Chapter 2 ''The Path Ahead''

-5 years later -

In Tyson's dream, he found himself in an unknown place, a vast desert surrounded by towering mountains. Before him lay a battlefield, where two armies stood facing each other with unwavering resolve.

One army donned black armor, their forms obscured by an eerie darkness that seemed to emanate from within. Their eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, their presence foreboding. Leading them was their king, a figure draped in shadows, wielding a sword with an ominous gleam.

Opposite them stood another army, adorned in pristine white armor that seemed to shimmer with purity. Like their counterparts, they too were enveloped in an ethereal energy, but of a radiant white was almost like chess in real life. Among them, Tyson stood tall, his expression confident as he surveyed the scene before him.

With a determined smile, Tyson whispered to himself, acknowledging the challenge laid out before him. "Looks like I should make the first move," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the unfolding battlefield.

In response to Tyson's command, one of the white soldiers surged forward, his footsteps echoing across the desert sands. With swift precision, he brandished his sword, ready to engage the enemy. Across the battlefield, the black king raised his sword, signaling his soldiers to advance.

As the black soldiers charged forward, the clash of metal against metal resounded through the air. The white and black armies collided in a flurry of strikes and parries, each side locked in a fierce struggle for dominance.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Tyson watched intently, his eyes darting from one skirmish to another. With every move, every clash of swords, he calculated his next steps

In the midst of the intense clash, Tyson watched from above, his keen eyes tracking every movement on the battlefield below. As the black rook made its bold advance, Tyson's lips curled into a knowing smirk. "Sending your rook as a decoy and secretly preparing your queen to attack. Not bad," he mused to himself, "but unfortunately, I saw that coming miles away."

Before the black army could react, the white horse sprang into action, swiftly tackling the rook with precise timing. At the same time, a white soldier dealt a fatal blow to the black queen, sending shockwaves through their ranks. With each passing moment, the black army's numbers dwindled, their once-unshakeable resolve crumbling in the face of Tyson's strategic prowess.

"Guess it's my turn to attack," Tyson murmured, his voice carrying across the battlefield. With a decisive command, he ordered his knight to advance, setting the stage for the final confrontation. Yet, before the black king could mount a defense, the white queen seized the opportunity, her sword poised at the king's throat.

"Checkmate," Tyson declared, his words cutting through the chaos like a clarion call. With the battle won, he smiled with satisfaction, acknowledging the valiant efforts of his comrades. The white army erupted into cheers, swords raised in jubilation as they reveled in their hard-fought victory.

But amidst the celebrations, a sudden sandstorm engulfed the battlefield, shrouding everything in darkness. Tyson struggled to see through the swirling sands, his senses dulled by the onslaught of nature's fury. In the confusion, the black army seized their chance, launching a devastating counterattack.

Before Tyson could react, the black elephant charged forward, knocking him to the ground with brute force. As he struggled to rise, a black knight pinned him down, his foot pressing into Tyson's back, rendering him helpless.

Surrounded by the black army, Tyson felt a sense of impending doom wash over him. With grim determination, the black king approached, his sword gleaming in the dim light. In one swift motion, he raised his blade, poised to strike the final blow.

But just as the blade descended, Tyson's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding in his chest as he jolted awake from the vivid nightmare. Sweat beaded on his brow as he struggled to catch his breath, the echoes of the battle still ringing in his ears.

The soft chirping of birds sound gently nudged Tyson awake, his consciousness emerging from the depths of slumber. he reached out to silence the insistent beeping of his alarm clock. 

Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Tyson sat up in bed, 

 back to main character pov

What the hell was that? A nightmare? no. it was more like lucid dream but that last part was unexpected though i wish i could see it through end too bad i guess there is nothing after death 

my gaze drifting around the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. Family photos adorned the walls, a testament to cherished memories. my eyes lingered on the shelves lined with books, each spine a portal to a different world of knowledge. In one corner, my chessboard awaiting for my moves, a silent challenge that was calling me. if i remember correctly then that puzzle was set by Serena oh yeah she challenged me to solve her puzzle when i look at the board it is just reminding me about that dream 

With a resigned sigh, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and pushed myself upright. Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a tired yawn. What's the time? I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table. 5:55 AM. I had a bit more time before school.

Dragging myself out of bed, I groggily made my way to the bathroom. The cold tiles underfoot sent a shiver up my spine, waking me up a bit more. I grabbed my toothbrush and applied a quick dab of toothpaste, vigorously brushing away the remnants of sleep. A splash of water on my face helped clear the last vestiges of drowsiness.

After the refreshing shower, the warmth of the water invigorating my senses, I stepped into my small dressing room. There, neatly laid out, was my school uniform: a navy blue blazer with the school crest embroidered on the pocket, a crisp white shirt, and a bright yellow necktie. Next to it lay my black pants. I quickly dressed, smoothing out any wrinkles, feeling the familiar weight of the blazer on my shoulders as I adjusted my tie to just the right length.

With one last glance in the mirror to ensure everything was in place, I grabbed my school bag and headed for breakfast.

Heading to the kitchen, I started preparing breakfast. But first, I needed my morning coffee. I flicked on the coffee maker and turned my attention to the toaster, popping in two slices of bread. As they toasted, I cracked a couple of eggs into a pan and began making an omelet.

As I finished preparing my breakfast, I arranged it neatly on the dining table—a cup of coffee accompanied by two slices of toasted bread and a flavorful omelet seasoned with salt and pepper. Satisfied with my meal choice, I took my seat and turned on the TV to catch up on the morning news. However, the mundane reports about the weather forecast and political updates failed to capture my interest.

After switching off the TV and washing the dishes, I returned to my room and noticed the chessboard Serena had left behind. Her challenge lingered in my mind, tempting me to solve it. With determination, I began tackling the puzzle, finding it surprisingly manageable. In just four minutes, I had completed it.

Glancing at the time—7:20—I realized I needed to head to school soon. Gathering my books and packing my bag, I grabbed my keys and stepped outside. My apartment, yep i live in this apartment its not too big or too small it was perfect and comfortable for me to live alone moreover which makes it awesome is the city view yeah by looking outside the window you will witness best city view which was great. As I locked the door, I was greeted by a familiar girl with purple hair.

"Good morning, Tyson," Iris greets, her smile illuminating her face as she approaches and with her usual ponytail hairstyle. Returning the greeting, I nod, "Good morning, Iris."

Iris, a girl who attends the same high school as me. she is second year student and she is close friend of serena, Recently, she's taken on the role of student council president, adding to her already impressive list of achievements. Despite being in different grades, our proximity as neighbors forges a strong bond between us.

Iris's popularity in school is undeniable, thanks to her exceptional looks and academic grades. Living next door, her family has become like a second family to me, always welcoming and friendly. i wonder is because they are worried about that i live alone without family well anyway i should be greatfull to them 

"Shouldn't the president be present more early at school?" I teased, enjoying Iris's reaction. She always responded in an amusing way.

"Give me a break," she retorted, her tone pointed but playful. "I'm already swamped with my new responsibilities as president. It'll take some time to get the hang of things."

With a small smile, Iris urged us to hurry to school. "Let's go. We don't want to be late, right?"

"Yeah, let's go," I agreed, nodding as we made our way out of the apartment. The morning air was crisp as we strolled along the road, our conversation turning to the upcoming exams.

"Now that Alex has graduated, I guess you'll be owning the top spot in the school rankings," Iris remarked, glancing at me with a playful smile.

