The Perfect Set-Up

I squinted my eyes, watching him swiftly leave the room. Turning over, a disdainful smile spread across my face. I had already wiped my phone clean of any traces. As expected, after a short while, he returned to the room and placed my phone back where he found it. But instead of returning to bed, he left the room again. It seemed he was headed to Arya's room. Sean truly had a habit of getting bored easily.


I was thoroughly disgusted by his dog-like rutting behavior. Seeing him leave made me relax completely. I closed my eyes, hoping to play a game of chess with Mr. Sandman. However, Sean and Anna's conversation replayed in my mind. It seemed imperative to find the drug she was hiding.


The next day, I deliberately asked her to drive my car to drop off the kids. She agreed, of course, changing into a new outfit and driving away happily, not at all like a nanny. Taking the opportunity, I searched the car she had driven, but I still didn't find what I was looking for. I felt a bit frustrated. Where on earth could she have hidden it? That day, I stayed home, resting and gathering my strength.


I told Inara about Anna and Sean's conversation. We devised a plan to trap Anna. Once we had a strategy, we wasted no time in executing it. After lunch, I got dressed and drove out. It didn't take long for Anna's car to stealthily follow me. Smirking, I drove straight to the hospital and then to the therapy center for a series of rehabilitation exercises. The doctor had long advised that regular exercise would significantly aid my recovery.


After the workout, I was drenched in sweat and felt utterly comfortable. The exercise intensity here was low, slow-paced, perfect for someone as physically weak as I was. Just as I finished, Inara arrived. We left the hospital, giggling, and headed to a café with a back door. We spent a leisurely afternoon chatting about everything under the sun, laughing so hard my stomach hurt.


We stayed there until it was time to pick up the kids from school. I was certain Anna was still lurking outside somewhere like a dog. So, Inara and I quietly left through the back door and picked up Gage. As expected, Anna was nowhere to be seen when we got back. Even Arya had already brought Kyle home when Anna rushed in, looking flustered. She was clearly shocked to see me lounging on the couch in my loungewear, playing with the kids.


As the lady of the house, I wasn't pleased. Watching her face darken, I said, "Anna, you need to be more time-conscious. At least call if you're going to be late. The whole family is waiting for you. The adults can manage, but the kids are hungry after a whole day at school! How can we have a proper meal if you're not back on time? You're taking this nanny job too lightly!"


She finally reacted, though clearly seething inside. She came up with an excuse and apologized before quickly changing and rushing into the kitchen. I snorted disdainfully. She needed to remember her place as a nanny.


When Sean came in and saw that dinner wasn't ready, he lost his temper. Sean always expected dinner the moment he walked in. I intervened softly, "Anna had some errands to run and got back a bit late. Just wait a little longer. Why don't you take a shower first?"


Sean had been looking particularly tired and grumpy lately. I gently suggested, "Why don't you take a rest? I'll ask Arya to call you when it's ready."


Arya, who was playing a shooting game with Kyle, added fuel to the fire, "Anna, why have you been going out so much lately? The other day, I saw you chatting with a fat man in front of Golden Leaf. Who was that? He looked so familiar!"


Anna, busy in the kitchen, froze. I glanced at Arya; this little girl was truly a master at adding fuel to the fire. These sisters really were at each other's throats. Sean's face darkened as he turned and went upstairs.


Arya then brought Kyle over to me with a smile, saying, "I'm going to help with dinner. I'm starving!" Anna shot Arya a venomous glare as she banged the utensils around in frustration. Arya couldn't resist another jab, "Be careful, or you'll break the pots. They're expensive!"


I nearly burst out laughing, enjoying the sisters' spat. I wondered what deep-seated grudge they held against each other.


The next day, under Anna's watchful eye, I went to the massage parlor for a full-body spa. It was heavenly to just lie there, though it was tough on Anna. This week, I frequently went out to enjoy life, feeling quite content. I wondered how foolish my past self must have been to not enjoy such a leisurely life. Now, I indulged myself to make up for lost time.


I figured Anna was getting frustrated and needed some reward for her patience. Today, I slept in and then deliberately dolled up, applying makeup and grabbing my purse before leaving the house. Seeing my getup, Anna immediately grew alert. As I drove out of the estate, she peeked from behind the curtains, watching me leave.


At the gate, I parked in the lot and stood by the roadside. Shortly after, Anna's car emerged, heading for the gate. Just then, a luxury car pulled up beside me. A tall, handsome man got out, smiling as he opened the door for me. He courteously gestured for me to get in, and I elegantly settled into the car. The man got in the driver's seat and sped away from our estate.


In the rearview mirror, I saw Anna's car trailing us. I smiled knowingly. The car sped along, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, with Anna following closely, afraid of losing us.


We stopped in front of a grand hotel. The man parked and led me inside, with me glancing back purposefully before we walked in. Anna, sneaking behind, saw us enter the elevator. I chuckled to myself, signaling to the people inside that everything was set for the upcoming drama.




