Spitting Out the Money

I took the card from Sean and gave him a cold glare. "Why didn't you do this earlier instead of kissing up to everyone else?"


I didn't forget to remind him, "Make sure to return the money to the family account as soon as possible. I gave you a week, and a week it is."


With that, I slammed the door, started the car, and sped away, leaving Sean standing there with a grim expression as he watched my car disappear. Speaking of cars, I felt a pang of frustration—I needed to get Elena's car back. Using my money to enjoy my privileges as if I were dead? No way.


After meeting up with Inara, we went shopping while waiting for Gabriella. Inara informed me, "Chloe, the test results for what you gave me came back. No surprise, it's that substance."


"I've already gotten rid of Anna!" I told her about my recent actions and Arya's words to me, also mentioning that Sean had settled the sisters down.


"That bastard!" Inara cursed. "He's really going out of his way for her."


"That's exactly what I want. I want Anna to believe Sean can protect her so she can act without restraint. I need her; she's going to be very useful. The better Sean treats them, the more dramatic the future will be."


I said confidently, exchanging a glance with Inara. "I want to see who between Anna and Elena is more formidable. Who will Sean protect more?"


"Obviously Elena. She has a child, and Anna is just a nanny with delusions of grandeur. Nowadays, people really dare to dream!" Inara scoffed.


"Not necessarily. I think Sean sees them as conquests, none of whom he has genuine feelings for. Don't forget, he even plotted against his wife. How could he have true feelings? A beast is a beast; he'll never act like a human!"


"True," Inara agreed. "You know him well!"


I was silent. I knew him too late. I gave the best ten years of my youth to this animal.


"Any news from Gabriel? I really want to find Christopher. If I can find him before making a move, it would be a huge help."


"When are you planning to act?" Inara asked eagerly.


"I need Deng Dog to return the money in our account first. It's a significant amount. Only when it's back in my account will I feel secure."


"Will he easily return it?" Inara doubted. "He went to great lengths to transfer it out. Why would he easily spit it out?"


"He has no choice but to spit it out!" I said resolutely. "As long as I have breath in me, I will dismantle the Deng family and send them to hell!"


"Sweetie, I support you! I'll help you dismantle them," Inara said, her fighting spirit so fierce that passersby were taken aback.


I laughed and quickly pulled her away.


"My dad called at noon, mentioned the old house. Perfect timing! Even the heavens are helping me. Deng Dog got excited immediately. He might investigate secretly. I don't dare confirm it with my parents again, for fear of worrying them. So, can you dig up the details for me? This is crucial; it's the perfect bait, and I can't afford any mistakes!"


"It's just a phone call. Wait here," Inara said, dialing a number. A few moments later, she hung up and nodded at me. "Confirmed!"


I sighed in relief. "Then I have a better chance of getting that money back."


When Gabriella arrived, she was with Zayna. They asked as soon as they saw me, "How did it go? Did he give you any trouble after returning?"


I told them what happened, and Gabriella clapped her hands in approval. "If you didn't say he was still useful, I would have sent him in to 'experience life' properly."


"No rush. He's a perfect weapon against Elena!" I hinted.


Autumn looked at me and sighed, "If my sister had a mind like yours, she wouldn't be in the state she is now, lying there half-dead."


I forced a smile. "I learned my lesson on the brink of death. In a way, your sister is luckier than me. Nathan only married Julia, but Sean brought me a harem of women wanting to kill me. If I didn't fight back, they'd chew me up in no time."


The four of us shared a knowing smile, and Gabriella suggested, "Let's find a place to sit and chat. This isn't the best spot for a conversation."


Just as we were about to leave, Zayna pulled me aside, pointing at something in the distance. I looked and felt a rush of excitement.


Inara noticed the same thing and smirked, "Oh, my! Is that…?"


Gabriella reacted the fastest, pulling us into a store's booth. She called a sales assistant over and whispered something. The assistant nodded and quickly left. The store manager recognized Gabriella and promptly offered us seats and coffee.


Twenty minutes later, the assistant returned, handing her phone to Gabriella. She smiled knowingly, thanked the assistant, and placed the phone on the table. We all gathered around.


Modern technology truly has no limits. On the screen was Elena, embraced by a tall, handsome young man. Despite his good looks, he exuded sleaziness, smiling obsequiously and flirting with Elena, his hands not staying idle in the middle of a busy mall.


"Really? Are you sure?" Elena asked coquettishly, glancing at the man.


"Sweetheart, I just love blue," the man replied in a pleasant voice.


Elena, pleased, glanced at him approvingly and told the sales assistant, "Wrap up the blue set for me."


The sales assistant, all smiles, quickly packed up the chosen clothes, complimenting, "Miss, you have great taste. This gentleman looks stunning in blue, a color not everyone can pull off. His looks paired with this noble Klein blue are simply breathtaking!"