"You make it sound like he always owned the top spot," I replied, chuckling. Iris had a way of teasing that was both amusing and endearing.

"Yeah, yeah. It's always you and Alex who come first in the rankings. You both don't even leave a chance for me and Serena to break through," Iris said, her tone slightly pouting.

Yep. Alex was also studying in same high school even though we had one year older separation wall, we always compete against each other in various fields and one of them was Our academic rivalry was legendary—we were constantly competing against each other. The results were always surprising and, admittedly, annoying. More often than not, our contests ended in a draw. When one of us managed to edge ahead, the other would triumph in the next challenge. It was a cycle that left us perpetually wondering who held the upper hand. Personally, I held Alex in high regard; he is a formidable opponent.

"You guys always come in 3rd and 4th spot, right? I think it's a good ranking too," I remarked, teasingly.

"You really think that cheers me up? Just you wait, I will drag you down by ranking top 1," she retorted with a determined grin.

I smiled in response. "I'll be looking forward to that."

Suddenly, a group of girls in high school uniforms called out to Iris, one of Lily's friends. They were waving and calling her name excitedly. Iris waved back at them before turning towards me.

"I'll be going with my friends then. Want to join?" Iris asked.

Before I could respond, my phone buzzed with a message. Glancing at the screen, I chuckled softly and then turned back to Iris. ''Sorry iris, some important work came up. you go ahead i join you later.''

Iris nodded understandingly. "Don't get too late, okay? Bye."

She caught up with her friends who were waiting for her, waving a final goodbye to me. I waved back as they departed.

As Iris and her friends disappeared down the street, I pocketed my phone and adjusted my bag. It was fortunate timing—I hadn't been particularly keen on joining them anyway. My message provided the perfect excuse.

I chuckled to myself as I made my way towards the bridge leading to the Sun Familia's Headquarters. The message I received was from headquarters,an unknown player challenging me to a chess match. It might seem foolish to skip school just to play chess, but there wasn't anything particularly urgent going on at school right now. It was only 8:10, and first period didn't start until 9:00, so I still had plenty of time to kill. After all, this match seemed like the perfect way to pass the time. Besides, I had plans to meet up with Alex and Cedric later. They mentioned something important that they wanted to discuss with me. Iris, Alex, Serena—popular figures at school, always surrounded by others. They thrived on it, but that wasn't quite my scene. No, I was content in my quieter corner of the world.

Alex, especially, had a magnetic charm that drew people in effortlessly, especially the girls. Even after graduation, his popularity endured. I, on the other hand, seemed to have faded into the background as time went on. I wasn't exactly the life of the party—I preferred observing over participating, speaking only when necessary.

And you know what? That was perfectly fine by me. I wasn't interested in being the center of attention. I had a select few friends whom I valued deeply, and that was all I needed.

Standing on the bridge, I took in the morning cityscape. The sun painted the sky with warm hues, and Pink Flowering Almond lined the riverbank. Pink petals danced in the air, stirred by a gentle breeze, adding to the picturesque scene. A boy in a blue shirt walked ahead of me, while everyone seemed hurried, heading to their jobs. I marveled at it for a minute, It was a tranquil moment before the city fully woke up. 

I guess today is going to be a beautiful day, i just wish nothing bad happens that's all. 

At astral city high school: 

 As the bustling corridors of Astral City High School filled with students, groups of friends chatted excitedly while making their way to their respective classes. Each person seemed lost in their own world, caught up in the morning rush.

Amidst this lively scene, a group of girls hurried into a classroom, their eyes scanning the room until they spotted a girl with striking black hair and piercing green eyes. She was deeply engrossed in a novel, seemingly oblivious to the commotion around her.

"Hey Serena!" the girls exclaimed enthusiastically, hoping to capture her attention.

Serena looked up from her book, her expression calm yet slightly annoyed at the interruption.

"We heard that Tyson is going to play chess against Oliver Sinclair," one of the girls announced eagerly.

Serena's reaction was immediate—a faint scowl crossed her features. "That moron," she muttered under her breath. "He's getting cocky just because he won against my brother yesterday."

The girls gasped in surprise. "Tyson won against your brother in chess?" they asked incredulously.

Serena nodded in response, though some of the girls seemed less shocked. "What's so shocking about that?" they chimed in. "It's a normal thing between them."

Curious, the girls continued, "Hey Serena, who do you think will win? Oliver or Tyson?"

Serena's expression grew somber. "By Oliver, you mean Astral City's chess champion, Oliver?" she clarified.

"Yes, that Oliver," the girls confirmed.

Serena sighed, her thoughts momentarily clouded. "I just wish Oliver wins against him," she admitted softly.

The girls exchanged puzzled glances. "Shouldn't you be cheering for Tyson?" they asked, confused by Serena's response.

"Why should I cheer for that moron?" Serena replied, her tone slightly defensive. "Sure, he's lazy, but he's not an idiot."

At Sun Familia Headquarters :

Entering the Sun Familia headquarters, I found the place bustling with activity. Employees hurried about, engrossed in their tasks, making the facility buzz with purpose. The headquarters itself was modern and sleek, with sunlight streaming through large windows, creating a lively atmosphere.

As I walked through the corridors, some colleagues greeted me warmly, and I returned their greetings with a nod and a smile. Since becoming a Sun Familia member, I had grown familiar with everyone. Initially, they had been hesitant, understandable since I was an outsider. But over time, as we worked together, they had grown close and treated me as one of their own.

The building wasn't officially the Sun Familia headquarters yet, but in few days later it would be soon. To outsiders, it appeared to be a busy office building, unaware of its true nature and purpose.

As I pushed open the towering doors to the chess chamber, the room revealed itself in a dimly lit ambiance, enveloped by a mysterious air. The ceiling was painted a deep black, and soft white lights glowed in the corners, casting an eerie yet captivating atmosphere over the space. Several figures stood in conversation, their voices murmuring against the quiet backdrop, seemingly oblivious to my arrival.

"Hey, Tyson."

I turned to see Marcus, the supervisor of Sun Familia headquarters, dressed impeccably in his usual black suit. "Morning, Marcus," I greeted him with a nod. Marcus was not only a respected leader but also surprisingly warm-hearted, known for his occasional playful antics that defied his stern appearance.

As I stepped further into the chamber, my presence became apparent, and a wave of hushed whispers rippled through the room.

"Isn't that Tyson?"

"Yeah, that's him."

Ignoring the murmurs, Marcus approached me with a teasing glint in his eye. "You okay with skipping school?" he asked, a knowing smile tugging at his lips.

"Don't worry, this won't last long. Plus, I still have some time," I replied, glancing casually at my wristwatch. It was 8:30; I had a good twenty minutes to spare.

Marcus chuckled softly, the sound barely audible over the hum of conversation. "I was just imagining their reactions after witnessing the game," he confessed, a devilish smirk playing on his lips.

Before I could respond, a familiar voice cut through the chatter. "Hey, big brother Tyson!"

I turned to see Henry, Marcus's spirited twelve-year-old nephew, with fiery orange hair that matched his exuberant personality. 

"Hey, Henry. How are you?" I greeted him warmly, a smile touching my lips.

"You're late, big brother Tyson! I was tired of waiting for you," Henry exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Well, I was on my way to school when someone sent me a challenge invitation without my knowledge," I explained, shooting a pointed look at Marcus.

Henry's expression shifted to one of puzzlement. "But Uncle Marcus was planning this since yesterday. Didn't he tell you?"