### Chapter 72: The Show Begins


Twenty minutes later, we heard the expected knock on the door. The sound was anything but friendly. I quickly lay down on the couch in the living room while the man who had driven me here was drying his wet hair and went to open the door.


As the door opened, an angry Sean barged in, followed by a gloating Anna. I deliberately sat up in surprise and asked, "You... what are you doing here?"


Sean, his eyes bloodshot, glanced at me and roared, "If I hadn't come, would I have witnessed this?"


I looked at the enraged Sean, bewildered. Was he really that concerned about me? Wasn't he planning to kill me? How could he be this furious? I could only attribute it to good acting. My stunned expression probably made him think I was scared.


"Chloe, you really have a death wish!" Sean yelled, pointing at the man who was still drying his hair. "Tell me, who is he? What are you two up to?"


Anna, who had come in looking amused, crossed her arms, clearly eager to watch the drama unfold.


"Sir, this is not a place for you to cause trouble," the man said, extending his arm to signal Sean to leave. Sean, apparently blinded by rage, swung his fist. But the man dodged easily, causing Sean to stumble forward. I gasped in surprise.


At that moment, several people burst out from the inner room of the suite. Leading them was Gabriella, the wife of the director of the Bureau of Commerce. Behind her stood a line of elegant women, including a visibly pregnant Autumn, who was caressing her belly and observing the scene.


The scene was surreal: one side was filled with stunning, fragrant women, and the other with angry, disheveled men.


"What's going on? What is this situation?" Gabriella demanded. Then, as if just noticing Sean, she asked in confusion, "Isn't this Mr. Deng? What's all this about?"


I quickly stood up, gestured apologetically, and walked over to pull Sean back. "Sister Kuo, I'm so sorry! I..."


Autumn, ever the troublemaker, chimed in, "From Mr. Deng's demeanor, it looks like he's here to catch someone in the act. Why else would he come in swinging?"


Everyone turned to look at Sean, their gazes filled with ridicule. Inara clicked her tongue twice at Sean and added, "What's this all about, Sean? You can't seriously be here for that, right? Given Chloe's current state, if she could even get involved in something like that, she'd be lying down, not sitting around. You should have more faith in her!"


I looked distressed, waving my hands and desperately trying to defend Sean, looking every bit the concerned wife. "Inara, stop it. Sean didn't mean it like that... he..."


Sean seemed to regain his senses as I pulled him back. Realizing everyone was watching him, his face turned beet-red with embarrassment. He looked at me and awkwardly tried to explain, "You... you... what is this..."


Gabriella's expression turned sour, but she spoke up, "I invited some friends to have a little get-together here today. I thought Chloe could use some fresh air since she's been unwell. My driver brought her here because she's still weak."


Gabriella's explanation was reasonable, but she shot a displeased glance at Sean, "It seems Mr. Deng is not too happy about this!"


Sean quickly plastered a sycophantic smile on his face, "Sister Kuo, not at all! I didn't know you were here for a gathering. I'm grateful you're looking after Chloe. I've been telling her to socialize more to lift her spirits. It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"


His quick change in attitude was remarkable. Anyone who didn't know better might think someone else had caused the earlier commotion. His smile was bright and charming, a testament to his skill in manipulation.


Gabriella remained unimpressed, her face still dark. Clearly, the interruption had spoiled her mood. In NorthSea City's business circles, no one dared offend her. Many sought her favor, often unsuccessfully.


Sean was naturally wary of Gabriella, especially since taking over Danfeng. He had been trying to win her favor but still found her hard to please. Seeing her continued coldness, he nudged me several times.


Gabriella spoke in a cold tone, "Today's gathering isn't just for fun. There's a legitimate reason. There's an entrepreneurs' networking event hosted by the province, focusing on international connections. Chloe thought it was a great opportunity and has mentioned several times how it could help your business expand overseas. I managed to get an extra invitation for her, but this misunderstanding ruined everything!"


She then turned to the man with wet hair and scolded, "Chen, have you fixed it? Why are you all wet? This is disgraceful!"


Her words, though directed at her driver, were clearly a dig at Sean. Everyone remained silent, the atmosphere tense.


Gabriella's status in the business community was formidable. No one dared cross her, as her influence often surpassed even high-ranking officials.


Sean's face changed colors, his eyes still filled with suspicion towards the man. Gabriella, noticing his look, explained, "Mr. Deng, this is my driver and bodyguard, Chen."


She then turned to Sean and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Deng. It was my mistake. I was worried about Chloe driving in her condition and asked Chen to pick her up. I apologize for the misunderstanding and the trouble it caused."


The apology was pointed, making Sean look even more foolish.


### Chapter 71: The Perfect Set-up


I squinted and watched him leave the room quickly. I turned over and let out a scornful laugh, knowing I had already wiped my phone clean of any traces. Sure enough, he returned shortly after and placed my phone back where it was. But instead of getting back into bed, he left the room again. He must have gone to Arya's room—Sean certainly had a habit of abandoning the old for the new.


