Meeting the Darklings.

"The Celestial Eyes" he said looking at the glistering purple eyes horrified, as much as he wanted to look away, he couldn't, they were beautiful and hypnotizing.

Sheon immediately recognized the Celestial Eyes, he had come across it once and it wasn't a pleasant experience plus it negates his powers. It is one of the most dangerous weapon angels used against demons. It's powers vary depending on the angel using it and their rank.


Suddenly Sheon felt his heartbeat and it was very painful as if someone was squeezing it. Air was forced out of his lungs, following that, he started feeling dizzy and his ear started ringing. He was beginning to slowly loose against the eyes, his powers hadn't recoverd enough to reduce it's effects.

He held his ear as his eyes turned bloodshot, he was feeling immense pain, that would make any devil wish for death.

He fell to his knees as his fair white skin turned pale. He couldn't think but he only wished that it would stop and go away. He desperately wished for a saviour at that moment.

Just then, the pair of eyes closed and following it shortly, was all the pains Sheon felt. Despite feeling a bit relieved, he couldn't keep his consciousness, so he passed out.

The devil king was defeated by a pair of celestial eyes.


In a luxurious compound which was as wide as a football stadium, were beautiful gardens which bathed in the orange rays of the sun. Inside this compound stood many tall mansions and in the middle of the garden was a dolphin waterfall. This compound was located inside the Dreamland Estate, it is know as the Darkling's Empire.

There was a particular building in the empire that was bigger than the rest, and just like all of the others, it was in black paint and had a name tag: ' Main House '

A tall man dressed in black and white cooperate walked hastily in the hallway of the main house. He was wearing a name tag, just a little above his breast pocket, and it said: 'Charlse'

He stopped in front of a room with a giant door and bowed slightly towards the door respectively.

"Sire, I have information to relay." He said

"Go ahead." A cold, deep voice, gave him permission to speak.

"The mistress has delivered." He reported and after a moment if silence the giant door opened by itself, revealing; a tall, fair-skinned, black hair, and a red-eyed man standing in front of the luxurious room while buttoning his white shirt. His features was perfect.

"Get everything ready for the ritual, the kids too." He said as he walked past Charles.

"The others are doing so sire," Charles replied following him closely behind.

"Let's go then." They both left the building.


A woman dressed like a maidservant walked in the hallway of the main house but on a different floor; the first floor. She stopped in front of a door that had a transparent orb in its middle. It was small compared to the first door.

Just like the previous man, she was wearing a name tag written 'Alice'

"May I come in young master?" Alice asked into the door buzzer.

"Sure." She got her response and it was the voice of a kid.

Alice took in a deep breath and slowly raised her palm as air began to cluster in the middle, she compressed the air-like energy and it turned blue and was looking like a ball of aura. She then put the blue aura into the transparent orb that was stuck to the door and after a subtle glow, the door opened by itself. It's a simple trick among chi users known as "basic chi control."

A wide room presented itself with a neatly arranged medium-sized bed and two pillows. Beside the bed was a small silver table with a few books neatly arranged on it, there was no sign of disorganization in the room.

She used her eyes to trace through the other doors in the room, to find the game room. With a sigh, she walked to the game room and opened the door.

She frowned in disappointment; her young master was playing a game in a very embarrassing setting. Beside him were empty snack packs and juice boxes.

Her young master sat on his comfortable game chair while focusing on a sixty-four-inches television displaying the game he was playing. One look at the set of neatly arranged game discs you'll know that he has the most updated games.

"Young master your game room is a mess, you have to clean up." The maidservant nagged.

The young boy, within the age rank of five to seven stopped playing his game, and turned to look at the maidservant, and with a serious expression, he said,

"Why? You're my servant, that's your job, isn't it, Alice," sounding haughty.

He has black raven hair and a perfectly shaped triangular face, but different colored eyes which distinguished his looks but did not ruin his beauty. His right eye is red and his left golden.

"The mistress has delivered, and your father requests your presence for the family ritual," Alice said ignoring his comment, she was so annoyed that she was barely holding herself back from clicking her tongue. She started to pick up the wastes.

She had to put up with his bratty attitude, and although she thought she would have gotten used to it by now, it felt like he always found new ways to annoy her. But she wasn't going to lose her job because of this damm brat, no, the pay was too good to forsake

"Ugh. Really? I have to babysit a younger...uh...Is it a brother or a sister?" The young master complained as he turned back to continue his game.

"It's a boy young master." She answered.

"A baby brother huh? I'm too lazy to have to babysit a junior brother. I'll just kill him if I find out that he's going to be troublesome, that way I would get rid of my trouble at an early stage, I'm willing to bet that father wouldn't care less about his existence, I might get punished, but he wouldn't kill me nor imprison me for life. It's better to get punished for a moment than to go through the hassle of babysitting a troublesome child, what do you think Alice, Clever right?"

Alice stayed silent, she wasn't surprised, that's the kind of family she was serving. Any other person would think that they are a family of assassins, but they are surprisingly not that bad, although it didn't mean that they were good either.

It wasn't the type of family one would wish to be a part of, since the family members, especially the children go through all different types of torture just to get strong and grow up never understanding what family really means.

"Sigh...fine, I'm coming" The boy replied after hearing nothing from her and dismissed her.