A visit from my siblings huh?

Location: forgotten desert

Time: August 10 2007


Henry was attending his last class of the day, his father was kind enough to bring education to his doorstep since he couldn't afford to leave the desert.

He lectured on varieties of subjects, from primary studies like maths and English to advanced ones like psychology, philosophy, economics, political affairs, and a bunch of millionaire mindset novels e.g. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker. (Highly recommended.)

He was taught how to socialize, proper etiquette, speech patterns, and how to flow in a conversation, but unfortunately, it might not be of use to him, since he's stuck in the white room and has grown to be anti-social.

He was trained in different types of sports; football, basketball, baseball, golf, and the rest. But Henry's favorite was basketball.

He was also trained on how to fight; hand-to-hand combat, and use of various weapons: swordsmanship, spearman, bow and arrow, etc.

He was wondering why his father was going this far to educate him when he wouldn't need them, but after coming up with nothing, he concluded that it was probably part of the experiment. The classes were overburdening him with things he wasn't supposed to carry, it was like they wanted to suffocate him in life, but Henry was starting to get used to it, except for the pains that came with it.

He was never affected by the burden as much as they had expected him to, he found peace in himself, because he felt like an empty shell that was left all alone, he was starting to get accustomed to being alone... Maybe.

He felt like his life was being given a purpose, if he were suddenly set free to live on his own, he wouldn't know what to do or where to go, he wouldn't have a purpose since he doesn't have a passion. He's just... empty.

Since the experiment started, he could feel weird changes inside him, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. He did exercise every morning since he turned three, his brain developed faster than a normal three-year-old kid, and because of this, he was able to understand things and even keep memories at that age.

He keeps hearing that he has a family, but he hasn't seen any of them. Which made him wonder:

"Are they dead? No, I would have been informed if that was the case, did they abandon me then? What happened? I thought families were supposed to stay together." He thought occasionally but easily dismissed it since he couldn't get answers to it

Henry subconsciously developed a habit of not bothering himself with things he couldn't control or questions he couldn't get answers to. He avoids thinking about things happening to him and just prefers to blend in with the darkness cast by the shadow of emptiness in him.


Henry wrote down his last words in his notebook as his teacher started packing up.

"Make sure to do your assignments, you failed miserably on your last test, let it not repeat itself. I will be off now." The man with black hair and black eyes said as he took his chemistry teaching notebook and left.

Meanwhile, Henry's gaze never left the pen in his hand that he was spinning, not even bothering to bid his teacher farewell.

They were in a room, and like always, its walls were made of glass, so the orange sun rays were striking through the window illuminating the room with a beautiful orange glow.

Although it was steaming hot outside, contrary to the scorching temperature in the desert, the compound was cool, as if there was an air conditioner, but there wasn't any. Why? It's simple; Chi.

During the summertime with such scorching heat, some group of high-ranking witches cast a veil of chi surrounding the entire compound. With the veil raised, they could adjust the temperature of the place to their liking. It was like a tiny ozone layer that had been created with a controller remote.


After looking out the glass, Henry heaved a sigh and decided to go back to his room for a nap. The day was more stressful than usual, all his teachers nagged at him for failing homework and classwork exercises. And also, there were no classes any day he was going for experiments.

Unlike students who go to school and have holidays, his class doesn't have an exam period or end-of-term holiday, it continues, and the only break is whenever he is going for an experiment.

It felt as if they were trying so hard to wear his mind down for some reason, although he had passed out many times from the stress, he still didn't want to give in to the thought of dying, especially when his teachers kept preaching suspiciously to him how peaceful the afterlife is.

Henry is the kind of person who studies people, no matter the slightest or tiniest change in character, he won't miss it and will always use it to judge your intention.

His teachers always had this evil spark in their eyes whenever they spoke to him about death, as if they were trying so hard to make him seek death and since he wasn't giving in, they were indirectly beginning to forcefully instill it in him, which of course wasn't working either.

This made Henry wonder why they hadn't sought this afterlife out if it was so great. He might not be the best at philosophy or psychology, but he isn't dumb or naive, he can't easily be swayed or convinced to die.

The seven-year-old Henry doesn't believe in things without solid proof, he doesn't know what's in the afterlife and doesn't want to go there. There is nothing more scary than ignorance; it's the mother of fear. He heaved a sigh, arranged his books, and prepared to go back to his white room before a woman ran inside his classroom

"Young master, your elder siblings are here!" She reported. She's a normal staff who handled the delivery and packaging of experimental tools and chemicals.

"Siblings?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, your brother Raphael and his twin sister Riley," she answered.

"..." Henry was speechless. He was surprised less, that his siblings visited and more by the look of gore and fear in the staff's eyes.

'A visit from my siblings huh? Is it going to be good or bad ' Having a feeling that something was wrong, he still was helpless. After all there could be nothing worse than what he had faced...or could there?