Chapter 1 ''The Beginning''

On a rainy night, amidst the soft patter of raindrops, a plane touched down on the runway of Astral City Airport. Stepping out from the aircraft emerged a young boy with striking white hair, accompanied by a girl with black hair and captivating green eyes. Their butler, exuding an air of sophistication, followed closely behind. As they made their way towards the airport's entrance, their noble presence caught the attention of onlookers, who couldn't help but gaze in awe.

Awaiting their arrival stood a sleek black car, its polished exterior gleaming under the glow of the airport lights. The driver, recognizing his passengers, hastened to open the car doors for them. "You know the location, right?" the butler inquired, his expression serious. The driver nodded in response, his demeanor reflecting a sense of duty and professionalism.

The young boy, sensing the tension, interjected with a playful tone, "Hey, Cedric, you're scaring him with that look." The butler, unfazed, replied, "Sorry, young master, but I was born with this face." The boy sighed inwardly, remarking to himself about Cedric's lack of humor.

With a twist of the key, the car's engine roared to life, eager to embark on its journey. As they began their drive through the city streets, the young girl couldn't help but marvel at the sight before her. "Look, brother, the city looks beautiful," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. The boy glanced out the window, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, the city has changed, hasn't it, Cedric?" he remarked.

Indeed, Astral City appeared to have undergone significant development in recent years, a testament to its growth and progress. As the car continued along its path, each occupant lost in their own thoughts, the boy immersed himself in a book while the girl found solace in the city's enchanting beauty.

car reached its destination

As the butler's car approached a vast mansion nestled amidst a grove of trees, the girl's excitement bubbled over. She couldn't contain her joy at the sight of the grand estate. Concern etched on his face, the butler turned to the boy. "Are you sure about this, young master? I can arrange for us to stay somewhere safer."

"No, it's okay. After all, this is my parents' house," the boy reassured, his resolve unwavering. Accepting his decision, the butler suggested they rest in the house, sensing their fatigue from the journey. Both kids agreed, trusting the butler's judgment.

Suddenly, the butler's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. After a brief conversation, he turned to the boy. "Young master, it seems our members are facing some trouble at the airport. I need to go and guide them."

Understanding the urgency, the boy nodded. "Yeah, you should go and help them out." Concern creased the butler's brow as he asked, "But will you both be fine alone in the house?"

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," the boy reassured. With a sigh, the butler cautioned, "Fine, but lock the doors just in case. I'll try to return soon." With that, he departed, leaving the kids alone in the sprawling mansion.

As they stepped inside, the girl's eyes widened with wonder. "Brother, look, our house is huge!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable. The boy smiled indulgently, urging her to rest. However, her hunger got the better of her, and she insisted on finding something to eat.

Overjoyed by her victory, the girl hugged her brother tightly, expressing her gratitude. In that moment, he hugs her back and tells ''serena i will always protect you so you can always rely on your big brother'', promising to always be there for her. With a warm smile, she acknowledged his vow, knowing she could always rely on her big brother. After agreeing to eat outside food both took their umbrella and left the house to buy their food as they were walking boy was thinking 'that being said i need to find more members for the familia someone trustworthy but can i really find them' as he was lost in his thoughts then a suddenly Serena shouts ''BIG BROTHER!!'' then boy becomes panic and asks Serena ''What happened!?!?!"and then Serena points out at the bridge where A boy with black hair stood on the bridge's edge, on the verge of falling Serena's brother got shocked and charged in to save him but boy was starting to fall but in that blink of moment the he grabbed his leg and managed to save him but The boy's head got smacked against the bridge's railing, knocking him out cold as his body hung in the air, his leg caught by Serena's brother. he pulled him up and tried to wake him up but the boy become unconscious on the other hand Serena was panicked and his brother decides to take that boy home . They took his arms, draping them over their shoulders for support, and together they walked towards their house - few moments later -  After a few minutes, the boy stirred and slowly opened his eyes. and found himself in an unknown house 

' where am i ' boy ask himself

"Oh, you woke up, huh?" Serena's brother said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

''you are lucky that bridge's railing were wooden if they were concrete then you might have died you know'' said serena's brother

"In a confused tone, the boy asked, 'Who are you?'"

 "My name is Alex. I was the one who saved you. By the way, why were you attempting suicide anyway?" asked Alex.

"Why did you save me?" the boy questioned Alex.''

"Hmm, what do you mean?" Alex countered, 

"You should have abandoned me there. Why go through the hassle to save an unknown person?" the boy said with an emotionless tone.

"You seriously think that people will just walk away after seeing a kid attempting suicide? Society hasn't fallen to that stage yet kid," said Alex.

Alex noticed that the boy's eyes lacked any spark of life, as if the light within them had been extinguished. They held no flicker of will or interest in living anymore. Instead, they seemed empty, devoid of emotion or purpose. The boy sat there like a robot, his posture rigid and his expression blank, as if he were merely going through the motions of existence without truly being present. It was a haunting sight, one that left Alex with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, realizing the depth of the boy's despair.

"Then who should I live for?" the boy suddenly questioned Alex, his voice tinged with desperation and uncertainty.

Alex was confused and caught off guard by the suddenness and depth of the boy's question.

"Of course, for your famil—" Before Alex could finish, the boy suddenly said, "They're dead," his voice filled with quiet sorrow.

 Alex was shocked by the boy's answer, and he couldn't bring himself to continue the conversation.

-10 minutes later-

Alex sat with his book in hand, lost in thought as he contemplated how to navigate the delicate situation before him. 

