The Man Called Dragon Lord

Back then, Anna was very isolated, and everyone called her a bastard child. But after Anna left home, I stopped paying attention to her.


"Investigate this Joshua. I suspect he's involved in some shady dealings with Anna!"


I recounted the earlier events to Gabriel and Inara.


Gabriel immediately became alert, looking at me, "I'll check it out right away!" He then got up and walked towards the door. Just before leaving, he turned back and said meaningfully, "I'll find you a lawyer!"


I watched his departing figure with confusion and asked Inara, "Is he really Andrew's cousin?"


"Yes!" Inara nodded firmly. "Absolutely!"


I clicked my tongue, shaking my head, "He's quite eccentric, really different from his cousin."


"You mean Andrew isn't eccentric?" Inara hinted, "Even among dragons, the nine sons are all different. Don't underestimate this guy, he's very reliable. Moreover, he has significant standing in the industry. He's not someone just anyone can use. A great figure, not easily moved!"




"Really! His industry nickname is Dragon Lord!" Inara said seriously. "Do you know what that means? Like a dragon, seen head but not tail, a mysterious figure! Especially in our industry, he's indispensable. And he's at the top."


Hearing Inara's explanation, my eyes widened, and I thought to myself, my goodness, how will I ever afford him in the future? I might escape this ordeal only to end up broke.


Inara seemed to read my mind and laughed, "Don't worry, he's helping you out of friendship."


"Are you sure?" I teased Inara, "From what you said, it sounds like I'd go bankrupt!"


Inara laughed heartily, then joked, "Isn't there still Andrew? What are you afraid of?"


"Cut it out! Better not mention him, no confidence there!" I quickly changed the topic, "I have a task for you."


"Go ahead, I'm always ready."


"Arrange a meeting, I want to see Elena!"


Inara was a bit surprised, her playful expression turning serious, "Really? What do you want to see her for?"


"To get in touch, after all, she was my old subordinate!" I said with hidden intentions, "Don't worry, I'll meet her in a friendly manner!"


"You want to find out something, huh?" Inara quickly caught on.


I looked at the photo of Elena with her family, smiled at Inara, "You understand me best! I need to test the depth of their relationship."


"Got it! Consider it done!" Inara patted my shoulder.


I reviewed the documents Gabriel had brought again, then handed them back to Inara, "Keep these safe for me. My place isn't secure."


Inara nodded, putting the documents in her bag.


We had a meal and chatted for a while before leaving through the back door together. I had to make it back home before Anna returned.


When I got home, Anna still hadn't come back. I lay on the sofa, my mind filled with the image of that family of three. Thinking of my three children, I felt a bit lost.


A hatred, like a spark igniting a prairie fire, threatened to consume everything.


But reason told me I had to regain everything, to make Sean fall from grace and never recover, to ensure Elena's total destruction.


By comparison, Anna was just a pawn, a puppet left by Sean to monitor me. She was too foolish to realize it.


As I was deep in thought, Anna returned with a large bag of groceries, looking quite cheerful. She seemed much more relaxed than when she left.


It appeared that her afternoon had gone smoothly, leaving her looking refreshed and glowing.


"Madam, didn't you go out for a walk?" Anna asked, seeing me lying drowsily on the sofa.


"No, too lazy to move!" I responded listlessly.


Anna put away the groceries and asked, "Madam, what would you like for dinner?"


I thought for a moment, then sat up, "Anything will do! I need to go out."


"What? Where are you going?" She asked.


I glanced at her, and she immediately realized she was overstepping. She smiled sheepishly.


I went upstairs, changed clothes, grabbed my car keys, and headed out. Before leaving, I told Anna, "I'm going to see Gage! I won't be back for dinner."


I got in the car and drove to New Star International School, an elite institution with both elementary and middle schools. My Gage was in the second grade.


Due to my health, Gage had been staying with the Deng family, looked after by his grandmother. It had been a long time since I last saw him.


When I arrived at the school, it was still early, so I parked a little further away and sat in the car, watching the school gate.


As the first-grade students started to be dismissed, I sat up straight, eyes fixed on the gate, searching for Elena among the parents picking up their kids.


I hadn't seen her in years. Thinking back, it was my own naivety and overconfidence that led to my downfall. I had trusted Sean and Elena too much.


Now, looking back, my last conversation with her before I left, asking her to assist Sean, seemed utterly foolish. The depth of their betrayal was more painful than being skinned alive. The anger from that betrayal could destroy everything.


I had to admit, the world was heartless, and people were fickle!


Finally, I spotted her in the crowd. She was wearing a light yellow knitted dress, accentuating her curves, with a brown scarf and a matching limited edition Hermès bag.


Her long wavy hair was styled in a princess cut, exuding an elegant and noble aura.


Her face, which wasn't particularly beautiful, was now radiantly charming, enhanced by the yellow dress, making her look even more attractive.


A quintessential wealthy wife!


I instinctively glanced at myself in the rearview mirror—short, yellowed hair, a pale face that had long lost its glow. This was an improvement after taking the antidote; I had looked almost ready for the morgue when I first woke up.