Setting a Bait

"We need to start with Sean's mom. That old lady is definitely a force to be reckoned with," Gabriella suggested.

 Autumn, lying down and gently stroking her belly, spoke with a sinister tone, "I say we should start with Deng Dog first."

 "You mean, let Deng Dog find out first?" Inara quickly asked. "Isn't that too direct? It lacks flair. With such a good plot, we should let them fight a bit before the grand finale."

 "I think it would be more interesting if Anna discovered it first. She might even add some drama, making it more entertaining!" Inara said with a wicked grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

 We all shared our thoughts. After some contemplation, I said, "I should bring Arya into this. That girl is quite capable, and it's a good chance to test her out."

 "True!" Inara agreed with a sly smile. "Chloe, I found a wealthy man with a fierce wife for Elena. I have a target!"


I got excited immediately and pressed her for details. Inara chuckled, "This man's wife is notoriously fierce in NorthSea City!"


Autumn turned to Inara and asked, "Are you talking about Yuan Lizhu?"


Inara laughed heartily, pointing at Autumn, "See, I knew someone would know her! Yes, it's Yuan Lizhu!"


"How did we end up talking about Yuan Lizhu? Stay away from her—she's a real piece of work," Gabriella cautioned.


"But that's the point. We don't get involved directly; we just stir the pot. Once the fire is lit, the whole NorthSea City will be watching the show," Inara said excitedly. "Elena will get a taste of her own medicine!"


Gabriella chimed in, "Yuan Lizhu's husband, Jia Zheng, is not a good guy. Rumor has it he's into some kinky stuff and has a penchant for sexual abuse."


"But this old guy is willing to spend money!" Autumn retorted.


Intrigued, I urged Gabriella to spill more about Jia Zheng. She revealed that Jia Zheng used to be quite handsome and initially didn't fancy Yuan Lizhu. However, Yuan Lizhu had powerful connections, so Jia Zheng reluctantly married her.


After the marriage, Jia Zheng played the role of a good husband for years, earning his father-in-law's trust and eventually gaining some power. But he couldn't stand the monotony and developed strange fetishes to satisfy his desires. Over time, his boldness grew, creating his own niche.


Now, his father-in-law is old and powerless against him. People say homegrown flowers aren't as fragrant as wild ones, and stolen ones are even more thrilling. Jia Zheng found such thrills addictive, always looking for opportunities and spending lavishly to satisfy his cravings.


As a result, Yuan Lizhu became vigilant, fighting off his attempts to cheat, but she couldn't keep up with his pace. Yuan Lizhu's stories were always fresh, and her battles grew fiercer.


I quickly told Inara, "He's perfect! Make sure Elena gets in touch with him."


A good warrior needs allies. My friends gave me numerous clever ideas, making me feel invincible.


It was late when I got home. Sean had been waiting, obviously curious about my day. I went upstairs to change before leisurely coming back down, pretending not to notice his anxiety.


I played with the kids, driving Sean crazy with impatience. He hovered around me like a fly, buzzing incessantly until I was dizzy and irritable.


Kyle was still stubbornly asking for Anna, crying for his "Nanny" at bedtime, hitting me with his tiny hands. I was exasperated—I was his real mother, and I was determined to break this habit.


Finally, I got him to sleep, feeling utterly exhausted. When I returned to the bedroom, I found Sean waiting, freshly showered and looking at me with longing. I almost gagged.


Reluctantly, I walked to the bed. Sean immediately lifted the covers, speaking softly, "Darling, you must be tired. Come rest."


I snorted inwardly, cursing my misery. Once I was in bed, he moved closer. I shot him a cold look, "What are you trying to do?"


He grinned sheepishly, trying to snuggle closer. I sat up abruptly, "Sean, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't try to bribe me this way!"


Caught, his face froze but quickly relaxed as he laughed, "Okay, okay, don't be mad. Lie down... let's talk lying down. Why are you always so angry?"


He reached out to make me lie down, coaxing gently, "I'm just worried about Gabriella's attitude."


"Now you care about her attitude? Where were you when I was the one charging ahead and cleaning up the mess? At home, I'm a workhorse and still get criticized. What do you take me for?" I snapped, lying down again. "Go sleep in the guest room. Don't disturb my rest."


"Chloe, don't be unreasonable. Couples don't sleep apart. You've almost recovered. Can't you consider my feelings? I'm suffering too!" He put on a pitiful face and leaned in to kiss me, his breath foul. "It's been years, and nothing's been normal..."


"Don't take me for a fool!" I cut him off, firing back, "You seemed quite comfortable with Anna clinging to you!"


If I didn't point it out, he'd think I was easy to manipulate. Covered in filth, he wanted to sleep with me? Maybe in the next life!


Sean sat up angrily, looking at me with simmering anger, "Don't be so sarcastic. She's just a nanny. What do you take me for?"


"I should ask you that! What are you? I don't know, but I do know I'm the fool here." I turned my back to him, certain he wouldn't dare push further.


"I don't understand what you're doing now," he muttered discontentedly. "Don't you know yourself?"


Sure enough, within two seconds, he reached out to hold me, "Alright, I know you're tired. You've been through a lot—dealing with social obligations, taking care of the kids. That's why I haven't fired Anna; she knows the three kids well..."