By now, I was thoroughly disgusted by his despicable, dog-like behavior. Seeing him leave actually relaxed me, and I closed my eyes, ready to drift off.


However, Sean and Anna's earlier conversation replayed in my mind. It was urgent that I find the medicine in her possession.


The next day, I intentionally asked Anna to drive my car to take the kids to school. She eagerly agreed, even changing into a new outfit, and drove off with a smile, looking nothing like a nanny. I took the opportunity to search the old car she usually drove but found nothing of what I was looking for. Frustrated, I wondered where she could have hidden it. I spent the rest of the day at home, resting and conserving my energy.


I told Inara about the conversation between Anna and Sean, and we devised a plan to trap Anna. Once the plan was set, I dressed up a bit and went out after lunch. It didn't take long for me to notice Anna's car stealthily following me. I smirked and drove straight to the hospital, heading to the physiotherapy center for a series of rehabilitation exercises.


The doctor had long suggested that I come here regularly for mild exercises to aid in my recovery. After the workout, I felt refreshingly sweaty and comfortable. The exercises were gentle and slow, perfect for someone like me with limited physical strength.


Just as I finished, Inara arrived. We left the hospital together, laughing and joking, and headed to a café with a back entrance. We spent the entire afternoon there, chatting and laughing, thoroughly enjoying ourselves. It wasn't until it was time to pick up the kids from school that we finally left. I was sure Anna had been lurking outside like a dog the whole time.


So, Inara and I quietly left through the back door to pick up Gage. Sure enough, Anna was nowhere in sight when we got back. Even Arya had already brought Kyle home by the time Anna rushed in, clearly flustered.


Seeing me sitting leisurely in the living room playing with the kids, Anna looked shocked and dumbfounded. As the mistress of the house, I was understandably displeased. I frowned at her, "Anna, you need to be more mindful of time. At least call if you're going to be late. The kids are starving after a whole day at school! This is hardly the conduct of a responsible nanny."


Despite her anger, she found an excuse to apologize and hurriedly changed before rushing into the kitchen. I scoffed and let out a cold snort. No matter what, she should always remember her place as a nanny.


When Sean came in and found dinner wasn't ready, he was annoyed. "What's going on?" he asked, his face darkening.


Trying to keep the peace, I said softly, "Anna had something to do and came back a bit late. Just wait a little longer. Why don't you take a bath first?"


Sean had been looking unwell and particularly tired lately. I suggested kindly, "Why don't you rest for a bit? I'll have Arya call you when it's ready."


Arya, who was playing with Kyle, added fuel to the fire. "Anna, you've been going out a lot lately. I saw you chatting with a fat man in front of the Golden Leaf the other day. Who was that? He looked familiar!"


Anna, busy in the kitchen, stiffened noticeably. I glanced at Arya—what a sharp tongue she had! These two sisters were truly each other's nemesis.


Sean's face darkened further as he turned and went upstairs. Arya then coaxed Kyle over to me, smiling, "I'm going to help out. I'm starving!"


Anna shot Arya a vicious glare, banging the utensils loudly in frustration. Arya didn't miss a beat, "Careful, you'll ruin the pots! They're expensive, you know!"


I almost laughed out loud, thoroughly enjoying the sisters' squabble. I wondered what deep-seated grudge they held against each other.


The next day, under Anna's watchful eyes, I went to the massage parlor for a full-body spa. It was incredibly relaxing, though it was a hassle for Anna. That week, I frequently went out to enjoy life, feeling utterly content. I marveled at how foolish I had been before, not appreciating such a comfortable lifestyle. Now, I was making up for lost time with vengeful indulgence.


I figured Anna must be getting impatient by now, and it was time to give her something to catch. Today, I woke up naturally, dressed meticulously, put on a beautiful makeup, and left the house with my purse. Anna, noticing my attire, immediately became alert. As I drove out of the yard, I saw her peeking from behind the curtains, watching me leave.


At the gate of the community, I parked the car and got out, standing by the roadside with my purse. Soon, I saw Anna's car following, just as I expected.


At that moment, a luxurious car pulled up beside me, and a tall, handsome man got out. He smiled warmly, opened the car door for me, and gestured for me to get in. I gracefully took my seat, and he circled around to the driver's side, and we drove off.


In the rearview mirror, I saw Anna's car trailing us at a safe distance. I couldn't help but smile. The car sped up and slowed down intermittently, with Anna following closely, afraid of losing us.


We finally stopped in front of a grand hotel. The man parked the car and led me inside, walking one behind the other. Before entering, I intentionally glanced back and then quickly followed him in.


When Anna, skulking in the background, sneaked inside, we were already stepping into the elevator. I smiled inwardly and made an "OK" gesture to the person inside, ready for the show that was about to unfold.