Marcus glanced away briefly, whistling nonchalantly as if feigning ignorance. "Oi, Marcus," I called him out, sensing something amiss.

He hesitated before replying, "Y-yes?"

"Care to explain?" I inquired, narrowing my eyes.

Marcus glanced away briefly, whistling nonchalantly as if feigning ignorance. "Well, you see, I was planning to tell you about this yesterday, but Alex told me not to spill the beans and keep it as a surprise challenge. Heh, sorry," Marcus admitted, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

I let out a sigh, muttering under my breath, "That moron." "Well, complaining about it now won't change anything," I remarked to Marcus with a resigned shrug. 

 Henry, eager to join the conversation, interjected with youthful enthusiasm. "It's going to be exciting, Tyson! Oliver Sinclair is no pushover," he exclaimed, his eyes bright with anticipation.

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Where is he?" I inquired, glancing over at Marcus.

Marcus nodded toward a door behind him with a thumb. "He's waiting for you in there," he replied.

"Got it. I should head in then," I said, adjusting my posture.

Henry handed me my ID card with a wish of good luck, to which I responded with a casual wave before striding confidently towards the back door. Without looking back, I reached for the handle and entered the room.

 The chess chamber was shrouded in a mysterious ambiance, painted entirely in dark black with dim blue lights casting subtle shadows in the corners. As I entered, my eyes adjusted to the unique atmosphere, the focus drawn to the central feature—a chessboard positioned under a striking Ceiling Lights Black Down Focus Lamp.

Oliver Sinclair stood patiently beside the board, his posture relaxed yet poised. I approached him, sensing a slight tension in the air from my delayed arrival. "Sorry for making you wait, sir," I apologized, trying to dispel any discomfort.

Oliver's reaction was unexpectedly warm. "No worries at all, Tyson. I wasn't waiting long," he reassured me with a friendly smile. "And please, don't call me sir. Just Oliver is fine."

I was surprised by Oliver's easygoing demeanor, expecting someone more rigid and distant. "Okay, if you say so," I replied, taking a seat opposite him at the chessboard.

"I've heard a lot about you," Oliver continued, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "They call you 'The Ruler of the Battlefield.'"

I chuckled softly, a hint of embarrassment coloring my expression. "That's just a silly nickname people came up with. Please ignore that," I replied modestly. "I've also heard a lot about you. I've watched your matches; you're truly the chess champion."

Oliver's smile widened, appreciating the compliment. "Thanks. Well then, shall we begin?" he suggested, gesturing towards the chessboard.

"Yeah," I responded absently, my gaze fixed on the chessboard before me. As I readjusted my pieces, my mind involuntarily flashed back to that unsettling dream—the rushing elephant, the oppressive weight of the knight's foot, the cold glint of the king's sword—a haunting reminder of mortality that lingered at the edges of my thoughts.

Oliver's voice broke through my reverie. "Hey, Tyson, you okay?"

Startled, I refocused my attention on Oliver. "Yeah, I kind of zoned out there for a moment," I admitted with a slight shake of my head, trying to shake off the lingering unease.

"No need to be nervous," Oliver reassured me, sensing my distraction. "This isn't an official game. Think of it as just a friendly match."

I managed a soft smile, even though i was not nervous i was grateful for his concern. "Thanks, Oliver. I appreciate that," I replied, feeling a wave of reassurance wash over me as I regained my focus.

As the tension eased, I turned to Oliver with a newfound determination. "Shall we begin, then?" I suggested, ready to immerse myself in the strategic challenge ahead.

Oliver nodded affirmatively, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. "Absolutely. Let's make it a memorable match," he agreed, reaching for the chess clock to set our agreed-upon time limit.

Before we started, Oliver inquired about the time limit. Glancing at my watch, I noted the time. "Let's go with 5 minutes. I need to head to school soon," I explained.

Oliver's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, but he quickly composed himself. "Alright, 5 minutes it is," he agreed, setting the timer.

With a sense of determination, I started the game with the Smith-Morra Gambit, my favorite opening. It's aggressive, sacrificing a pawn for quick development and control of the center. My opponent accepted the gambit, responding with the Scheveningen Formation, a solid defense. I smiled; I was ready for this.

The game flowed smoothly, each move met with a swift response. The clock ticked away, adding to the intensity. I advanced my knight to c3, eyeing the d5 square. He countered with a6, preparing for b5. My bishop developed to c4, targeting the f7 pawn. His knight came to f6, challenging my control.

The focus was palpable. Each piece moved with purpose, creating a web of strategy. Despite the ticking clock, I felt calm and ready. This was my game, and I had more surprises in store.

After a few minutes of strategic play, the game reached its climax. I executed a bold queen sacrifice, setting up a checkmate with my knight. Oliver's expression shifted, realizing the inevitability of his defeat.

"You've blocked me everywhere. I guess I'm out of moves," Oliver acknowledged with a sigh, acknowledging my victory.

We exchanged a handshake, both showing respect for each other's skill. "Good game," I offered sincerely.

Oliver mirrored my sentiment. "Yeah, it was a good game. Well played, Tyson," he responded graciously.

We recorded our moves in a notepad, a tradition that added formality to the conclusion of our match. Rising from our seats, we made our way towards the door.

As I opened it, the room erupted in applause. Marcus and Henry joined in, slowly Oliver who was standing beside me also joined their cheers blending with those of others in the room.

"Good game, Tyson!"

"You played well!"

"Nice game!!'' ''you played well too oliver!'' Oh, I was totally not expecting this I thought as I looked around. The spectators, instead of giving me deadly glares for defeating their favorite player, seemed more impressed with my game. They were nodding appreciatively, discussing the moves with each other. Even after his defeat, Oliver was still respected by them.

"It's kind of nice to see this," I mused, feeling a warm glow of acceptance. "I guess not all people are the same after all." As the applause and chatter gradually faded, I found myself reflecting on the unexpected turn of events. Oliver lingered behind, engaged in lively conversation with a group of curious onlookers, his animated gestures and words echoing in the chamber.

Amidst the dispersing crowd, Marcus and Henry approached me, their faces illuminated by excitement and admiration.

"Tyson, you were amazing!" Henry exclaimed, his youthful enthusiasm palpable.

Marcus joined in with a teasing tone, "Congratulations, new champion!"

I responded "Who are you calling a champion? It wasn't an official match, after all."

Undeterred, Henry persisted. "But you defeated the champion! You should give yourself more credit."

Just as I was about to reply, a pressing concern surfaced in my mind. oh yeah i forget i have to confirm something then i asked Marcus "Hey, Marcus, did any of this leak outside?" I asked, my tone serious.

Marcus hesitated briefly before responding. "W-well, you see, it seems that rumors have spread outside that you and Oliver were going to play a chess match. But don't worry, we made sure the match results didn't leak."

I exhaled a sigh of relief, though I remained cautious. "Please be more careful next time," I urged him, aware of the potential consequences, sometimes i wonder does this guy do this in purpose or not.

Oliver approached me, his expression thoughtful. "Hey, Tyson, I was wondering why you're not entering official tournaments. With the skill and talent you possess, you could easily become a champion," he suggested earnestly. 

I chuckled softly, brushing off his praise. "Oh, please, you're overestimating me. I prefer not to stand out too much, and I have other important responsibilities to take care of. I don't think I'm cut out to be a champion," I explained

Oliver's words echoed in my mind, revealing a subtle vulnerability beneath his confident exterior. "Important responsibilities, huh? I guess I understand that. Maybe I am getting weak."