'Now what should I do? Well, I asked him to stay over until the rain calms down, but it seems like the rain has gotten even stronger. Serena seems sleeping soundly in her room, Cedric is taking longer than i expected and I've got important books related to the familia to read, so I can kill my time, but what's he going to do? Won't he get bored? Should I talk to him? But the way he talks doesn't match his appearance. He does look around my age. Wait, are we the same age?' Alex pondered, his thoughts racing as he considering how to spend the time with the boy during the storm.

Then suddenly, Alex asked, "Hey, what's your age?" His curiosity piqued by the thought that they might be the same age.

"Um, I am 11 years old," the boy replied, his voice soft and hesitant.

'What! He's just one year younger than me,' Alex exclaimed inwardly, surprised by the revelation. After a few seconds, he chuckled to himself. 'Well, looks like I've got the company of someone with the same level of mindset. I guess I can kill more time,' he thought, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the boy.

"Hey, what's your name?" Alex asked, his face breaking into a smile.

"Tyson," the boy replied, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

"Tyson, huh," Alex repeated, his tone acknowledging the introduction.

Then, Alex set his book down, assuming a relaxed posture, and initiated the conversation.

"So, tell me Tyson, don't you have any goals in life?, like things you must do" Alex asked, his tone curious, expecting an interesting answer.

"Goals?" Tyson repeated, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he pondered Alex's question.

"Yeah, everyone has goals they chase and roles they have to fulfill, which gives them purpose in life and a reason to keep on living. For example, I've been given the role to always protect my sister, and my goal is to find the Tempest book, which was written by my father," Alex explained, his voice carrying a sense of determination.

"Well, you see, my both parents also died three years ago, so I can understand how you are feeling right now. But I didn't try a suicide attempt like y—" As Alex was explaining, Tyson suddenly interrupted, saying, "That's because you have your sister, I have nobody like that!"

"No, that's not the only reason. The real reason was my father," said Alex, his words causing Tyson to look at him with surprise. 

"My father used to say that dying without accomplishing anything great in life is not a worthy death. In fact, everyone is born with a purpose in life. Sometimes they just fail to find that purpose, but if they succeed in finding their purpose and achieving great things they can be proud of, then even if they die, that death will be satisfying because there will be no regrets left. Try to lead a meaningful life." Alex paused, his voice filled with emotion. "So, I promised my father that I will lead my life until I achieve my goals and fulfill my role in life. Then my father smiled and said, 'Good job, Alex. You understood what I said. I will be looking forward to what you are going to achieve. Even if I die, I will be watching from heaven.'" Alex explained to Tyson, his words carrying the weight of his father's wisdom.

"Sounds like your father was a great person," said Tyson with a slight smile.

"Yeah, he was. In fact, everyone always depended on him in tough situations. I want to be like him," said Alex, his voice filled with admiration and determination.

"So, what are you planning to do next?" Alex asked, his voice filled with concern. "Well, I may not know about your parents, but I do know this much: there are no parents in this world who want to see their children attempting suicide because of them," he continued, his words laced with empathy and understanding.

 "Well, looking for purpose is better than dying, right?" said Tyson, his smile now tinged with newfound resolve.

"Yep, that's more like it," said Alex, nodding in agreement with a small smile 

Then suddenly, the rotary dial phone started ringing, breaking the momentary silence in the room.

"Seems like a phone call from Cedric. Honestly, just how late, can he be," mumbled Alex, his expression a mix of annoyance and anticipation.

"Sorry, I have to attend the call," said Alex, excusing himself as he moved towards the ringing phone.

"Yeah, sure," said Tyson, acknowledging Alex's need to answer the call.

"If you're feeling bored, why don't you read this book? It was written by my father," suggested Alex.

 "Oh, really? Then I'll be sure to read it. Thank you, Alex," said Tyson, gratitude evident in his tone. 

"You're welcome," said Alex before he left to answer the call.

 Alex picked up the call by lifting the handset gear of the phone, his curiosity piqued as he waited to hear the voice on the other end.

"Hello?" asked Alex, his voice steady as he awaited a response.

"Young master, it's me!" responded Cedric, his voice filled with urgency.

"Cedric, stop shouting like that. What's the matter? I thought you said you would try to return soon, right? So how many hours is that going to take?" said Alex, his tone tinged with frustration.

"Young master, please, you have to listen to me very carefully! The other familia members are coming to kill you both! Please, you need to hide yourself and Serena somewhere safe until I arrive!" Cedric's voice trembled with urgency and fear as he delivered the warning.

"Hey, what are you talking abou—" Alex's voice trailed off as the phone call abruptly ended, leaving him with a mixture of confusion, anxiety, and a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

'I can't believe this. They're making their move now. Maybe they were waiting for this moment, but first, I need to make sure that Serena is safe. I should hide her as fast as possible,' Alex thought urgently, his mind racing with thoughts of protecting his sister.

In a flurry of urgency, Alex rushed towards Serena's room, his heart pounding with worry. He flung open the door and gently shook her awake, his voice hushed but urgent.

"Serena, wake up. It can get pretty noisy with the rainstorm getting stronger. You should sleep in that room," he whispered, his tone conveying the gravity of the situation.

Serena rubbed her eyes sleepily, but upon seeing the concern etched on Alex's face, she nodded silently and followed him to the designated room. With a final reassuring smile, Alex locked the door behind her.

"Good night," he whispered through the door before turning away, his mind consumed with thoughts of keeping his sister safe amidst the looming threat.

