True Colors and Perfect Personas

Her words pierced my heart like an ice pick, sending tremors through every cell in my body. Image?

I sneered inwardly. I would love to pay attention to my image, but isn't this all the handiwork of the Deng family?

Such hypocrisy, truly treating me, Chloe, as the fool, taking my profits while still wanting to feast on my blood.


Using me up and then discarding me like an old workhorse. Elena indeed has a good image, but she used my money, Chloe's money, to polish her facade. Now she has the audacity to criticize my image.


I remembered the times when Aaliyah had dried vegetables hanging all over the walls, and she worried about food, drink, and clothing for her children.

Now, adorned with pearls around her neck and gold chains on her wrists, she flaunted wealth.

Despite only enjoying a few days of good life, she was already despising my image. Someday, I'll make her return to her previous state.


I gritted my teeth, composed myself, and led Gage to sit on the sofa with calm dignity.

I met Aaliyah's eyes with neither humility nor arrogance, replying, "Mom, even sickness has its good days. One has to step out eventually."


I adjusted my short hair, "I lost a lot of hair during my illness, so I cut it. Preserving my life is more important, right?

Indeed, I should pay more attention to my image. Clearly, even you can't bear to look at me!"


Aaliyah's face was cold, a stark contrast to her demeanor with Elena. She glared sharply at Gage, "Why aren't you doing your homework?"


Gage flinched and tried to withdraw his hand, but I tightened my grip, refusing to let go. I looked at Aaliyah, "Mom, has Gage upset you?"


"Ask him yourself. I worry about him at school, always losing things, getting into fights with classmates. There's not a day of peace. I must have owed you all in a past life!"


"Then I'll take him back with me. Clearly, he's been a burden. You deserve a break; I'll take care of him for a few days."


I subtly retorted, "After all, a Deng child is bound to be mischievous."




"I remember you once told me that Deng children are always mischievous but still turn out well even without studying. Look, you were right. Now they're all doing well in the company!"


I continued with a light smile, "I'll take him back for a while. You can rest."


"No way, Sean said you're too sick to take care of the kids!" Aaliyah quickly retorted, clearly not expecting this move from me. "You should focus on getting well."


"Recovering is important, but it doesn't prevent me from looking after my children. Your health matters too. Illnesses come without warning. I almost didn't make it. Luckily, I survived. The company is everyone's concern. It's only right I take care of my own children."


I stood up, "I won't be staying for dinner. I'll take Gage out to eat and educate him."


"What do you mean by that? He was left here since he was little. Can't I discipline him a bit? You come and want to take him away immediately. Am I mistreating him? You're always sickly, barely alive. What if you get worse again? Who's the child supposed to listen to?"


Aaliyah's face twisted in anger, her words sharp and unpleasant.


"He'll listen to whoever is right!" My tone hardened. "You've disciplined him well; otherwise, he wouldn't be successful! I'll be careful this time, no more being barely alive!"


"Just taking him without notice—how do I explain to Sean?" She blocked my way.


"Mom! I'm just taking the child home for a few days. What's there to explain? If Sean has an issue, I'll call him and ask."


I showed no intention of backing down. Just as I was about to call Sean, he walked in. What a coincidence. My visit must have been reported to him. It was timely.


Sean walked in, seeing our situation, and asked with a smile, "What's going on here?"


Before I could speak, his mother, the true culprit, accused me, "It's Chloe! She wants to take the child back without even informing us. Can she look after him in her sickly state? I doubt she can even take care of herself!"


She called me by my name with utter disdain, her tone devoid of the kindness she used with Elena. I didn't respond, watching coldly with a smile.


Aaliyah glanced at me and then at Sean, realizing she almost misspoke.


I pressed, "Like what?" Knowing well she wanted to compare Gage to Elena's well-behaved child.


I clenched my fists, watching Sean's face closely.


Sean's eyes tightened briefly before he turned to his mother, "Mom, what are you saying? Chloe missed the child. She's been sick for so long and just recovered. She came to see him. If she wants to take him, let her. What's the problem?"


I continued to smile, watching their performance. One showing true colors, the other playing a perfect persona, like an idol drama. The image of the perfect husband, the heartwarming words—it almost moved me to tears.


Even Aaliyah didn't realize her son's intentions, blinking in confusion at Sean.


Sean then turned to his mother, "Mom! Help Gage pack some clothes. We'll take him home for a few days. If it doesn't work out, we'll bring him back."


Aaliyah glared at Sean, about to protest, but he quickly hugged her shoulders with a smile, "Go on! Don't worry. We have a nanny at home. It'll be fine!"


Aaliyah reluctantly relented, turning to pack Gage's clothes. It was clear Sean had signaled her to comply.


Moments later, she called from inside, "Sean, come here."


Sean shrugged at me and said, "Wait a moment. I'll be right back!"


I watched his back with a cold sneer, then looked down at Gage standing silently beside me, "Don't worry. Mom will take you home to play with your little brother, okay?"


Gage looked up at me, eyes filled with fear but said nothing.