Invitation to the Devil's party.


It was evening and Henry was lying unconscious in his confinement room.

Augustina watched him as she picked up her phone and dialed a number, after a few moments of ringing it was picked up

"What's the report?"

"Sir, I have the result for the afternoon experiment and I have sent them to you, however...

"Let me guess, you will make an escuse not to make other experiments on him today isn't that right?

"..." She wasn't surprised that he caught her, he never agreed anyways but this time she was going to disobey him.

'why are you doing this to your son? Are you trying to save him or ruin him? I know you care, but this is too much sire I won't be obeying this time' she wanted to say these things to him, she rehearsed mentally as she know that she might even end up dying after she said them, but his next reply surprised her

"Sure, he can have the rest of the day off." He said and hung up. She didn't know whether to be happy or not, he did well giving him a day off, but, the kid is supposed to be his son, not his toy to use.

She didn't have any right to be angry, she was part of this afterall, she cursed herself as her conscience pricked her before she went down for some alcohol to drown her thoughts.


Mr. Darkling was in his office, he had a an expressionless look on his face as he carefully studied the results Augustina sent to him.

He picked up his telephone and called Charles.

"Hello sire" Charles answered.

"Send the signal, he is ready." He said to Charles and hung up.

Charles heaved a long sigh, he knew that life was going to get more difficult for hid young master, but he couldn't disobey the man he has been serving for almost all his life.

He picked up his phone, typed in a message and then sent it.


"Aiyaiyai, I think I underestimated how desperate and hungry for power humans can be, they can never be satisfied at what they have. I've literally been watching horror movie that would have traumatized me if I wasn't a devil. I kinda feel pity for him. I wonder why the celestial eyes isn't doing anything I thought it's supposed to safe him" Sheon thought still in the empty room as he was flipping through the pages of a manga he created with his imagination. While eating popcorn.



A message entered the phone of Raphael when he was practicing his sword stance. His supervisor notified him and he asked him to read it out loud.

"You are permitted to visit your brother. You are not allowed to kill him." the man read and Raphael smirked.

"Oh, an invitation to a devil's party, I'm interested. I can't wait to see you brother" he said with an wild grin.


In a lab, Riley was practicing on some purple potions.

~ding~ a message entered her phone, she read it and smiled.

"I think I've seen the perfect lab rap for my system poisons. Dear little brother, how I have missed you" She excitedly continued her experiment.


As Olivia came out of the shower cleaning herself up she received a message and read it.

She lookes at her reflection in the mirror and then whispered to herself.

"Just die already. If you won't, I'll kill you myself."