As I observed Oliver's expression, I sensed a complex interplay of emotions. His remark hinted at more than mere acknowledgment of my duties; it betrayed a sense of introspection and self-doubt. Here was a man who had dedicated his life to mastering chess, only to be bested by someone who approached the game with nonchalance. The realization of this defeat must have stirred a profound internal conflict within him.

Despite Oliver's outward kindness, his pride had undoubtedly taken a blow. It's a universal truth: no matter how compassionate or self-aware we are, our pride can be fragile, susceptible to the slightest dent in our self-perception. This defeat was likely challenging his identity, questioning the very core of his dedication and skill.

maybe i should do something ...

"Hey, Oliver, I think you're underestimating yourself," I said, watching his eyes widen in surprise.

He blinked, taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"You know, that was a close game, right?" I continued, leaning forward. "One wrong step and I could have lost. So why are you thinking you're weak?"

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck with a fake smile. "But I lost, right?"

Yep, just as I thought. I replied, "So, you think you're weak because you lost?"

Oliver looked confused. "What do you mean?"

I continued, "Well, in my perspective, losing is a great thing." His confusion deepened, so I elaborated, "Losing shows your mistakes and highlights that there are still powerful opponents to surpass. It means you have a chance to take your skills to the next level. It shows that it's not over yet and there's still more to achieve. That feeling alone makes our journey exciting, doesn't it?"

Oliver nodded, considering my words. I pressed on, "Plus, think about your fans. Many people support and respect you, including me. There are new players entering the game who take you as an inspiration and motivation. You've got to do your best to live up to their expectations."

He sighed, "I understand that, but do you think I can do that?"

"Of course, you can," I reassured him. "Take today's match as an example. Even though you lost, people admired your game. They still respect and support you, including me. I still think you're a great player. Just do your best in your own way. You're better than you think. Trust me."

Then slowly, Oliver smiled. This time, it wasn't a fake smile—it was genuine. "I see. Thanks Tyson. I guess I really needed that."

"You're welcome," I replied.

yep this should do the trick. Oliver an 18 years old chess player who has recently become chess champion has faced his first defeat, well in future he will face more challenges and he has to experience more but he has the potential to become world champion i cant let him go down just like that. i gived him the friendly little push he needed now its all up to him considering how he will take my advice if he takes my words seriously than he will do just fine 

After some more talk, it was time for Oliver to leave. We escorted him to the entrance to send him off. Before leaving, he turned to me with a confident look.

"Well then, Tyson," he said, "it was nice playing with you. I hope we can meet again, and maybe next time, we can have a rematch. I will definitely defeat you then."

I grinned. "Sure, I'll be looking forward to that."

Oliver extended his hand, and we shook hands firmly. As he got into his sleek black car, he paused and lowered the window. "You know, Tyson," he said, "I really appreciate your words earlier. They meant a lot."

I nodded. ''I'm glad to hear that, Oliver. just remember, every loss is just a stepping stone to becoming stronger."

He smiled genuinely. "Goodbye, Tyson. Take care."

"Yeah, see you around, Oliver," I replied with a wave.

As Oliver drove away, the car's engine humming softly, Marcus and Henry approached me. Marcus spoke up in a teasing tone, "Oh, I didn't know you were a motivational speaker."

I chuckled. "I just explained to him a bit about my perspective, that's all."

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "And you guys became friends just like that, huh? But it's strange, though. Oliver doesn't usually make friends easily. I wonder what he saw in you."

I shrugged. "Who knows? By the way, with this, I guess I'm done with chess, right?"

Marcus glanced at his tablet. "Yeah, with this, your final training test is completed. Good job, Tyson, your training is completed."

 Henry smiled and patted my back. "Congratulations, Tyson. You did great." 

I smiled and said, "Thank you, guys." 

Yep, I was going through execution training under Cedric to become an Executer. One thing I must say: Cedric transforms during training—strict and merciless. His methods may be aggressive, but they work. Over these past five years, I've learned a lot. Budget management of familia, familial affairs, combat training, and gun shooting—all essential skills for an Executer.

Chess was not cedric's idea but something that I personally trained on my own because I like the game. It sharpens my strategic thinking, enhances my ability to anticipate opponents' moves, and improves my decision-making under pressure. New ideas are always born to conquer situations in a different way. These skills aren't just for the chessboard; they've become invaluable tools in my daily life and work. Chess has taught me to stay calm under pressure and think several moves ahead—skills that are just as crucial in real-life situations as they are in the game.

Henry suddenly called out, "Hey Tyson, don't you think you're forgetting something?"

I turned, puzzled. "Hmm? What are you talking about?"

With a smirk, he revealed, "Aren't you getting late for school?"

"!" I took a quick glance at my wristwatch. The time was 8:55. Uh-oh, only five minutes left!

"Yeah, you're right! I gotta hurry up!" I grabbed my bag and started running towards school.

"Big bro!" Henry shouted. I turned around just in time to catch the bicycle keys he tossed to me. "Use the bicycle!" he called out.

I saw my blue gear bicycle, clean and shining. Oh yeah, I left it behind yesterday. I remembered as I ran towards it, quickly unlocking the lock.

I hopped on and started pedaling furiously, the wind rushing past my face. Each turn of the pedal felt like a race against the clock.

As I sped down the street, I turned back and shouted, "Thanks, Henry!" while waving my hand. I saw both Henry and marcus waving back with a grin, their figure getting smaller as I rode away.

Facing forward, I leaned into the handlebars, focusing on the road ahead. My mind raced along with my bike, weaving through the morning traffic.

With every push, I could feel the adrenaline pumping, each second ticking by. The familiar route to school seemed longer today, every red light and pedestrian crossing adding to the challenge.

As I sped down the street on my bike, I passed by the café where I always stopped for coffee. The reason? Albert, the owner, an old man who made the best coffee in town.

I saw Albert coming out of the café and putting up a signboard. "Good morning, Mr. Albert!" I greeted him as I cycled past.

He noticed me and waved. "Oh, good morning, Tyson!"

I smiled, but something caught my eye. The signboard. I glanced back and was surprised to see that it said they were shifting the café. I'd have to ask him about that later, but now I had to hurry to school.

"Better not be late," I muttered to myself, increasing my speed and rushing towards school.

-At Astral City's High School-

The classrooms were filled with the hum of conversations as students chatted while waiting for their teacher. Serena, seated by the window, remained engrossed in her novel, her attention only occasionally diverted by the lively atmosphere around her.

As she turned a page, something outside caught her eye. A certain boy was racing towards the school gate on a blue bicycle, pedaling with all his might. Serena's eyes followed him curiously.

Finally, the school gate came into view for the boy. He glanced at his watch—8:59. Determination flashed in his eyes as he pushed for one last burst of speed, skidding to a stop just in front of the entrance. Panting but triumphant, he locked up his bike and whispered to himself, "Just in time," grabbing his bag and sprinting inside just as the bell rang.

Serena observed the scene unfold from her vantage point, her expression neutral. "Just in time, huh?" she mumbled softly to herself before returning to her novel, the excitement of the moment already fading into the background of her thoughts. There was no smile, just a fleeting acknowledgment of his presence.


Hurrying to the classroom, I dashed through the corridors, my mind racing as fast as my feet. As I turned a corner, a familiar face wearing sharp glasses came into view. He noticed me and started walking towards me.

"It's rare to see you getting late, Tyson. Did you forget the school timings?" Gary said, standing firmly in my way.