With Serena safely tucked away, Alex's mind raced with determination. "Okay, with this, she'll be safe. Now, what should I do?" he thought, his brows furrowing in concentration. "Should I hide? No, I must do something about them. But how?" As he pondered his next move, a sudden realization struck him. "Wait, I seem to have forgotten something... Oh yeah, Tyson!"

With renewed urgency, Alex bolted towards Tyson's location, his heart pounding with a sense of purpose. There was no time to waste – he needed to ensure Tyson's safety and devise a plan to confront their adversaries head-on.

When Alex reached Tyson, he called out, "Tyson, you there?" As Tyson looked up from the large book he was engrossed in, Alex was shocked. "Oh, Alex, you're back! You took so long. By the way, this book is really interesting," Tyson exclaimed.

Regaining his focus, Alex addressed Tyson, "Listen to me very carefully, okay?" Tyson nodded attentively, and Alex proceeded to explain the situation to him in detail.

In the midst of their conversation, Tyson's voice cut through the air with a tinge of disbelief, "What? Some people are coming to kill you guys?"

Alex's response was terse but firm, "Yeah."

Concern etched across his features, Tyson inquired further, "What about your sister?"

"Don't worry about her. I locked her in a soundproof room. She won't be able to hear anything from outside, she will be safe there" Alex assured him, his voice tinged with urgency.

As the weight of the situation settled upon them, Tyson turned to Alex, his expression a mix of concern and determination, "And what about you, Alex?"

With a hint of resignation, Alex replied, "I'll manage somehow."

The tension in the air thickened as Tyson pressed for clarification, "What do you mean, manage? They're coming to ki—"

Before Tyson could finish his sentence, Alex cut him off abruptly, his tone urgent, "More importantly, Tyson, you should run away from here before they arrive."

Unwilling to stand idly by, Tyson clenched his fists in determination, "Then let me help you."

A note of desperation crept into Alex's voice as he rejected Tyson's offer, "No, look, Tyson, I don't want to involve you. You're a complete outsider. Just because of our personal fights, I don't want you to die in that—"

But before Alex could finish his sentence, Tyson's fist connected with his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Alex shouted, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and anger.

Undeterred, Tyson stood his ground, his voice steady, "You can't even defend against my punch. How do you plan to 'manage somehow'?"

In the heavy silence, Tyson recalled Alex's father's words, ''Strength is always with Unity.'"

The mention of his father's teachings ignited a flame within Alex, stirring up memories of a past conversation. He recalled a heated argument with his father, insisting on his own self-reliance, only to be met with his father's sage advice. "No matter how capable you become, you will always need someone's help. You may not realize it now, but someday someone will punch you in the face to make you understand that," his father had said.

In that moment, as Alex gazed at Tyson, a newfound resolve washed over him. He recognized the wisdom in his father's words and felt a deep admiration for the strength of character they instilled. Turning to Tyson, he nodded with conviction. "You admire your father. You believe in his words, right? So let's work together, Alex," Tyson declared, extending his hand in a gesture of solidarity.

With a sense of determination and humility, Alex accepted Tyson's offer of assistance, understanding that even the strongest among us need the support of others. As their hands met in a firm handshake, Alex knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead.

With a mixture of surprise and amusement, Alex chuckled, "You're one crazy moron." He accepted Tyson's hand and got up with his help.

Tyson asked Alex, "So, what do you want to do? Hide, or fight back?" Alex replied with determination, "Well, I have to teach them a lesson for what would happen if they mess with me." 

As they shook hands, a sense of camaraderie settled between them, and Alex spoke with resolve, "Let's take them down together."

A smile tugged at Tyson's lips as he agreed, "Yeah, let's do it."

With a shared understanding, they exchanged plans and strategies, their determination unwavering.

"Then let's go and execute the plan," Alex suggested.

"Yeah," Tyson affirmed, and with that, they set off, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in purpose and resolve.

--after few minutes later outside mansion--

As the two cars rolled to a stop in front of the mansion, tension hung thick in the air. One by one, the occupants of the vehicles emerged, their movements purposeful as they prepared their weapons for the impending confrontation.

Their leader, Lucius, surveyed the scene with a calculated gaze. "Hey, why are you guys preparing your guns?" he questioned, his voice sharp with authority. "Why waste bullets on mere kids? We can just kill them with knives."

"But, Commander Lucius, we can kill them easily with guns," one of his subordinates interjected, a note of uncertainty in his voice.

A voice crackled through Lucius's wireless earpiece, cutting through the tension. "Don't you think you're taking this too lightly, Lucius?" It was his boss, the head of their organization.

Lucius's expression tightened as he listened to his superior's admonition. "Oh, come on, boss," he replied defensively. "Our familia is already running out of resources, so I was just trying to save as much as possible."

"That's not what I'm talking about," his boss retorted sternly. "You're underestimating the Sun Familia. In fact, I think they've already figured out our plan. End this quickly and get out of there. If we get caught, consider it as the end for our familia."

"Okay, okay," Lucius conceded, feeling the weight of his boss's warning. He signaled to his group, and with a sense of urgency, they began to make their way towards the mansion, their footsteps echoing ominously in the stillness of the night.

--inside the mansion- -

Both Tyson and Alex observed everything from the window. "Alex, how many are there?" Tyson asked.

"Ten," Alex answered.

"Do you think we can take them down?" Tyson inquired.

"Yeah, if everything goes as planned," Alex replied.

With determination, they each grabbed a baseball bat and put on Night vision goggles "Let's go," Alex said.

"Yeah," Tyson agreed.

As everyone entered the mansion, Alex pressed a button, and all the doors and windows closed shut. Lucius and his group noticed, and confusion spread among them. "What the...? How did the doors close?" some of them murmured.

