Cold Medicine

I was a bit puzzled. He definitely left it here last time. Could it be that he took that phone upstairs? Impossible. He's always meticulous, and that phone is extremely important to him. There's no way he'd be careless with it.

Especially since he stopped my medication, seeing my gradual recovery, he should be even more cautious.

But no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find it.

How strange! Exhausted and panting, I was just about to leave when a voice suddenly sounded behind me, startling me into a scream... "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

In the silent, dim garage, the sudden voice nearly scared me to death. I turned around sharply to see Anna standing behind me in a thin nightgown, and I hadn't heard a sound from her.

My mind went blank, cursing inwardly. Damn it! I then plopped onto the seat, breathing heavily, clutching my chest to calm my racing heart.

The next second, I glared at her and shouted angrily, "What are you doing? Sneaking around like a ghost without making a sound. Do you know you could scare someone to death?"

I closed my eyes, my mind racing, trying to figure out how to handle this household spy.

Anna looked at me, stunned by my outburst.

"What are you doing wandering around in the middle of the night, sneaking around following me?" I preemptively questioned loudly. She was rendered speechless.

"I... I saw you... so I followed you down." She stammered, clearly feeling guilty.

I shot her a glare, then stood up, tidying up the mess in the car. In a moment of quick thinking, I grabbed a box of medicine and a thermometer from the storage compartment.

With a cold expression, I locked the car with the keys and walked back inside.

Though I appeared nonchalant, inside I was panicking. How did she know I went downstairs and followed me here?

If she reports this to Sean, it will definitely arouse his suspicion.

As I walked, I glanced down, feeling a bit relieved to see that the box contained cold medicine. It must have been bought during the recent flu season by Sean, and it saved me this time.

Anna followed me back to the house. I coldly told her, "Get me a glass of water."

She looked at me, confused, then went to get a glass of water and followed me upstairs. Seeing her come in, I opened the thermometer box, checked it under the light, then climbed onto the bed next to Sean, lifted his arm, and placed the thermometer under it.

Anna watched the whole process, stunned. She stammered, "Is... is Mr. Sean sick?"

I glared at her and retorted, "What do you think?"

"I... I didn't mean anything. I didn't follow you on purpose. I just saw you go out in the middle of the night..." Anna stuttered.

"Anna, get this straight. This is my house. I can go out whenever I want. But you, wandering around and following me in the middle of the night, what are you up to? Do I have a problem going out in the middle of the night in my own house?"

I aggressively questioned her, "Can't I move around freely in my own home?"

Anna looked embarrassed, unable to respond.

"Then I'll leave now!" She regretfully took a step back. I immediately called her back, "Stay there!"

She stopped and looked at me, confused.

"Check his temperature and help me give him the medicine!" I said coldly.

After a while, I took out the thermometer and checked it under the light. Anna, looking anxious, asked, "What's the temperature?"

I deliberately replied with worry, "39.2 degrees. Why is it so high?"

"What should we do? Ma'am, maybe we should take him to the hospital!" Anna stepped forward, looking genuinely worried.

I shot her a sharp look, and she stopped abruptly. I gestured to her, "Give me the medicine."

She quickly handed me the box I had just grabbed. I read the instructions, took out two pills, and had Anna pass me the water. Holding Sean's head, I pried open his clenched teeth, tossed the pills in, and then gave him the water.

He groggily struggled a bit. I gently said, "Don't move. Your fever is too high. You need to take the medicine."

I acted the part perfectly, inwardly thanking this jerk for having a fever tonight.

Otherwise, it would have been hard to get through this.

He mumbled a bit, swallowing the pills. During this, I saw Anna pick up the thermometer to check.

To complete the act, I placed Sean back on the pillow and leaned down to press my forehead against his, sighing.

Then I got out of bed, took the water cup, and walked out, telling Anna, "Go back to sleep! And don't sneak around again! It's terrifying!"

She followed me out meekly. I went downstairs while she returned to her room.

On the way downstairs, I glanced at her closed door. Quickly, I grabbed the medicine box and stashed the fever medicine in my bra... After doing all this, I returned the medicine box to its place, filled a cup with water, and calmly went back to the room.

I did this because I feared Anna might get suspicious and check the medicine box. If she saw fever medicine in there, my story wouldn't hold.

As I left the room, I deliberately said something to stop her from following me.

I was certain she wouldn't dare openly confront me yet.

I put down the water cup and quickly took out the medicine. One look at the box made me smile. It was truly destiny; even fate was on my side.

The expiration date showed the medicine was expired. I kept a few pills and flushed the rest down the drain.

Returning to the bed, I tossed the medicine box into the bedside drawer, just in case.

Then I got into bed, listening for any sounds outside. All was quiet.

But I was sure Anna wouldn't give up easily. She would definitely check the medicine box to see if I was lying.

I sighed. Even in my own home, I had to be on my guard. Not even TV dramas dared to go this far.