Seeds of Resentment

Elena's curiosity was piqued by my statement. She was clearly interested.


"Why do you feel that way?" she asked.


"Becoming a full-time housewife is the beginning of losing oneself. Sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't chosen to step back, I wouldn't be so idle now. It might seem peaceful, but it's actually a hidden danger. Look at my illness—where did it come from? Frankly, it seemed to appear out of nowhere."


I looked at her. "Fortunately, I'm tough and came back around!"


Elena gave an awkward smile. "You've achieved so much, how can that be losing oneself? After all, returning to the family is a woman's ultimate role."


I replied with a meaningful tone, "But some opportunities, once missed, lose their value. For me... it depends on whether I want to take on the responsibility."


I deliberately left some ambiguity in my words, letting her imagination run wild and indirectly sending a message to Sean.


"Mr. Deng treats you so well!" Elena said insincerely.


"Not necessarily. Feelings aren't static. But certain assets still matter! If I lose my value, who knows? But luckily, I don't lose my assets easily. It's my good fortune to remain stable amid change!"


As I spoke, I didn't even look at her. I wanted her to understand that one must have self-awareness. I believed that, smart as she was, she would grasp the implication of my words.


It seemed today's objective was achieved. Once the seeds of conflict were planted, they would soon take root and grow. After planting these seeds, I excused myself, citing my health. Before leaving, Gabriella deliberately added me to a group named "Top-Notch Hot Commodities."


I was puzzled and looked at Gabriella. "What does this mean?"


She exchanged a glance with Inara and laughed, "A group for rich ladies!"


I glanced at Elena, still sitting in the corner. "Is she in it too?"


"Of course! If not, we'll add her soon," Inara said matter-of-factly. "Didn't you say you couldn't find her WeChat?"




I instantly understood Inara's intention. Indeed, I wanted to get Elena's WeChat. Somehow, I always felt that the blue enchantress on Sean's phone was significant.


After exchanging pleasantries, I headed downstairs, and Elena followed me into the elevator.


"Aren't you staying a bit longer?" I asked.


"No, I can't leave my child alone at home," she responded casually, then suddenly looked at me, as if realizing she had slipped, and quickly added, "My husband is coming to pick me up."


I pretended not to care.


But as we stepped out of the club, I realized she was challenging me again, overestimating herself.


A car was parked at the entrance, with Sean leaning against it, smoking. His posture clearly indicated he was there to pick someone up, but I knew he wasn't there for me, as he had no idea I was attending this gathering.


The moment he saw us emerge together, Sean's eyes narrowed sharply, then returned to normal. He stubbed out his cigarette and walked over, taking my bag and putting his arm around me. "Tired?"


Inara, with a sarcastic tone, said, "If you want to show off, do it at home! Who are you putting on an act for?"


I smiled coquettishly, leaning into Sean's embrace. "You came to pick me up?"


Sean looked at me tenderly. "Who else?"


"That's hard to believe. I don't remember informing you! Do you have a crystal ball, seeing where I go?" I teased.


As he guided me to the car, he explained, "I had dinner with Nathan. He mentioned his wife was hosting a gathering here. Before dinner, I called home, and Anna said you were out and wouldn't be back for dinner. After we finished, I called home again, and Anna said you still hadn't returned. I guessed you might be here, so I wanted to surprise you!"


He smiled at me. "And I was right!"


Sean's explanation was quite convincing. If I didn't know better, I might have believed him.


At the car, he let go of me, looked me up and down, and gently ruffled my short hair. "Turns out short hair suits you! I realize now I had a bias in my aesthetic judgment before."


I grabbed his mischievous hand. "Your mother is here too! Should we wait for her?"


"No need. She'll have her own plans. Besides, with her habits, she won't leave so quickly!"


Sean looked at me intently, his eyes filled with admiration and greedy desire. It was a natural greed, probably because he hadn't expected me to be so rejuvenated.


Inara got into her own car, rolled down the window, and called out, "I'm heading off first!"


I pretended to notice Elena just then, turning back to look at her. She stood there, stunned, watching the interaction between Sean and me.


"Elena, how are you getting home?" I asked deliberately, genuinely grateful she had called me a car.


Then I looked up at Sean. "Shall we give Elena a ride?"


"Sure!" He turned to Elena and asked, "Where do you live?"


Elena walked over slowly, her face pale, and gave her address.


To my surprise, Sean firmly said, "That's out of our way. Miss Wu, you'd better get a cab to avoid delaying everyone."


His blunt words were unequivocal. I wondered what kind of mindset he had to be so ruthless, even after having a child with her.


I saw Elena's expression collapse instantly, her lips twitching, her hand clutching her bag turning white at the knuckles.


Sean, as if not seeing her reaction, shifted his gaze back to me. "The kids have been waiting too long. I'm worried about them."


His ruthlessness was absolute, but I felt genuinely satisfied.


I looked at the disappointed Elena and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Elena, the kids have been waiting too long. I can't stay too long!"


Elena quickly waved her hand. "It's fine, I called a car."


"Then we'll be off!"


I waved at her before getting into the car. Sean bent over to buckle my seatbelt, then closed the door and got in the car himself, not sparing Elena a single glance.