"Don't panic. This much security is to be expected in the house of the Sun Familia's boss," Lucius reassured his group. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "Why are they closing the doors right after we entered the mansion? They could have closed them before," he pondered silently.

Suddenly, Alex cut off the generator, plunging the mansion into darkness. Panic swept through Lucius's group as they struggled to see anything. "Get torch lights!" Lucius commanded, but his group hesitated. "We didn't bring any," they admitted.

"Useless Fools!" Lucius cursed under his breath. "Spread out and search."

Dividing into two groups, they began to explore the mansion. As Lucius walked, he stumbled upon a torchlight. However, his attention was diverted by the sound of his group screaming in pain. Rushing to their aid, he discovered four of his men trapped in bear foothold traps, their feet bleeding and unable to move. Horrified, Lucius muttered, "Bear traps?" in shock then from other direction the screams came and then Lucius rushed to find the source

Meanwhile, Alex, observing everything from upstairs, mumbled to himself, "Four down, huh?"

 Lucius rushed forward and found three of his men lying unconscious on the ground. He spotted Tyson knocking out another one with his baseball bat. Before Tyson could react, Lucius charged at him, delivering a swift kick to his face. "Are you guys okay?" Lucius asked his remaining conscious man.

"I'm fine, sir," the man replied. "But four of our men are unconscious."

Lucius's irritation simmered beneath the surface as he directed his attention towards Tyson, who was struggling to rise to his feet. "Ah, you're still alive. Normally, one kick from me is enough to knock out anyone. You're quite resilient, kid," Lucius remarked with a hint of grudging respect. He punctuated his words with another forceful kick to Tyson's stomach, causing him to collapse once again.

"Hey, kill this brat!" Lucius ordered his man, handing over his torchlight. Confused, the man asked, "But, Commander, where are you going?"

Ignoring the question, Lucius retrieved a box from his pocket and opened it, revealing contact lenses. As he put them on, he muttered, "Looks like I underestimated the situation. I thought I just had to kill those kids, but how could I forget? I'm killing the son of the Sun Familia's boss. I guess I have to take this seriously."

The lenses began to glow green, enhancing his vision. He detected a presence in a nearby room – it was Serena. "Found you," he said, heading towards the room where Serena was locked.

The tense atmosphere crackled as the man raised his knife, his resolve evident in his steely gaze. "Sorry, kid. Nothing personal," he muttered, preparing to strike.

In a flash, Alex reacted, brandishing a stun gun with swift precision. A surge of electricity filled the air, causing the man to stagger backward, his grip on the knife loosening. "Sorry, nothing personal," Alex quipped calmly, his movements calculated.

With a decisive swing of his bat, Alex delivered a powerful blow, striking the man squarely on the temple. The assailant crumpled to the ground, unconsciousness enveloping him in a swift and decisive defeat.

Checking on Tyson, Alex asked, "Hey, Tyson, are you okay?"

"Yeah, somehow," Tyson replied. "Looks like the damage from the bridge was still hitting me, which was bad enough, but that guy had to kick me in the same spot, making it worse."

With this guy down, Alex realized there was one more left. "Where is the last one?" he asked Tyson.

"That guy went that way," Tyson pointed in the direction. Suddenly, Alex's expression changed. "Oh no, that way leads to the room where Serena is!" With a sense of urgency, Alex rushed towards Serena's location.

"What, wait, Ale-!" Tyson began, but he knew he couldn't remain idle. "Damn it, I can't be laying around at times like this. Move, MOVE!" he urged his body, struggling to get up.

Lucius stood in front of the locked room, his gaze fixed on the door behind which he sensed a presence. His hand reached for the knob, but it resisted his attempt to turn it. "Locked, huh," he mumbled, his frustration mounting. With a determined scowl, he lifted his leg, intending to deliver a forceful kick to the door.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A commanding voice shattered the tense silence, causing Lucius to freeze in his tracks. He turned to see Alex, standing in the dimly lit corridor, a stun gun trained on him. "So, you finally showed up yourself, huh, Sun Familia's brat," Lucius remarked, his tone laced with contempt.

"Don't move, or else I will shoot you," Alex warned, his grip on the stun gun steady. A flicker of surprise crossed his face as he noticed the eerie glow emanating from Lucius's eyes. "How is he able to see in this darkness?" Alex wondered to himself, quickly deducing the source. "I see, hunter lenses, huh. That makes sense," he murmured, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Oh, you'll shoot me? Try if you can," Lucius taunted, his smirk evident even in the dim light. Without hesitation, he lashed out with a swift kick, knocking the stun gun from Alex's grasp. Before Alex could react, Lucius delivered a powerful punch to his face, sending him hurtling backward.

With a loud crash, Alex collided with the nearby window, shattering it into a cascade of shards. Outside, the relentless rain and booming thunder provided a chaotic backdrop to their confrontation. Alex lay sprawled on the ground, his head spinning from the impact, struggling to regain his bearings.

"Hey, come on. You throwing in the towel now? After setting those traps and injuring my members, you think I'll spare you like that?" Lucius sneered, his tone dripping with malice. With a menacing glint in his eye, he brandished his knife, poised to deliver the final blow.

In that moment of desperation, Alex braced himself for the inevitable. "I guess this is it," he thought, a pang of regret coursing through him. "Here I was, thinking to rule Sun Familia just like my father did."

As he imagined a future where he imagined himself ruling Sun Familia alongside Tyson and Serena, their smiles lighting up his days. Regret washed over him as he lamented his failure to protect those he cared for most. "I wish this could have been our future," he mused, his heart heavy with sorrow.