"Stop acting like you're still the president, Gary. Plus, I don't think I'm late. I just arrived on time. So, if you step aside, I can get to my classroom and avoid being scolded by the teacher for being late," I replied, slightly irritated.

Gary Foster, a smart guy with great athletic abilities and disciplined habits, he is good at almost everything. He was the student council president but retired since he's now in his third year. Although we're in the same grade, we're in different classes. We aren't particularly close, but we've had brief interactions. Gary's unwavering discipline and the high standards he set for himself and others. He might be strict, but there was no denying his effectiveness as a leader.

"On that matter, you don't need to worry about it since your teacher is absent today," Gary replied with a slight smirk.

"Wait, really?" I asked for confirmation. He nodded, and I sighed in relief. So all that cycling was a waste of energy, but at least I got some proper exercise.

"You're lucky that I'm not president anymore, or else you could have faced a good punishment. I guess making Iris the student council president was a mistake," he said while adjusting his glasses.

"Hey, come on. Go easy on her. She just became the president, so she's working on it. Just give her some time. She's a fast learner; she will improve," I replied.

"You sure trust her a lot, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, kind of," I admitted.

"Well, whatever. I'm going to the staff room to help my teacher. See you later then," he said, walking past me and heading towards the staff room.

"Yeah, see you later," I replied, starting to walk towards my classroom. Just then, Gary suddenly spoke up.

"Oh, by the way, good luck with the exam," he said, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around to look at him.

"Isn't it too early for that? I mean, our third year has just started today," I replied, puzzled.

Gary stopped, facing the opposite direction. He didn't turn around but gave a cold side glance, his tone serious. "I'm not talking about academic exams, Tyson," he said and then continued to the staff room.

As I watched him walk away, many questions started to race through my mind. Not academic exams? Then what exam was he referring to? Was he talking about my training exams? No, no, how would he know about that? Plus, I just completed them. So what was he talking about? Well, it's not the first time he's acted like that. There have been times when he's been cryptic before. Maybe he's not as much of an outsider as he seems. Ah, I've got to stop this—my habit of overthinking.

Still, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something significant was about to happen. Whatever it is, I'll just ask him when the time comes. With a deep breath, I resumed my walk to the classroom, trying to push the unsettling thoughts to the back of my mind

I was now near the classroom, hearing everyone's murmurings. As I entered, all eyes turned toward me. Soon, almost everyone smiled and greeted me with, "Hey Tyson," and "Morning Tyson." While it wasn't unusual for a few people to greet me, having nearly everyone do so was definitely strange.

Returning their greetings, I felt a sense of unease. This wasn't normal. I made my way to my seat in the last row next to the window, placed my bag down, and sat. Suddenly, a girl approached me nervously.

"G-good morning, Tyson," she stammered.

I nodded and returned the greeting. "Good morning."

She quickly ran back to her seat, and I couldn't help but think, okay, now this is definitely strange! I guess I should ask the class rep about it. I glanced to my right and noticed her seat, which was next to mine, was empty though her bag was there. Where did she go? I wondered.

Suddenly, someone called out to me. "Yo, Tyson, what are you doing?"

I looked up and saw my friends standing in front of me—Ethan, Reed, Lucas, and Chloe.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them, relieved to see familiar faces.

Ethan smirked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"More like everyone decided to act weird all at once," I replied, still puzzled by the unusually warm reception.

Reed raised an eyebrow. "Weird how?"

"Almost everyone greeted me when I walked in. It's not normal," I explained.

Lucas chuckled. "Maybe its because of that."

"By 'that,' you mean my match today, right?" I asked.

Chloe nodded. "Yep, everyone in the school knows about that, but they don't know what happened in the match."

I sighed in relief. Then Ethan asked, "So, who won?"

"Take a guess," I said.

Without a second thought, Ethan quickly said, "You won, right?"

I nodded. He sighed and said, "Wow, why are we not surprised, guys?"

Everyone wore slight smiles. Reed said, "I guess we got used to it."

"Yeah, true," Chloe chuckled.

Lucas then asked, "So, are you planning to keep it a secret?"

"Of course. I'm already facing a lot of attention; I don't want to deal with more," I said, keeping my head down in a sleeping position.

Suddenly, Ethan said, "If you can't even handle this much, what will you do when you become the execu—"

Before he could finish, Chloe quickly covered his mouth, and I punched him in the stomach—not too hard, though. As he suffered the pain, Chloe released him.

Ethan shouted, "What was that for?"

"You should know what you're talking about according to your surroundings. What if someone hears us?" I retorted.

"But still, you didn't have to punch me to tell me that," Ethan grumbled.

"I thought that was the best way to make you understand," I said, looking outside the window.

"You little—" Ethan was trying to make an attempt, but Reed, Lucas, and Chloe were holding him back, which was quite a funny scene if you ask me.

Suddenly, I heard a voice. "Attention, everyone. Since our teacher is absent today, our substitute teacher, Mrs. Rose, is going to take the class. Until she arrives, please silently do self-study."

I looked to see who it was and saw a beautiful brown-haired girl wearing glasses standing near the blackboard. Yep, that's our class rep, Sophia. She's really disciplined, good at academics, and a hard-working girl. Not to mention, she has elements that make her a great leader, so that's why everyone in class depends on her and follows her. 

Sophia continued, "Please make sure to keep the noise level down. Mrs. Rose will be here shortly."

Reed, Lucas, and Chloe finally let go of Ethan, who rubbed his stomach, still glaring at me. "Fine, fine, I get it. No more blurting out sensitive information," he muttered.

I gave a slight smile and a nod. They went to their respective benches. Then I saw Sophia take her seat next to me and started doing her self-study. 

"Good morning, Sophia," I greeted.

She looked at me and smirked. "Oh my, so even the great Tyson can be late, huh?"

"I'm human too, you know. I sometimes make mistakes," I replied.

"Well, consider yourself lucky because the teacher isn't here. Or else—"

"Oh, spare me. I already heard that from Gary, so give me a break," I said while taking out my books.

Sophia gave a smile and said, "Since it's your first time, I'll make an exception and let this slide. But there won't be a second time, so try to always be on time, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, looking at my book.

"Good," she said.

 I gave her a side glance and saw that she was reading her book, but she had a little smile. She looks beautiful when she smiles like that. She should do it more often. Should I tell her that? Nah, that would creep her out. Better to keep it to myself.

Suddenly, she said, "Our seniors graduated, huh?"

I looked at her as she continued, "Now that Alex has left, I guess your only competitor is going to be Gary, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I replied. After Alex, Gary was the most challenging person. There were even times when I lost to him, so I guess he'll put up a good competition.

Then she asked, "Speaking of Alex, what is he doing after graduation?"

I looked outside the window and said, "I'm sure he's doing the things he must do."

Sophia nodded thoughtfully. "Alex always had a clear path in mind. I suppose he's tackling it head-on, as always."

"Yeah, that sounds like him," I agreed. Alex was always so determined and focused. He was the kind of person who knew exactly what he wanted and went for it without hesitation. Gary, on the other hand, was more adaptable, capable of excelling in multiple areas, which made him a formidable competitor.

Sophia's voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have a simpler life, without all these expectations and competitions?"

I pondered her question for a moment. "Sometimes, but then I think about how these challenges shape us. They push us to be better."

She smiled again, this time with a hint of admiration. "You're right, Tyson. It's just that, seeing you all the time, I realize how much pressure you must be under. You handle it well."

