The Old House on the Old Street

At lunch, Sean, who almost never came back to eat, returned and praised Delilah's cooking. He even brought me some crayfish, which I used to love, but I didn't touch a single one. Not only could my current health not handle spicy food, but I also had to be cautious about food brought in from outside.


Sean looked a bit disappointed but couldn't help asking, "Honey, don't you love crayfish? I got these especially for you. They're still hot! Why don't you try some?"


I glanced at him coolly. "Don't you know I can't eat spicy food with my current health condition?"


He was left speechless and moved the plate away dejectedly. Before we finished eating, my parents' video call came in. Overjoyed, I immediately put down my chopsticks to answer. Sean, pretending to be nonchalant, appeared in the frame, smiling warmly and elegantly.


My parents looked ecstatic, both beaming with joy. After a few pleasantries, my mom nudged my dad. "Tell her the good news!"


I asked playfully, "What's the good news, Dad? Tell me!"


"Ha! Our old house has been included in Red River City's key development project!" My dad grinned widely, and my mom was equally thrilled.


"Really?" I asked, elated. "Last time Inara said the planning bureau had plans, but is it confirmed now?"


"Yes, it's confirmed! Since our Lu family's private residence is a key part of the overall development plan, the negotiations have just started. The intent letter has already been submitted by the city planning bureau to the province," my dad explained.


"Really? That old street is quite extensive. Is the whole area included?" I asked excitedly. "Dad, you said our house is the main focus of the development. How much are they offering?"


I felt Sean leaning forward behind me, clearly intrigued.


In the video, my dad smiled cryptically while my mom looked proud and delighted, displaying the joy of sudden wealth. She grabbed the phone from my dad and whispered to me, "Your dad was farsighted. A few years ago, when the old town was declining, especially our old street, many people moved away. No one wanted to live in those damp old houses, especially young people who preferred bright, spacious high-rises and modern apartments. So, many old residents moved to the new district."


I nodded in agreement. "That old street is really too old. If I were there, I'd move too."


My mom pouted. "Exactly. It turned into a ghost street, with almost no one left. Just when the place was deserted, your dad used our spare money to buy several houses there."


Sean, peering over my shoulder, clearly perked up at this revelation.


"You mean Dad bought houses on the old street?" I asked.


My mom nodded. "At first, I wasn't happy about it. We argued a lot. But he kept buying, eventually acquiring half the street. When people heard your dad was buying, they sought him out."


"Half the old street?" I asked skeptically. "You mean that entire old street…"


My mom wore a smug expression, smiling broadly. "If we hadn't invested in Danfeng, he could've bought the whole street. But even so…"


She sighed with a hint of regret. I saw Sean's expression also turn a bit regretful, realizing the missed opportunity. I stared at the screen, dumbfounded, wondering if my mom was exaggerating. If it were true…


Just then, my dad took the phone back, speaking seriously. "Don't listen to your mom's exaggerations. We're still negotiating. You mentioned bringing the kids to Red River City for the summer, right?"


My dad changed the subject, and I smirked at his cunning. Before I could answer, Sean spoke up, "Dad, we're definitely coming. The kids are excited and counting down the days. Their exams are almost over, and we'll head over as soon as the holidays start."


"Great! We haven't seen them in two years. Caroline must've grown taller!" my mom said.


"She has!" Sean replied enthusiastically.


The conversation shifted to family matters, and my dad didn't mention the old house again. After hanging up, I was still lost in thought about my mom's revelation. Sean seemed pleased, asking Delilah to get me a bowl of hot soup and serving it to me attentively. "Chloe, drink this while it's hot. Delilah makes excellent soup."


I took the bowl silently and drank the soup. Then I told Delilah, "I'm going out for a bit. Can you pick up Kyle tonight? I'll pick up Gage on my way back."


"Don't worry! There's nothing at the company today, so I'll come back early to pick up the kids. You don't need to worry," Sean offered eagerly, volunteering to pick up the kids.


I gave him a sidelong glance but didn't respond, then went upstairs. I was determined to make Sean regret his actions.


Before leaving, I deliberately called Inara within Sean's earshot, talking about going shopping to find suitable gifts for my parents. I also mentioned inviting Gabriella for dinner to discuss overseas orders, ensuring Sean would hear.


As I walked out the door, I turned back and coldly said to Sean, "Transfer some money to my account. Don't make me embarrass myself."


With that, I left. I was determined to reclaim the money Sean had taken, bit by bit, and make him willingly give it back.


Before I got into the car, Sean rushed out. "Honey, wait!"


I glanced at him, opened the car door, and sat inside. He ran over and handed me a card. "This is my secondary card. Use it to buy whatever you need. Pick a nice place to treat Gabriella so she won't look down on us."