But just as Lucius prepared to strike, a miraculous intervention halted his deadly blow. Through the haze of pain and despair, Alex saw Tyson, wielding his bat like a shield, blocking Lucius's knife with unwavering resolve.

Lucius glared at Tyson, his grip tightening on the knife as he advanced. "You again," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. On the other side, Tyson, despite his injuries, stood firm, clutching his bat tightly as they faced off.

"I see you finished him off. Seriously, who are you, kid? Why are you protecting him?" Lucius demanded, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"He saved my life, that's why," Tyson replied, his voice steady as he applied pressure to the bat, ready for the impending clash.

Lucius hesitated for a moment, his expression shifting from anger to contemplation. "Look, kid, I don't have anything against you, but you hurt my comrades. So I have no choice but to kill you," he explained, his tone tinged with regret.

With a sudden surge of determination, Lucius charged towards Tyson, brandishing his knife. He lunged forward with a swift strike, but Tyson managed to evade the attack with a deft sidestep. However, before he could react, Lucius landed a powerful punch to Tyson's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

But Tyson refused to yield. With a swift movement, he grabbed Lucius's arm, catching him off guard. "Take this!" Tyson exclaimed, swiftly pulling Alex's stun gun from his pocket and firing it at Lucius.

Caught off guard by the sudden shock, Lucius staggered backward, his mind racing with disbelief. "When did he picked it?" he thought, his thoughts interrupted by the searing pain coursing through his body. Writhing in agony, he struggled to regain his footing.

Meanwhile, seizing the opportunity presented by Lucius's momentary vulnerability, Tyson sprang into action. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily upon him, he summoned all his remaining strength and focused it into a single, powerful swing of his bat. The air whistled as the bat arced through the air, aimed squarely at his adversary.

The bat connected with a resounding thud, striking Lucius squarely in the face. With a groan, he thought, "I guess we should have brought the gun." Before he could react further, Lucius collapsed to the ground, rendered unconscious by the force of the blow.

Tyson breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his brow as he surveyed the scene. "Finally, that was a close call," he muttered to himself before rushing to Alex's side.

"Hey, Alex, you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice as he checked on his friend's condition.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just... got this cut," Alex replied weakly, gesturing to the wound on his arm.

"Where's the first aid box?" Tyson inquired, scanning the room frantically.

Alex pointed to a shelf in the corner, and Tyson wasted no time retrieving it. With steady hands, he tended to Alex's wound, applying the necessary treatment to stop the bleeding.

"I guess that should do," Tyson remarked with a sense of relief after treating Alex's injured arm, the tension in the room easing slightly.

"Thanks, Tyson, but why go this far, one wrong move and you could have died you know?" Alex inquired, genuine curiosity coloring his voice.

Tyson, worn out and sprawled on the floor, looked up at the ceiling with a weary smile. "Alex, why did you save me from falling off that bridge?" he countered, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and contemplation.

Before Alex could respond, Tyson interjected, "That's my answer." A chuckle escaped his lips, breaking the momentary silence. "Looks like our plan got messed up."

"Yeah, but in the end, we managed to save your sister, right?" Tyson shifted, pushing himself up and extending his fist towards Alex.

Alex met Tyson's fist with his own, completing the fist bump. "Yeah," he affirmed with a nod.

The sound of approaching vehicles outside caught their attention, prompting Alex to glance out the window. Observing Cedric and the Sun Familia members geared up for what seemed like a confrontation, Alex muttered, "Finally, he comes, huh?" He waved at Cedric before the group made their way inside the mansion.

Cedric, armed and visibly concerned, hurried towards Alex upon entering. "Young master, are you okay?" he inquired urgently, his voice thick with worry.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine. So is Serena, so don't worry, Cedric," Alex reassured him, a sense of calm in his demeanor.

Cedric let out a sigh of relief, his emotions momentarily overcoming him before he regained control. "Thank goodness," he muttered under his breath.

However, Cedric's attention soon shifted to Tyson, he pointed his gun on him. "Who are you?" he demanded, his gaze unwavering.

Stepping in front of Tyson protectively, Alex raised his hand. "Lower your gun, Cedric. You're mistaken. He's the one who saved me. If he wasn't there, both Serena and I would have been killed by now," Alex clarified firmly with a serious face.

Cedric hesitated before reluctantly lowering his gun. "I see. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding," he admitted, acknowledging his error.

"More importantly, Cedric, can you take care of those guys?" Alex gestured towards Lucius and his group. "If Serena sees this, she'll panic."

Cedric nodded solemnly. "Understood," he replied before instructing his group to handle Lucius's group, efficiently managing the situation with authoritative commands.

As Cedric's team tended to the injured and tied up Lucius's crew, Cedric effortlessly lifted Lucius with one hand, using a tin chain. Tyson was astonished. "He's carrying him like he weighs nothing," he muttered in disbelief, marveling at Cedric's strength.Alex turned to Tyson with a serious expression. "I need to ask you some questions. Are you ready to answer them?" 

Tyson nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I also have lots of questions for you," he admitted, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"Then how about we both play chess?" Alex suggested with a smile.

"Huh? What does chess have to do with this?" Tyson asked, confused by the sudden proposal.

With a playful grin, Alex teased, "Do you perhaps not know how to play chess?"

Tyson's expression shifted slightly, his annoyance evident. "Yeah, you got it. Let's do it," he agreed, albeit with a touch of frustration.