"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you," I said with a slight smile 

I watched Sophia quickly turn back to her book, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. It was amusing to see her, usually so composed, getting flustered over a simple tease.

"S-shut up and do your self-study, idiot," she stammered, clearly trying to regain her composure.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, president," I replied, enjoying her rare moment of fluster.

I glanced at my watch and noticed the date: June 17. Today's the day of submission, the Sun Familia's official return, huh? I thought. Looking out the window, the beautiful blue sky and the soft breeze provided a tranquil backdrop to my thoughts.

He must be doing the things he must do...

--Somewhere in Astral City --

The scene shifts to the bustling main road of Astral City. The streets are alive with activity, and amidst the crowd, a royal black car glides smoothly, its destination clear and unchanging. Inside the car, Cedric grips the steering wheel with practiced ease, his eyes scanning the road ahead. In the back seat, Alex sits in contemplative silence, dressed in a sleek black suit. The suit is marked by a small white sun symbol over his heart, the insignia of his familia.

Alex's gaze is distant as he watches the cityscape blur past the window. The tranquility of the moment is interrupted by Cedric's steady voice. "Are you ready, young master? We're about to arrive at the head office of the Supreme Familia."

Alex turns his attention back inside the car. "Yeah," he responds, a hint of determination in his voice. "And you got all the documents, right?"

Cedric nods and reaches into the glove compartment, pulling out a thick file. "Yes, I have everything. Do a recheck to confirm."

Alex takes the file and methodically flips through it. Each page is scrutinized with care. He stops briefly at the page documenting his own registration as the boss of Sun Familia, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. As he turns the page, he sees Tyson's document, detailing his role as Executer, his height of 170 cm, and his photo. "Yep, everything is perfect," Alex murmurs, closing the file.

Cedric glances at him through the rearview mirror, his tone carrying a note of caution. "Listen, the first thing you must do is to remain cool and be respectful and don't mock them with your words."

Alex remains silent, his gaze once again drifting to the passing city. Cedric's voice rises slightly, a hint of irritation creeping in. "You heard me, right?"

Alex finally responds, his tone nonchalant. "I'll try."

Cedric's patience wears thin. "You try?!"

Alex chuckles, a sound that breaks the tension in the car. "It's really fun pissing you off, Cedric."

Cedric sighed, shaking his head. "We are here," he announced as he brought the car to a stop in front of an imposing building. At the top of the building, a yellow eagle symbol flag fluttered in the wind. The eagle's head was adorned with a small cross as a crown, and red stripes outlined the flag, adding a regal touch.

Alex stepped out of the car, his eyes immediately drawn to the flag. The symbol of Supreme Familia loomed above them, a reminder of the powerful organization they were about to confront. Cedric joined him, his usual composed demeanor masking any apprehension he might have felt.

Alex steps out of the car, his demeanor shifting to one of composed readiness. "Okay, let's go, Cedric."

They walked towards the entrance, where a man in a black suit stood smoking. He looked at them with a smirk. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the old Sun Familia itself. I thought everyone died in that war. No matter how hard you clean some germs still remain" he said mockingly.

Cedric quickly glanced at Alex, whose facial expression remained calm, but his clenched fists betrayed his anger. Cedric stepped forward, addressing the man. "We are here for the registration. Is Mr. Patric available?"

The man laughed, his mockery echoing in the entrance. Alex's fists tightened even more, the muscles becoming visible as he tensed up. He began to move forward, but Cedric stopped him by placing a firm hand on his shoulder. Alex looked back at Cedric, who shook his head slightly, signaling him to hold back. Alex sighed, forcing himself to calm down.

"He's on the fifth floor," the man said between bouts of laughter.

Cedric nodded. "Let's go, young master," he said, guiding Alex towards the building. As they entered, Alex shot a glare back at the man, who was still laughing, his eyes cold and predatory. Cedric's pat on his shoulder brought him back to focus, and they continued to the elevator.

Inside the towering structure of the Supreme Familia headquarters, the air was thick with anticipation and determination. Cedric, ever disciplined, walked beside Alex, who exuded an effortless confidence. As they approached the grand doors of the registration office, Cedric offered one last piece of advice.

"Remember, Alex, this is a crucial meeting. Show them the respect they deserve."

Alex nodded, his eyes gleaming with a mix of resolve and amusement. "Don't worry, Cedric. I've got this."

The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, and they stepped out into a spacious, elegantly decorated hallway. As they approached the grand doors of the registration office, a guard in a black suit, sporting a yellow eagle badge over his heart and wearing black glasses, stood to attention.

Cedric stepped forward, his voice calm and respectful. "We are here to meet Mr. Patric for registration. Can you let him know that we have arrived?"

The guard nodded. "Please wait a moment, sir." He pulled out a button-type device, pressing it and speaking into it. "Sir, the Sun Familia is here for registration."

From his earpiece, a voice responded, "Let them in."

The guard turned back to them, opening the door. "Please enter."

Cedric and Alex stepped into the room, finding themselves in a spacious office. A middle-aged man, Mr. Patric, sat at a large chair behind a desk cluttered with bundles of documents awaiting his attention. Behind him stood another man in a matching suit, his hands clasped behind his back as he observed them keenly.

Mr. Patric looked up from his paperwork and, noticing their presence, stood up from his seat. "Welcome, gentlemen," he said, his tone formal yet welcoming. "Please, take your seats."

Cedric and Alex nodded, taking the offered seats in front of the desk. Patric resumed his position, leaning forward slightly.

"We've been expecting you," Patric continued, his gaze shifting between Cedric and Alex. "I trust you have all the necessary documents for the registration?"

Cedric nodded, handing over the file to Patric. "Yes, everything is here."

Patric took the file, flipping through it with practiced ease. "Good, good," he muttered, scanning the documents. His eyes lingered briefly on Tyson's document, his surprise evident for a moment before he quickly regained his composure, noting the photo. He looked up, his expression unreadable. "Everything seems to be in order."

Alex remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he watched Patric. The tension in the room was palpable, the significance of this meeting weighing heavily on all present.

Patric closed the file and placed it on his desk. "Now, before we proceed further, I must ask if you are certain about this. Your familia has taken a huge hit, and right now not only the government but some other familias view you as enemies because of the war your father caused. Do you think you will be fine?"

Alex met Patric's gaze firmly. "Mr. Patric, do you really think my father caused that war for no reason? You trusted my father, right?"

Patric nodded solemnly. "Of course. He was a great man who created familia organization. But even if we try to explain it to others, they will not trust us easily. You know that."

"Yes, you're right," Alex replied, his tone steady.

Patric leaned back slightly. "Well, don't worry about that. Our boos is investigating that until he is away I am acting boos so I will do what I can. But more importantly, will you be okay? Other familias will make their move, and I heard that five years ago you were attacked. Are you sure you're going to be fine?"

Alex smiled confidently. "Please, don't worry about that. I trust my familia; they will protect me," he said, glancing at Cedric. "Plus, I found someone I can count on, just like five years ago."

Hearing this, Cedric couldn't help but smirk, knowing exactly who Alex was referring to.

Patric's eyes narrowed slightly. "Your Executor, Tyson, correct?" Alex nodded

Patric studied Alex for a moment before slowly smiling. "Well, that's all I wanted to ask. Now, let's proceed." He then ordered the man behind him to bring the suitcase.

As the man left the room, Patric began preparing the documents. Moments later, the man returned, carrying a suitcase adorned with the Sun Familia's symbol. He placed it on the table.

