joshua? Yes, he seems to be Anna's classmate, always standing up for her. Whenever someone bullies Anna, he fights back."