Alex's smile widened. "Then follow me," he said, leading Tyson to a room within the mansion. Opening the door, Alex revealed a classic setting with old yet polished furniture, exuding a nostalgic ambiance reminiscent of the 19th century. 

At the center of the room, a large chessboard awaited them, inviting them to engage in a strategic game. Taking their seats, Alex posed the question, "So, will you take white or black?"

Tyson, adopting a pensive pose, considered his options before responding, "Since your hair color is white, you can take white. And my hair color is black, so I will take black," he quipped, injecting a teasing tone into his choice.

Rolling his eyes in mock exasperation, Alex retorted, "Yeah, yeah. Sorry for having weird hair," his playful annoyance evident in his tone.

Tyson chuckled softly. "Sorry, I was just joking," he apologized, readying himself for the game ahead.

"Let's make this more interesting, Tyson," Alex proposed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "For every piece you manage to take out, I'll answer one of your questions. And of course, the same goes for you. But if I win, you'll do whatever I say. If you win, I'll do whatever you say."

Tyson hesitated for a moment, considering the stakes. Then, with determination, he agreed. "Okay, let's do this."

With the terms set, they began their game of chess.

--five minutes later--

After five minutes of intense game, Alex exclaimed, "Checkmate," sealing his victory. Tyson, acknowledging defeat, muttered, "Okay, you got me there."

"You're quite skilled at chess, Alex," Tyson admitted.

"Thanks, I used to play with my father," Alex replied. "But your moves weren't bad either, Tyson. You managed to take out my pawn and knight, so you can ask two questions."

'' so my first question is who are you guys and why were those people trying to kill you and your sister''asked Tyson with serious face 

Alex sighed and said, "This is going to require a lengthy explanation, but are you sure, Tyson, things won't go back to how they were after this?" His expression was serious, 

Tyson hesitated for a moment. After a pause, he nodded and said, "I'm sure. Go ahead."

Alex closed his eyes and asked, "Have you ever heard of the Sun Familia?"

Tyson answered with a hint of concern, "Yeah, you mean that mafia group which was once popular among city people, right? Don't tell me that you guys are..." His voice trailed off, filled with a mix of apprehension and disbelief.

Alex replied, his voice steady but tinged with resolve, "Yeah, we are Sun Familia, and I'm son of James Jackson the previous boos of sun familia. In five years, I'm slated to lead the Sun Familia. That's why they were trying to kill me – to prevent that from happening."

Tyson's expression froze, his eyes widening in disbelief at Alex's unexpected admission. It was as if the ground beneath him had shifted, leaving him stunned and unsure of what to say or do next. This revelation added an unexpected layer of complexity to their already precarious situation, and Tyson couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him.

 Alex's words cut through the tension like a ray of sunlight breaking through dark clouds. "Don't worry, Tyson," he said with a reassuring smile. "We're not like other familias. We won't hurt you. In fact, you saved mine and my sister's lives, so I'm grateful for that. Thank you, Tyson." There was sincerity in his voice, a genuine appreciation for Tyson's actions that softened the weight of their circumstances. which made Tyson little bit relief

 ''So, what is familia is anyway?''Tyson's innocent question caught Alex off guard, his brows furrowing slightly as he processed the inquiry. "What? You don't know about the familia organization?" he echoed, a hint of surprise in his tone. It was a realization that Tyson's world might be far removed from the complexities of their own, a stark reminder of the different paths their lives had take

"So, you're an outsider, huh?" Alex sighed,

"Huh, what do you mean, outsider?" Tyson's voice carried a note of confusion. "Right from birth, I've been growing up in Astral City. How does that make me an outsider?" 

"Nah, I didn't mean it that way," Alex clarified, shaking his head slightly. "Those who don't know fully about our organization are called outsiders."

"Oh, I see," Tyson replied, nodding in understanding.

As the sound of knocking filled the room, Alex swiftly called out, "Come in," and opened the door. Both he and Tyson turned their attention to the newcomer, who turned out to be Cedric. Alex greeted him with a question, "Oh, Cedric, did you take care of them?"

Cedric's response was affirmative. "Yes, we handed them over to the Supreme Guardians. They will take care of the rest." Then, Cedric's gaze shifted towards Tyson, and he approached him with intent. Tyson tensed slightly, feeling a pang of unease, but Cedric stopped in front of him and knelt down.

"Sorry for pointing a gun at you," Cedric began, his voice sincere. "Thank you so much for saving both of them."

"Huh!, please stand up," Tyson insisted, a touch of discomfort in his voice. "You're older than me; you shouldn't do that. And Alex saved my life, so I was just returning the favor. That's all."

Cedric stood up and nodded with a smile. "You're a kind kid, but I'm grateful to you for saving them," he expressed sincerely.

Alex remarked, teasingly, "Oh, it's pretty rare to see you genuinely smiling like that, Cedric."

"Oh, please, why do you make it sound like a miracle?" Cedric retorted, with his annoyed expression.

"Alright then, Tyson, I'll explain about familia later, but before that, I have some questions for you," Alex stated.

"Go ahead" Tyson replied.

"Who are you?" asked Alex, his voice calm but curious.

''What do you mean i am just a normal kid that's all'' Tyson replied with confused expression

''No normal kid could have handled that situation normally they would run away by seeing all that but you are sitting here right now and talking like nothing happened at all'' said Alex

''Oh, that you see my father was a hunter and he use to take me to the forest and there we always had insane encounters with wild animals even though he was an hunter he never seriously harmed any animal he treat if they were injured and free them again compare to those encounters this much was nothing'' Tyson explained 

''Oh, i see that makes sense now, oh and one more thing'' Alex asked ''what is it'' Tyson replied 

In an instant, Alex's demeanor shifted, his expression turning serious as he posed the question that caught Tyson off guard. "Why were you reading Sun Familia's Chronicle book?" His words hung heavy in the air, causing Tyson to startle at the unexpected inquiry. Cedric, too, was taken aback, his shock evident as he exclaimed, "What? He read Sun Familia's Chronicle book!?"