Patric handed over the documents to Alex, pointing to the column marked 'Familia's Boss.' "Sign here."

Alex took the pen and signed his name with a flourish. Patric nodded approvingly. "And with that, the registration is completed. Here is the authority certificate along with all the legal licenses and documents. Check them for confirmation."

Cedric meticulously examined the suitcase's contents. After a thorough analysis, he said, "Everything is alright, but the Executor's license and documents are missing."

Patric nodded. "Yes, about the Executor..." He began to explain the situation, his tone serious.

After the explanation, Alex nodded. "We understand. We will let him know."

Patric added, "The card is in the suitcase. Tell him to bring it on the appointed day; it's really important."

Cedric responded, "Understood."

Patric and both men stood up, and Patric extended his hand. "Good luck, Alex. I hope you will do a great job just like your father."

Alex shook his hand firmly. "Thanks. Trust me, I will show you the Familia organization what it used to be."

Patric smiled. "I look forward to that." he replied then Alex said "See you later, Mr. Patric."

Alex and Cedric left the room, the suitcase securely in hand. As the door closed behind them, Patric settled back into his chair, turning to the man behind him. "What do you think, Yuno?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Do you think that kid can do what he said?"

Yuno shrugged slightly. "I don't know. Maybe he can, since he's James' son."

Patric chuckled. "Yeah, the fallen sun is going to rise again. this era is going to be an interesting one."

Yuno looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Patric leaned back, his fingers steepled thoughtfully. "There are many interesting candidates entering the familia organization this year, but none have caught my attention as much as this one did." He pointed at a document on his desk.

Yuno's eyes widened as he read the name. "The Sun Executor? What's so special about him?"

Patric's smile grew wider. "He's an outsider."

Yuno's shock was palpable. "An outsider?!"

Patric nodded. "Yes, he wasn't born into the familia, but he's a member. His data is outstanding, and it seems like Alex trusts him a lot. You know it's not that simple, right?"

Yuno nodded slowly. "I guess I understand what you're saying."

Patric's expression turned serious. "Hey, Yuno, you're in charge of the exam, right?"

Yuno nodded again. "Yes, sir."

Patric's eyes gleamed with intent. "Keep an eye on him. Observe his movements and report everything to me."

"Okay, sir," Yuno replied.

Patric looked down at Tyson's document, a smirk playing on his lips. "Interesting... the Sun Executor Tyson, huh? I look forward to seeing how you're going to tackle this challenge," he thought to himself.

--At the Entrance of the Supreme Familia Building --

As Alex and Cedric were making their way to the exit from the entrance, the man who had been smoking earlier noticed them and laughed. "Oh, you guys done already?" he jeered.

Alex smiled and replied, "Yeah, and there's something I've got to give you." He sped up, overtaking Cedric.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Cedric thought to himself.

Alex broke into a run, jumping and delivering a strong sidekick to the man's face, sending him sprawling. Cedric sighed, seeing the inevitable conflict unfold.

The man stood up, his nose and mouth bleeding. "How dare you, bastard!" he shouted, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Alex.

Before he could fire, Alex kicked his hand, causing him to drop the gun. The man tried to punch Alex, but Alex dodged it effortlessly. "Too slow," he taunted, before punching the man in the stomach, making him kneel on the ground, clutching his midsection.

The commotion attracted the attention of the Supreme Familia security guards, who rushed over and aimed their rifles at Alex. "Don't move, or else we won't hesitate to shoot you!" they shouted.

Ignoring the warning, Alex kicked the man in the face again, causing him to spit blood. "If you had insulted just me, I might have let it slide. But you insulted my whole familia. You think you could get away with that?" Alex growled, grabbing the man's collar.

"Hey, do you value your life?" the guards shouted.

Cedric intervened, "Drop it. Your man was at fault. If you get yourselves involved, you'll also face consequences." He narrowed his eyes, slowly reaching for his gun.

Suddenly, a commanding voice shouted, "Stop it right there!" It was Patric and Yuno.

Alex released the man's collar, and Cedric put his gun back in its holster. The man quickly ran to Patric, panic etched on his face. "Sir, that guy attacked me!" he exclaimed, pointing at his injured face.

Yuno stepped forward. "The situation is under my control. You can go back to your positions," he instructed the guards.

"Yes, sir," they replied in unison and left.

Patric glared at Alex. "Do I need to explain myself?" Alex asked.

Patric sighed. "No need. You may leave."

The man, still seething, pointed his finger at Alex. "Please, don't listen to whatever that punk says!"

Cedric swiftly drew his gun and shot sharply at the man's pointing finger. The man cried out in pain, blood flowing from his hand. "Watch your tongue and finger who you're addressing. Right now, you are in the presence of the Sun Familia boss, so you better show some respect, or else the next bullet will be shot in your head," Cedric said, his eyes narrowed.

The man shivered in fear.

Patric stepped in. "I apologize for his stupid behavior. I will make sure he faces the consequences. Leave it to me."

Alex nodded. "Okay, we'll leave that to you. Let's go, Cedric."

Cedric holstered his gun, and they both headed towards their car. Cedric took the driver's seat, and Alex sat in the back. The black car drove away, leaving the Supreme Familia building behind.

 Patrick stared down at the man before him, his expression a mixture of disappointment and cold authority. "Your name is Ben, right?"

The man nodded nervously. "Y-Yes, sir."

"You have been slacking off a lot lately. You haven't completed a single mission properly during these past months. I thought you might improve, but not only did you continue to neglect your duties, you also picked a fight with the Sun Familia and—"

Ben interrupted, "I-I didn't do anything wrong! That boy was lying to you, sir!"

Patrick turned towards Yuno and said, "Yuno, why don't you explain to Ben the significance of our familia's badge?" He gestured to the badge on Ben's suit, which bore the Supreme Familia eagle symbol, just like the flag.

Yuno nodded, tapping on his tablet. "Of course. Our badge symbolizes the pride and honor of the Supreme Familia. The eagle represents vigilance, signifying our authority to watch over everything and our responsibility. And there's a little camera and microphone attached to it." He then revealed a video on the tablet, showing how Ben had talked and acted earlier.

Ben's face went pale as he looked down at his badge, seeing the eagle's eye shining, revealing the hidden camera. "N-No way," he muttered.

Patrick ripped the badge from Ben's chest. "You don't deserve this anymore. You are going to work as a garbage collector for the rest of your life."

Ben stammered, "B-But sir—"

Patrick cut him off, "You are dismissed. You are no longer a member of the Supreme Familia." He turned to walk away.

In desperation, Ben threw himself in front of Patrick, pleading, "Please forgive me, give me one last chance!"

Yuno's kick came so fast that Ben didn't see it coming. He fell to the ground, clutching his chest in pain. "Stay back," Yuno said in a cold voice.

Ben shivered, tears streaming down his face. Patrick approached him, his eyes filled with disdain. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You should be glad that I'm just the acting boss right now, or you would be dead by now. And not only that, you are going to the Sun Familia and beg for their forgiveness. If they don't grant it, I don't know what's going to happen to you anymore."

Patrick turned to Yuno. "Yuno, take him to the chamber and teach him some discipline."

Yuno nodded, "Yes, sir." He grabbed Ben by the leg and began dragging him towards a nearby chamber. Ben panicked, screaming and begging for forgiveness.

The door to the chamber opened, revealing strong and burly men holding bats and various torturing equipment. Yuno dragged Ben inside and closed the door. The screams of pain echoed outside.

