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I put aside my phone, not wanting to look at it anymore, and lay down for a bit longer.

No, I have to get rid of these demon sisters as soon as possible.

When Anna came back, she brought Kyle with her. I took the child and casually asked, "Why were you out for so long?"

She forced a smile and explained that she was looking for a place for Arya.

I didn't press further; it was obvious she was lying. Arya was not someone she could easily evict.

I secretly observed her expression while she cooked in the kitchen. She seemed a bit distracted. I guessed she had gone to confront Joshua but judging by her demeanor, she definitely didn't win.

I was secretly pleased. This way, with trouble coming at her from all sides, her attention wouldn't be solely focused on me.


When I picked up Gage from school today, I didn't see Elena, which puzzled me a bit.

Gage must have known I was coming to pick him up today. He came out especially early, and from a distance, I saw his face light up with joy as he ran towards me and grabbed my hand.

I happily ruffled his hair, his big eyes full of smiles.

Some parents who knew him asked, "Gage, who is this?"

He looked at me and said proudly, "My mom!"

It was clear he was showing off.

On the drive home, I kept talking to him, and he answered all my questions quickly.

I was relieved and felt it was a wise decision to bring him back.


In the evening, Arya came back by herself. I deliberately asked her why her husband didn't come home with her. She, with a dutiful look, stayed close to me, helping with the children, and reported that there seemed to be some problem at the company and Mr. Deng was very busy today, so she didn't dare to ask when he would get off work.

As she was speaking, Sean called me, saying there was an issue with the equipment sold to the hospital and it was troublesome, so he would be home late.

After comforting him a bit, I hung up.

I thought to myself, Gabriel must have made Sean very busy, and it was probably about this issue.

Sean indeed came home very late. As soon as he entered the room, his phone kept ringing. He irritably hung up.

It seemed like a big deal. He was very tired and distractedly asked me, "Are the kids asleep?"

"They've been asleep for a while! The boys played late, and the little one refused to go to bed!"

I smiled and reported to him, still the dutiful wife, and asked, "Do you want something to eat? I can make you something!"

He shook his head, tossed his phone onto the cabinet by the bathroom door, and went to take a shower.

The phone rang persistently again. Sean, still wet from the shower, quickly came out, grabbed the phone, and went back in. Shortly, a frustrated low growl came from inside, "… It's a company issue, I'm very busy… don't make trouble!"

Then there was no sound, just the continuous sound of running water.

When he came out, he dried himself hastily and lay down on the bed. I asked with concern, "Are you very tired?"

"Not feeling well," he said hoarsely, pulling the blanket over himself and stopped talking.

I tenderly touched him and exclaimed, "You're running a fever!"

"Mm," he lazily responded.

"Let me get you some medicine," I nagged but didn't move.

He mumbled, "Don't bother..."

I sneered inwardly, then fine, I won't bother.

Soon, he curled up and fell into a deep sleep, breathing evenly. He seemed to be quite feverish, but I couldn't be bothered to check his temperature.

Facing someone who wanted to destroy me, I wasn't going to be so kind.

But I was a bit unsatisfied. Why wasn't there any message from Elena? I wanted to confirm if that Blue Enchantress was Elena.

So, I took his car keys and quietly went downstairs.

The night was deep and silent, the small lights in the garage were dim, making it unusually cold. I couldn't help but shiver.

I deftly opened the car door, leaned in, and felt around the place where he usually kept his phone, but didn't find his other phone.