Tyson replied ''Um, that's because I completed reading the white book you give me first, so i was getting board then i saw a big book which got my interest so i decided give it a read'' 

"What? Well, you can stop lying, Tyson," Alex retorted. "I'm not lying. If you doubt me that much, why don't you test me by asking the rules of life from that book?" challenged Tyson.

"Okay, what's rule number 5?" asked Alex skeptically.

"Never panic in tough situations. Try to think and solve with a calm mind," answered Tyson confidently.

"What the... okay, next, rule number 17?" Alex queried.

"Focus on solutions rather than problems. Learn from your mistakes. Prioritize self-care. Celebrate and embrace change. Express gratitude and be thankful," recited Tyson.

"Tyson, did you seriously read the whole book?" Alex asked incredulously.

"Yeah, it was 20 pages short though," Tyson replied casually.

"And what about Sun Familia's Chronicle you've been reading ?" Alex inquired, still trying to process Tyson's rapid reading.

"Oh, that? I've completed reading half of the book," Tyson revealed, leaving Alex and Cedric shocked. "No way. No matter how fast a person can read, to complete 20 pages would take at least 20-30 minutes. But this kid not only completed reading it, he started reading the Sun Familia's Chronicle book and has already finished half of it? Is this kid for real?" Alex wondered silently. 

''Even young master didn't reached that far but this kid did it?'' Cedric mumbled in his mind

Tyson's response was swift, his tone sincere as he sought to ease the tension. "Hey, was it something personal that I shouldn't have read? If that's the case, then I apologize for my rude behavior."

Alex's response was understanding, his voice calming. "It's okay. What happened has happened. We should focus on what needs to be done now," he replied, seeking to reassure Tyson and redirect their attention to the present situation.

"Now then, Tyson," Alex replied, smiling as he turned his gaze towards Tyson. Tyson, curiously, asked, "What is it?"

"Join the Sun Familia," Alex replied, surprising Tyson. Cedric chuckled at the unexpected turn of events.

"Huh?! But why?" Tyson replied, his expression filled with shock.

''your reaction understandable but you see Sun Familia's Chronicle is something that only sun familia members or superior members allowed to read if somebody if an outsider like you read it then you have only two options one is to join familia and other option is to die which made tyson tense 

As Tyson pondered Alex's words, Alex continued, his tone tinged with sadness. "Tyson, I understand this is a lot to process, and it might seem sudden. But let me share with you the story of Sun Familia. When my father was in charge, everything was different. The government and the familia worked together seamlessly, and Sun Familia was at the peak of its power. It was a time of prosperity and unity."

There was a momentary pause as Alex collected his thoughts before continuing, "But after my father's passing, everything changed. Sun Familia lost its strength, and chaos descended. some familias started making their moves to take control over sun familia but some familia stood forword to protect us which resulted some wars and to government. Now, we're viewed as enemies, and the fate of Sun Familia hangs in the balance." With a determined look in his eyes, Alex pressed on, "But I refuse to let Sun Familia fall.I promised to my father that I will take forward my father's legacy and create a world where familia is acknowledged by everyone and it stands as a beacon of protection and peace. To achieve that, I need allies I can trust. Tyson, will you stand with me?" Alex finished, awaiting Tyson's response with hope in his heart.

"Alex, I understand what you're saying. Let me ask you this for conformation: You're not doing something that will cause innocent people to suffer, right?" Tyson inquired earnestly.

"Of course not. Our main purpose is peace. That much, I can guarantee you," Alex replied with conviction.

Tyson folded his hands and fell into deep thought, his mind burdened by the significance of the decision. Alex and Cedric waited anxiously for his answer, their anticipation tangible in the air. After several tense minutes, Tyson finally spoke up.

"Okay, I will help you to reach your goal," he declared resolutely.

The significance of Tyson's decision alleviated the tension in the room, and Alex couldn't contain his gratitude. "Thanks, Tyson. I will never forget this," he expressed sincerely, his relief evident in his voice.

Tyson hesitated for a moment before voicing his concern. "It's okay, but there's one thing that was bothering me," he began.

"Hm, what is it?" Alex inquired, curious about Tyson's sudden change in demeanor.

"Why do you have bear traps?" Tyson questioned, his brow furrowing with confusion.

Alex chuckled lightly before responding, "Oh, that? You see, there's a forest area behind this mansion, so we use them as a precaution."

Tyson's eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, isn't that a little bit dangerous?" he asked, genuinely concerned for their safety.

Cedric let out a weary sigh and interjected, "Please, make him understand, this idiotic kid."

Caught off guard by Cedric's blunt remark, Alex's expression shifted to one of annoyance. "Oi, I heard that," he retorted with a hint of irritation.

However, the tension quickly dissolved as Tyson laughed, finding Cedric's bluntness amusing. Cedric chuckled in response, and soon, even Alex couldn't help but join in. Their laughter filled the room, bringing a sense of camaraderie between them. They continued to talk and laugh together till morning

As dawn broke, Tyson glanced at the window, noting the morning's arrival. "Oh, look at the time, it's morning already," he remarked. Alex followed his gaze, observing the rain had ceased and daylight had come. "Yeah, you're right, time flies," Alex agreed.