**Astral High School, After School Hours**

The school day had ended, and the usually bustling halls of Astral High School were now quiet. However, the basketball court remained lively. Tyson and his friends—Ethan, Reed, Lucas, and Chloe—were still there, drenched in sweat and taking a break. While they rested and sipped their drinks, Tyson continued to shoot hoops by himself. Unbeknownst to them, a group of four students watched from afar under a tree. Three boys and a girl with black hair and piercing purple eyes stood there, observing the scene.

"Is it him?" the girl asked one of the boys, her gaze fixed on Tyson.

"Yes, sis. That's Tyson," he replied. "What are you going to do?"

She smiled, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Wait and watch."

Back at the court, Tyson grumbled aloud, "Ahh, that was annoying. Why was every teacher telling me to be on time?" He recalled the events of the day, feeling a mix of irritation and amusement. Almost every teacher had reminded him to be punctual, but none of them had seemed genuinely angry they were just enjoying the moment.

Reed chuckled, "Yeah, that was totally hilarious. Your reaction was priceless!"

"True," Lucas agreed, joining in the laughter, while Chloe tried to stifle her giggles.

Tyson turned to them, an irritated smile on his face. "You guys sure are having a good laugh at my expense."

Chloe, still giggling, said, "Can you blame us?"

Tyson sighed. "But if they know about my match, why were they still giving me a hard time?"

Ethan, who was playing against him, answered while dribbling the ball, "That's because you never give them a chance to scold you. You don't make any mistakes, so they didn't hold back once they knew you were late." He aimed for the basket, but suddenly realized the ball had vanished from his hands. Looking up, he saw Tyson effortlessly sinking a shot.

"When the heck did you take the ball?!" Ethan exclaimed, shocked.

"Oh, you were slow, that's all," Tyson replied

"No, you were too damn fast!" Ethan protested. "Was I really that slow, or are you just insanely quick?"

"Thanks to training, I guess," Tyson replied nonchalantly.

Ethan joined the others and grabbed his drink. "So, did you fill out your career plan application today?" he asked, throwing a chilled water bottle to Tyson, who caught it smoothly.

"Nah," Tyson replied, opening the bottle cap. "I don't know what to write, especially since I can't put 'Sun Familia's Executor' on it." Everyone took a sip of their drinks.

"I see," Ethan said, drinking deeply from his bottle.

"Well, I managed to put it on hold thanks to our class rep. Don't you guys think she's nice?" Tyson added before taking a sip.

The three others looked shocked by his comment. Ethan, who had just taken a gulp, started coughing violently.

"What's wrong, guys?" Tyson asked, puzzled by their reactions.

Ethan, still coughing, managed to speak between breaths, "You... you actually think the class rep is nice?"

Reed, Lucas, and Chloe exchanged knowing glances, barely suppressing their laughter.

Reed chuckled. "Um, Mr. Tyson, from which angle do you think our class rep is nice?" he asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

I was confused. "What do you mean?"

Ethan joined in, still catching his breath. "She's always cold and strict, you know?"

Reed nodded in agreement. "Yeah, especially towards boys. She doesn't even talk to them and almost never smiles. She always has that serious look."

Lucas and Chloe both nodded, confirming Reed's observation.

"But she talks just fine to me," I said, still puzzled.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "You're the only boy she talks to freely."

I decided not to mention the time I had seen her smile. I wondered why she behaved differently with me but chose to keep it to myself. Joining my friends on the bench, I asked, "What about you guys? What careers are you choosing?"

Reed was the first to answer. "I'm going to join the Air Force."

Lucas followed, "I'll enter the software field."

Chloe added, "I'll help my parents with their restaurant, and one day, I'll run it on my own."

"So, you're going to take over, huh?" I said, nodding. "Nice."

Then I turned to Ethan. "And what about you?"

Ethan shrugged. "Since my dad is a businessman, I'm going to take over his business."

"I see," I said thoughtfully. "Hey, guys," I continued, grabbing their attention. "Since you guys are not outsiders, when I become the executor and if you get into big trouble or see one, contact me. I'll be there to solve it, no matter what." yeah these guys are not outsiders because there exist two types of people one who are not born and are not member of familia but they know about familia organization and they call for the help when there is a big trouble they are facing and second kind are the people who are born in familia or they are member of the familia and have complete knowledge about familia organization and the rest of the of the people who don't know anything are considered as outsiders

My friends smiled slowly, understanding the gravity of my promise.

Ethan laughed. "Yeah, yeah, we will do that, Mr. Executor."

The others nodded in agreement. Reed commented, "Man, you're talking like it's our last day of school."

Lucas added, "Do you think we'll be able to meet like this after graduation? Everyone will be busy with their own lives."

Chloe chimed in, trying to stay positive. "Come on, don't say that. Of course, we will, right, guys?" But the others fell silent, lost in thought. they were silent lost in deep thoughts, is that really possible, I mean yeah even I don't know how things will be after I become executer will I get free time to meet with up with these guys. who knows

Chloe's murmurs brought me back to reality. "Guys?" he said, looking for reassurance.

Then gets still no response I guess I should do something about this awkward situation. "Chloe, we can't be so sure about that because we don't know what might happen. We'll mostly be busy with our work, that's certain."

The others nodded in agreement. Chloe had a realization and looked disappointed. "Yeah, you're right. Guess we won't meet each other," he said with a sad tone.

Trying to lift their spirits, I added, "Well, I can't be sure about that either." They all looked at me, puzzled. "Of course, we won't be able to meet each other like we do at school, but that doesn't mean we won't see each other forever. We'll still be in the same city, and as long as we're close, there will be many possibilities to meet, right?"

Ethan nodded. "True. Sure, we'll be busy, but not forever. When we get time, we'll definitely meet up."

Reed agreed. "Yeah, of course."

Lucas and Chloe smiled, feeling reassured.

I continued, "Also, don't you think it's too early to discuss this? Our third year just started today. We should enjoy it as much as possible."

Ethan laughed. "Yeah, you're right. We can discuss that later."

Reed grinned. "Damn, I forgot about that for a moment."

Lucas teased, "Dude," and Ethan added, "Now I'm worried about the Air Force if they let you in."

Reed, pretending to be offended, said, "What did you just say!?"

Everyone laughed, and I checked my watch. "Let's go, guys. It's getting late." It was 4:30 pm.

Ethan agreed. "Yeah, I'm getting hungry."

Reed chimed in, "Me too."

I suggested, "How about we drop by Mr. Albert's Café?"

Everyone nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, let's go there!" "Count me in!" "Me too!" they all said.

With that, we grabbed our bags and began walking towards the court's exit, discussing what we should eat. Suddenly, Ethan noticed something. "Hey, Tyson, somebody's there," he said, looking towards the exit.

I saw three boys and a girl with striking purple eyes, her arms folded, standing near the court's exit. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, and her slender frame exuded an air of confidence. calm, precise, and unwavering, with an intensity in her gaze that was hard to ignore.

As we approached, the girl stepped forward.

"You must be Tyson, right?" she asked, her voice calm but commanding.

"Yeah, how can I help you?" I replied cautiously.

"So, you're the upcoming executor, huh?" she said, which shocked my friends. I, however, remained calm.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, first i want see how much she knows about the Familia organization. Is she not an outsider or is she bluffing? I wondered.

She replied, "Don't worry, I'm not an outsider. I was born in the Familia organization."

To be contined