Who Have You Been Caring About?

"Do you think you're justified when it comes to the children?" I countered.


Sean smiled appeasingly, "I thought, how could there be any problem with my mom looking after her grandson?"


I felt a wave of nausea and pushed his body away as he tried to get closer. "Your mom?"


"No matter how well she takes care of him, she is still his grandmother, not his father. He is your son! What have you been focusing on that you didn't notice the changes in Gage?"


Looking into his eyes, I asked pointedly, "If you don't pay attention to your own son, who have you been paying attention to?"


Sean was taken aback by my words, feeling a bit guilty. "What do you mean? What's going on?"


"What's going on? You call someone else your son, yet you ignore your own. Thankfully, my illness suddenly improved; otherwise, Gage might have been beyond saving! He might have ended up like me!"


"You're being unreasonable! When have I ever called anyone else my son? That's impossible, don't let your imagination run wild!"


Sean's eyes darted away as he lay back. "You're right to criticize me. I'll pay more attention from now on."


Worriedly, I said, "I suspect our child might have mild autism."


Sean immediately dismissed it with a laugh. "Chloe, you're exaggerating. It's not that serious. You're scaring yourself."


"Scaring myself? He's been neglected in your family, don't you know that? When I visited today, your mom was harshly scolding him, slamming the table. He's so young, what could he have done wrong to deserve such verbal abuse? He was terrified, like a little mouse! I can't imagine what he has gone through. How can you, as his father, allow this? He is your biological son, and they treat him like this!"


The more I spoke, the angrier I got, and I sat up suddenly. "Sean, I'm telling you, this matter isn't over. I used to turn a blind eye, but today, you've truly disappointed me. Other issues aside, I won't budge an inch when it comes to our children. If Gage doesn't return to his former lively self, Sean, we're not done!"


"You're overthinking. How could it be? My mom loves the kids!" Sean still tried to argue, and I couldn't stand it.


"You still deny it? You saw how your mom scolded me, right? She can treat me like that in front of our children. What can't she do? Tell me!"


"Without me, where would you be today? Enjoying my benefits, then biting the hand that feeds you. The Deng family is truly domineering!"


Sean looked at me coldly, the emotions in his eyes obscure and intimidating.


After all, this beast wanted to get rid of me. But now, this is a game of survival. If I win, my children will be safe. If I lose, I lose everything.


I couldn't give that bitch any ground; she crossed my line, and I will not forgive her.


I was gambling that the Lu family still had value, still an enticing piece of meat he hadn't drained.


Once this chip devalues, I won't be able to reverse my fate. I have to go all out.


Only during this period when my value is still high can I break this stalemate. This is my winning card.


From the moment I unexpectedly picked up Gage today, I became clearer. My life and death don't matter, but my children must escape the hell they've been put in.


I stood my ground, not giving an inch, my momentum unyielding.


"Honey, I was wrong!" Sean softened. "I'll pay more attention and be a good father."


I smiled bitterly inside. You might be a good father, but not to my children.


"Next term, Caroline won't board anymore. She'll be a day student," I demanded. "After all, they are still young."


"Can you handle that?" Sean asked, pretending to be concerned.


"Whether I can or not, I have to. Children should live in a harmonious environment. Neglecting them is not in my nature! Since I'm not dead, they all come home!" I spoke with undeniable certainty.


I lay back down slowly, truly exhausted and barely able to hold on.


"Alright, we'll do as you say." He conceded. "Not mad anymore?" He moved closer again.


"Sleep! We need to take Gage to school tomorrow." With that, I closed my eyes.


I felt a rising anxiety. It seemed I really had to return to Red River City.


The next day.


I went straight to Gage's room as soon as I got up.


I found Anna already there, which annoyed me. "From now on, I'll take care of Gage. You don't need to worry about him. Go prepare breakfast; Gage has to get to school."


She handed me Gage's clothes and left. I noticed that Gage wasn't as clingy with her as he appeared in the video. This was a good sign.


Kyle was still young, and I needed time to win him over. Besides, my health was still not at its best; I needed a buffer.


I didn't see Arya at the breakfast table and didn't bother asking. After taking care of Gage and making sure he ate, I drove him to school. He seemed visibly happier today and waved at me before running in.


I smiled, watching him enter the building before getting back into the car.


Exhausted, I drove home and called Gabriel to make sure he had someone watching Sean and Elena.


I needed to put some pressure on Elena.


Gabriel chuckled mischievously, "Sis, don't worry! I'll make sure Sean is overwhelmed. The person I arranged will be in place today."


"So soon?" I was surprised at the efficiency.


"Why, do you think it's too fast? We can take it slow?" he teased.


"No way. They've been enjoying themselves for too long, forgetting who their master is!" I joked, feeling good about last night's confrontation with Sean. I needed him to constantly remember his place.


Gabriel laughed on the other end. "Sis, I love it when you're sassy! But I must remind you, don't ever sleep with Sean again. He's definitely infected!"


I felt awkward. Thankfully, it was a phone call, or it would've been even more embarrassing.