Tyson sensed the moment to bid farewell approaching and mentioned it might be time for him to depart. Alex, somewhat surprised, responded with a quizzical tone, "Huh? Going already?" Tyson explained his situation, "Even though my parents died, there are still people who might be worried or waiting for my arrival." Alex nodded in understanding, accepting Tyson's explanation.

Cedric offered to drop Tyson home in his car, but Tyson declined with gentle firmness, "My house is not that far, so it's okay."

But before Tyson could make his exit, Cedric intervened, pointing out Tyson's disheveled attire. Both Tyson and Alex suddenly realized the state of his clothes. "Ah, you're right, my clothes are messed up. What should I do now?" Tyson asked, somewhat flustered.

Cedric, ever the attentive caretaker, offered a solution: to prepare fresh clothing for both of them. Tyson hesitated, unsure if such a gesture was appropriate. However, Alex quickly reassured him. "Of course. Right now, you're a member of Sun Familia. Moreover, you've become an important friend to me. So, no need to hesitate. Okay, let's go," Alex urged, 

Tyson was taken aback by Alex's term of endearment, but he nodded in agreement. "Friend, huh? Okay, let's go," Tyson responded

After refreshing themselves with a bath, Cedric provided Alex with a sleek black suit and Tyson with a crisp white one. "I apologize, suits are all we have at the moment," Cedric expressed apologetically. Tyson, however, graciously accepted, thanking Cedric for the gesture. As they admired each other's attire, Cedric announced breakfast was ready. 

"Eh? But I told you I have to go," Tyson remarked, puzzled. "Come on, eating breakfast won't hurt. Plus, I have something important to talk to you about," Alex persuaded. Tyson hesitated but eventually relented, agreeing, "Okay, fine."

They sat in the dining room, a spacious and tidy area, enjoying Italian pasta for breakfast. Suddenly, Tyson broke the silence, asking, "So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Alex smirked in response, reminding Tyson of the chess match they played. "Did you forget already? I won, so I can make any request I want, right?"

Tyson hesitated for a moment before responding, "Uh, yeah, I guess so." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, waiting for Alex's request.

"Well, this is regarding your role in the familia," Alex began, his tone serious. Cedric, intrigued, chimed in, "Oh, I'm curious to know about Tyson's duty too."

Alex then turned his attention directly to Tyson. "Tyson," he said, causing Tyson to jump slightly ''y-yeah'' he replied. "You are going to be Sun Familia's executer," Alex declared.

Cedric's eyebrows shot up in surprise, while Tyson's confusion only deepened. "Um, what is an executer anyway? Sounds like a tiring job to me," Tyson innocently asked. Alex couldn't help but burst into laughter, leaving Tyson even more befuddled.

Cedric cleared his throat, ready to provide some clarity. "Allow me to explain briefly. An executer is the one who leads the execution team—"

Before Cedric could finish, Tyson interjected, his curiosity piqued. "What is an execution team?"

Cedric paused, realizing they had omitted some crucial information. "Ah, it seems we missed that part. Well, you see, the execution team is a group of people who work behind the scenes," he explained. "They handle paperwork, budget calculations for the familia, and accept requests from familia people who are seeking help. to put in simple words they are backbone of the familia''

Tyson nodded in understanding, rubbing his chin in thought. Alex, watching with a smirk, couldn't help but interject. "You're catching on, Tyson."

A few minutes later, Tyson sighed. "I guess I have to, since I lost, right?"

"But are you sure though? That job sounds quite complicated. Do you think someone like me could handle something like that?" Tyson asked, his uncertainty evident. Alex chuckled reassuringly. "Well, it's not like we're going to start right away. We still have five years, which is long enough. We just need to train more and gain confidence in our roles, right?"

"Oh, I see. Then it's okay," Tyson replied, a weight lifted from his shoulders. But then, realization struck. "Oh no, I have to go home." He thanked Cedric for the breakfast and clothes, then dashed towards the entrance gate.

"Wait, Tyson!" Alex's voice called out, halting Tyson in his tracks. He turned to see Alex approaching him. "What is it?" Tyson asked.

"I wanted to apologize and thank you for going along with my selfish decisions. But trust me, Tyson, you won't regret making this decision," Alex said earnestly.

"I hope so," Tyson replied, a hint of uncertainty lingering. Alex extended his hand for a handshake. "I look forward to working with you, Tyson."

Tyson shook his hand with a smile. "Yeah, me too." The two exchanged a meaningful glance before parting ways, each with newfound determination.

After Tyson had departed, Cedric emerged from the mansion and joined Alex outside. "Oh, he left, huh," Cedric muttered. Alex glanced at him. "So, you caught him?"

Cedric nodded. "Yes, just as I assumed. That driver was the one who leaked the information. Please, worry not, I took care of him."

A chuckle escaped Alex. "Did you inquired about Tyson?"

Cedric confirmed, "Yes, he doesn't seem to belong to any other familia or organization."

Alex sighed in relief. "What do you think about him?"

Cedric chuckled. "He's an interesting fellow. Even though he's young, he acts mature. I think he's worthy of trust."

Cedric grinned. "you Finally found someone trustworthy, huh young master?"

Alex smiled back. "Yes."

Alex turned thoughtful. "Cedric, I think this is the beginning of the rise of Sun Familia."

Cedric's smile widened. "Yeah, I guess so."

Alex then spoke, his tone contemplative. "This must be fate that brought us together." He gazed up at the sky and murmured, "Right, Father?"

-To be continued-