A Bunch of Good-for-Nothings  

As expected, my words piqued his interest immediately. He looked up at me cautiously and asked, "Really?"


"Of course, mommy's illness is cured!" I emphasized, because I wasn't sure what exactly Anna had told the kids in that video, which had scared them into running away. But I knew this was not the time to question Gage about it.


I pulled him onto the bed, intending to coax him into talking more. However, Sean walked in, seeing Gage and me lying on the bed, and sat down beside us. Gage's previously relaxed expression tensed up again.


Before I could ask Sean to leave, his phone rang. He glanced at it and turned it off immediately. Then, he smiled at Gage, patting his head perfunctorily, "Son, are you sleepy? If you are, go to sleep..."


Before he could finish, the phone rang again. He got up and said to me, "I'm going to take a shower! Son, go to sleep now, alright!"


I directly asked, "Why don't you answer the phone?"


He replied dismissively, "Genesis!"


I considerately said, "Then answer it! If she's calling this late, it must be important."


"It's about the payment. I need to check the report to respond to her."


He really had a way with lies. If I wasn't mistaken, it was probably Elena calling. Sean quickly left Gage's room after his excuse. I ignored him and continued chatting with Gage.


Most of the conversation was me talking. Even so, I enjoyed it, happily playing a solo act. Nothing mattered more than my children, and I was determined to bring Gage out of his shell.


After talking until Gage fell asleep, I was exhausted and went back to my room, too tired even to take a shower. Just as I was drifting off, Sean, fully dressed, appeared at my bedside, wearing a fawning smile. "You go ahead and sleep. I need to go to the office. There's a discrepancy in the accounts, and I need to check it. I don't have that account on the home computer, and I have to make the payment tomorrow!"


Hearing this, I immediately perked up and replied firmly, "No, you're not going. What accounts need checking in the middle of the night? Why the rush to make a payment tomorrow? Who called you? I'll tell them if they can't handle such a small matter, they should quit. Sean, today's issue isn't over! I'm exhausted today and need to sleep. You're not going anywhere!"


Honestly, since our marriage, it was the first time I spoke to him in such a tone and with such a strong attitude. Sean, who had never seen me so firm, was stunned, staring at me for a long time without reacting.


I think the key issue was that he didn't understand what I meant by "today's issue isn't over," but anyone with a guilty conscience knows what they've done. He stood by the bed for a long time before reluctantly changing his clothes, turning off his phone, and staying put.


When he lay down, he reached out to snuggle up to me. As soon as his body touched mine, I slapped his hand away. "I told you, I'm exhausted!"


Inside, I was cursing him. Did he think I was one of those cheap women who gets turned on at a touch? Sean was visibly taken aback and let out a sarcastic laugh. "It's been a while since we've done it, honey. I miss you!"


His voice gave me goosebumps, and I almost gagged. I quickly moved away from him and snapped, "You know my health condition. I can barely manage daily tasks, let alone have the energy for this?"


"Then why insist on picking up the kids?"


Sean's irritation was apparent as he retorted.


"And don't think I haven't noticed," I flipped over to face him, locking eyes. "During my illness, did you ever go see Gage? Do you think just dumping him at your mom's house is enough?"


"Wasn't I busy?"


Sean tried to defend himself. "Leaving him with my mom, you shouldn't worry. How could there be any changes?"


"Changes?" I was furious, raising my voice. "You're busy? Everyone in the family works at the company, yet you're the only one busy? You can't even spare a moment to spend with your child? What's the point of having them if they're useless? The company is supposed to improve our life quality, not just feed a bunch of freeloaders. If they can't handle even this, they should all go. I'm not dead yet; I'll take over again without those good-for-nothings!"


I spoke very directly. Damn it, if I don't put pressure on you, you really think I'm a pushover.


My words hit home. Sean's wandering hand stopped abruptly. He pulled back, looking annoyed. "Do you have to be so harsh?"


"Harsh?" I looked at him seriously, my gaze piercing. "Is it harsh? Am I wrong? Aren't they just a bunch of useless people? You're the only one busy, losing family money, while they all live it up. Are you running a charity? And then they have the nerve to call me a beggar? Did I beg at your house? Did Dengfeng get a single cent from your family?"


I didn't bother with insinuations and directly tore into him. Damn it, they really thought I was a pushover.


Realizing my tone was off, Sean softened immediately, wrapping his arm around my waist and nuzzling close. "I was wrong. I neglected that. See, we started talking about the kids and ended up on the company."