Foolish Bragging

In the rearview mirror, I saw Elena standing there, watching our car drive away, and then she angrily threw her bag to the ground. I almost laughed out loud, thinking to myself, "Don't worry, I have an even bigger gift for you."


These past few days, Sean has been behaving strangely, coming home on time every day and even bringing Caroline back for the weekend. Our family, rare as it is, was together, and I felt a mix of emotions. Watching the three children running around upstairs and downstairs, I kept wishing that nothing had changed.


Sometimes, I really hoped it was all just a nightmare, but deep down, I knew there was no going back. Another thing that made me extremely anxious was Sean's condition. I was convinced he had contracted a venereal disease because he had been having unexplained fevers recently. Each time, he took antipyretics and got better. I urged him to go to the hospital, but he always found excuses to avoid it. Meanwhile, I used his fever as an excuse to keep him away from the children, preventing him from getting too close to them.


Caroline's attitude towards me remained indifferent. Despite my efforts to be close to her, she remained distant, often responding with "You're so annoying" or "That's my private business" when I pressed her. She was closer to Anna than to me, which made me anxious but there was nothing I could do. However, when I suggested we go to Red River City for the summer, she seemed excited.


These past few days, the two sisters have been getting along well, seemingly at peace. Since the night Anna caught me searching the car, Sean's suspicion of me hasn't dissipated. He still tests me by placing the two phones in plain sight, but I ignore them completely.


Sean even asked me to hand him one of the phones, and I did so without hesitation, never glancing at it. When we sent Caroline back to school, everything returned to normal. Sean called, saying he had a business trip to Linno City. I knew he was going to see Elena.


This made me ecstatic; it was time for him to get closer to Elena. I played the role of the dutiful wife, constantly reminding him to stay safe, drink less, rest more, and not stay up late since his cold hadn't fully healed. I nagged like an old woman, but my happiness was indescribable because I had finally delivered the big gift I prepared for Elena.


I secretly called Gabriel to confirm, and sure enough, his informant reported that Sean went to the community where Elena lived. I told him to pass this information to Joshua.


That evening, when I went to pick up Gage, Elena approached me. She looked radiant and glowing, like a flower nourished by rain, clearly here to show off. I cooperated, asking, "Why do you look so good today?"


Unable to hide her smugness, she replied, "My husband came back from his business trip!"


"Why didn't he come with you to pick up the kids?" I asked, playing along.


"I didn't let him. He just got back and needs to rest," Elena said, looking very pleased with herself. "He's so lazy, just lying in bed and not wanting to get up!"


"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? You should pamper him!" I teased, not withholding my praise. "You're such a good wife! It's a waste for you to be a full-time housewife!"


"Oh, well, he wants me to prepare for a second child. I'm worried," she said smugly. "He insists on having another daughter. Chloe, what do you think I should do?"


"Of course, go for it! Having a daughter is different. If you're capable, you should definitely have one!" I encouraged her, my schadenfreude barely concealed. Want a second child? You should be more careful!


"Alright, I'll take your advice, sister, and try for another daughter!" Elena laughed deeply.


"Better get to it!" I urged.


Her laughter grew louder, and her gaze at me was inscrutable. I knew she thought I was a fool, but that was just what I wanted. The one who laughs last laughs best! Watching her happily take her child, waving at me from afar, I smiled.


I took out my phone and called Inara, giving her a few instructions. Inara listened and laughed twice, saying, "No problem!"


Before I even got home, my mother-in-law called, asking why her son's phone was off. I told her the truth, that he was on a business trip.


The old lady promptly hung up. I couldn't help but smile, thinking Inara was very efficient.


During dinner, Inara called, and I excused myself to return her call via video. She laughed gleefully, "They've started fighting... haha, they're fighting!"


"That quickly?" I was surprised. Although I anticipated a good show, I didn't expect it to happen so soon.


"These two are well-matched, equally fierce. They're definitely combat-ready," Inara laughed openly. "Hold on, I'll send you a video!"


"What? You have footage?" I was even more surprised, quickly asking, "How did you get it?"


"Know thy enemy, know thyself, and you will be victorious in every battle. You underestimate Gabriel's team. He had someone move in next door to her a long time ago!" Inara said smugly. "Everything is firsthand information."


"Wow, that's professional!" I couldn't help but be impressed, also thinking about the future costs.


"Absolutely! Now let me show you what professionalism looks like!" Inara boasted.


The screen flickered off, and then she sent a video, the footage very clear. In the video, my meddlesome mother-in-law rushed out of an elevator, heading straight for Elena's door. From her demeanor, it was obvious she was furious.


At the door, without hesitation, she banged on it with great force, the sound echoing down the hallway.


Soon, a woman's voice came from inside, asking, "Who is it?"


The question was disingenuous; the video doorbell inside would have already shown who it was.