Worse Than a Beast

I quickly switched to another screen and saw Sean entering the study first, with Anna following closely behind. She cautiously checked the hallway before slipping inside.


In the study, Sean went straight to the sofa, sat down, crossed his legs on the coffee table, and looked at Anna with a cold, disdainful gaze. Clearly, he was impatient with her.


"Don't you think Chloe has been going out too frequently lately?" Anna got straight to the point, targeting me. "I suspect there's nothing seriously wrong with her health. Otherwise, why would she be out so often?"


I cursed silently. This wretched woman was playing the victim. She's the one who's been going out frequently.


However, her words sounded a warning bell for me. I needed to be more cautious around this puppet master.


Just then, something startling appeared on another screen—a shadowy figure slipped into view, inching closer to the study. Now I understood why Sean had signaled Anna to come upstairs. He was ensuring no one was eavesdropping, showing his cautious nature.


Relieved, I realized he hadn't discovered the other set of cameras inside the house. I had Gabriel to thank for that; his professional-grade installations were nearly impossible to detect.


In the study, Sean remained silent, sipping his wine, not refuting Anna's words. She waited for his response.


Finally, he instructed her, "Next time she goes out, follow her and see what she's up to."


Outside the door, the shadowy figure pressed closer, listening intently.


I felt a thrill at this unexpected twist. Truly, it was a case of the mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. I was the oriole, watching and waiting.


"She's been out for increasingly long periods. She doesn't seem physically weak to me. So, are you sure the medicine you gave her is only for nutritional relief?" Anna questioned Sean, her suspicion evident. "Her recovery seems a bit too rapid."


Sean was silent, sipping his wine again, seemingly contemplating Anna's words.


"Indeed, I've been a bit careless lately," he admitted.


Anna probed cautiously, "Should I..."


I knew exactly what she was implying.


I watched Sean on the screen. After a long silence, he suddenly downed his drink, then decisively said, "Follow her first, see what she's doing, who she's meeting, and what she's discussing. If she meets someone she shouldn't..."


He paused, fiddling with his glass, then coldly added, "Make sure she sleeps often."


My heart shattered, the pain piercing my very soul. Despite knowing he had poisoned me, hearing it confirmed was like a thunderclap. Tears welled up in my eyes.


I held back my emotions, inhaled deeply, and kept my eyes on the screen, not wanting to miss any clues.


He pointed his glass at Anna and added, "But remember, keep the dosage small. She shouldn't notice, nor should she become too weak. She still has her uses. Don't ruin my plans. If you dare act on your own again, Anna, you'll pay with your life."


Anna was incensed by Sean's words. She had been cautious in her dealings with him, yet he still treated her with such disdain.


"How touching. Are you feeling sorry for her now?" Anna sneered.


Sean lifted his gaze, staring coldly at Anna, who stood with arms crossed at the table's edge. His gaze was terrifying, like a predatory hawk.


Anna, despite her defiance, couldn't back down. "Don't look at me like that. I've been wholeheartedly working for you. Don't make me lose faith in you."


Sean reclined on the sofa, looking tired, and responded in a hoarse voice, "Don't push your luck. I know what you've done, but I don't respond well to threats."


Anna cautiously approached Sean and placed her hands on his shoulders. Seeing no resistance from him, she began to massage them.


"I've never intended to threaten you. I know you must have other women..."


Anna seemed emboldened by Sean's lack of reaction and dared to broach the subject. But before she could finish, Sean, with eyes still closed, suddenly glared at her, causing her to flinch.


"You'd better behave. Just because you're by my side doesn't mean you can overstep your bounds. People need to know their place. I, Sean, won't mistreat anyone, but if you keep causing trouble, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


Ha! That's the funniest thing I've heard. A beast in human clothing, claiming he doesn't mistreat others! To him, I wasn't even human.


Anna, angered by his words, moved in front of him, knelt on his lap, and tried to embrace him. Sean shoved her away. "Go to bed. I'm too tired."


Anna, humiliated and angry, tried one last time. "What, found someone younger and now I'm too old for you? Be careful. My sister isn't as nice as me."


Sean snorted, his response ambiguous.


Anna's face twitched in embarrassment. She stood there awkwardly for a while before finally turning to leave.


I switched to the downstairs camera and saw the shadowy figure dart away, barefoot, just as Anna stepped out of the study.


Anna paused, glancing in the direction where Arya had disappeared, then reluctantly returned to her room.


I zoomed in on the downstairs camera. Arya paced the hallway near her room before finally vanishing.


Sean remained on the sofa, lost in thought. After about twenty minutes, he got up. I quickly turned off the surveillance video, checked my phone, and pretended to be asleep with it in my hand.


Soon, Sean quietly entered the room and searched for my phone again. He found it under my body and quickly retreated.