
Before he could finish speaking, I abruptly turned around, glaring sharply.

 He immediately understood what I meant, shrinking back. "Alright, I won't say anything more."

 I snorted quietly.

 Then, deciding to let it go for now, I gave him an out, "Let's go to the negotiation meeting first. We'll see how things go after that. We can't push too hard; that's not how things are done."

 "True! But I believe in your abilities. If only your health wasn't an issue, we'd have an even better chance if we attended together," Sean flattered.

 I almost cursed out loud. How did I end up with this illness? And here he is, shamelessly bringing it up. If I had a knife in my hand right now, I could stab him.

 But I held back my anger and reminded him, "Sister She said there will be many overseas conglomerates' buyers attending. Be well-prepared and get a good interpreter!"

 He quickly patted my hand, "Don't worry about that. The company recently hired a high-ranking official. I made him the deputy general manager, and his English is top-notch!"

 Sean said confidently.

 I turned over and asked, "Is he reliable? This is a rare opportunity. We can't mess it up. If we do, there won't be another chance!"

 "Don't worry! He's a returnee and won't be able to touch much power."

Sean was telling the truth this time.

 I subtly smiled to myself; it seemed that the person Gabriel arranged had already secured their position.

 "When do you plan to go to Red River City?" Sean suddenly asked. "How about I accompany you to visit your parents first?"

 I looked at him, displeased, "What are you thinking? We've already promised the kids. Should we abandon them and go first? Besides, the kids will be on vacation in a few days. Do you really not care about them? You don't consider their feelings at all! And you know, Kyle is still very shy around Delilah. Can you be at ease?"

Sean nonchalantly said, "We'll just take Kyle with us. Gage and Delilah will be fine. Or I could have his grandmother..."

 "Stop right there! Remember, I don't trust your mother! All she does is scold the kids; she can't do anything else!"

 I interrupted him before he could finish, directly expressing my dissatisfaction.

 This was something I never used to say outright, but what was there to be afraid of now? If he expects me to continue being obedient, he is deluded.

 So, I turned to Sean, twisting the knife further, "Oh, by the way, your mother does know how to praise. She practically worships Elena's children!Praising is fine, but she must undermine Gage, calling him names in front of others, saying he resembles his dying mother! Sean, do you think we can still send Gage to her?"

 Sean's face visibly darkened, unable to respond.

 Seeing him trying to avoid the issue, I pressed on, unable to hold back, "I just don't understand. Since I married into the Deng family, I've done nothing wrong by you. I paid for your family's house renovation, helped John renovate his house to get married, paid Luke's tuition, and made sure Genesis was well-dressed. I've given her everything I could."

 I counted off each point on my fingers.

Sean looked displeased but didn't dare to argue.

 "Sean, I just don't get it. Why does your mother curse me so? If I send my kids to her, won't I be watching her ruin them?"

 I said this intentionally to Sean, wanting to disgust him thoroughly. If I didn't turn the Deng family upside down, I'd feel like my life was wasted.

 I knew what he was thinking. His obsession with Red River City stemmed from that phone call at noon; he really wanted to know more.

 "Chloe, don't listen to rumors. My mother just has a sharp tongue," Sean argued.

 "Sean, it's not just hearsay. I saw it with my own eyes. She cursed Gage much worse than what I've told you. What do I have to do to make the Deng family stop cursing me? Must I die for them to be happy?"

 Sean was speechless, left gaping like a fish.

 Satisfied with hitting his sore spot, I yawned and softly said, "Sleep now!"

 I was truly tired.

 The night before going to the provincial meeting, Sean had a fever again.

 I worriedly used an ice pack to reduce his fever. Seeing his groggy state, I suggested, "Maybe I should go instead."

 Sean immediately perked up, his bloodshot eyes wary. "No, I'll be fine after a night's sleep. Just overworked these days. I can't let you go in your condition. Don't worry about me."

 "Should we go to the hospital? You've been having frequent fevers lately; this isn't good."

 I touched his skin, knowing the fever was high.

 "No need. Just give me some antipyretics and two anti-inflammatory pills. I'll be fine."

 He patted my arm, "Get the medicine for me."


 I turned to get the medicine, cursing inwardly. I wouldn't go even if asked. If I went, the plan wouldn't proceed.

 I had Yang bring water, fed Sean the medicine, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

 The next morning.

 He really did recover, looking energetic as he got into the car with the driver. Watching him leave, I reported to Gabriella, who replied, 'OK, I've arranged everything.'

 Before I could go upstairs, my phone rang. It was Gabriel.

 I smiled and answered, "You're like a dragon who appears and disappears! Vanished for days without a word!"

 "Missed me?" he teased, then added, "I've been looking for Christopher for you!"

 Gabriel's answer caught me off guard. Christopher was the person I most wanted to find. Eagerly, I asked, "Any news?"

 "I wouldn't call if there wasn't. Come over; I'll send you the location."

 His voice sounded tired. He hung up after sending the address.

 I quickly changed clothes, instructed Delilah, and headed to the location Gabriel mentioned.