Reluctant Girl

"Do you want to join?" The other man looked at Ethan provokingly only to get a surprising nod in return.

"Wow! You really want to come. Huh?" he slowly nodded, shaking his surprise away, and pointed at his back seat with his chin.

Ethan only rolled his eyes and took the offer. He did not care if the man wanted to laugh a bit. As long as the guy did not insult Ethan or offend him. As he started the bike, Ethan felt like coming alive.

He realized how much he should have a good bike to enjoy the wind cutting his skin sometimes.

"So you really fought with eight men alone? Wow! I mean I knew that you were training hard regularly, but I have never seen you fighting before. Did you not say that your practice is not for fighting people? You are only learning for your pleasure?" hearing the curiosity in his tone, Ethan laughed. 

But in his heart, he cursed. Who trains all day yet believes that he should not fight. But as the curious man waited for the reply, Ethan cleared his mind slowly. 

"Martial arts is a technique of fighting but we should only use it for self-defense. I have no desire to spend my life in the police station." proud that he found such a perfect answer, Ethan beamed only to get a shrug from the biker.

"How do you know me so well? I do not remember you." Ethan tested. He had seen the shock in his eyes when Ethan had talked to him. He was sure they hardly or never talked before.

"Hmm, you hardly talk but everyone knows each other in that old building." The man paused, and then he stopped the bike. Ethan noticed the large dark building with dim lights and the buzzing sound of music filling the vicinity.

"You already have a chick with you. No? Are you sure you want to be here?" Again, the look was provoking, making Ethan chuckle.

"If I did not want to come here, I would not have asked for a lift in the first place." the man chuckled again and nodded.

"Since that is the case, let me guide you tonight." he signaled Ethan to follow him.

Two large bouncers nodded at the man as he approached the door. Ethan followed him closely, but once inside, he had his friends waiting for him. Ethan refused the company and sat on the stool near the bar counter ordering the drink.

"Alright, then I will meet you in two hours. Or you can call me when you want to leave. My number is…" the man waved his hands and disappeared into the crowd. Ethan looked at the people dancing on the floor.

Barely dressed, their bodies were getting into each other. He took a glass of vodka and drank in a single sip. His eyes roamed over the crowd when an experienced woman walked to him.

She was only wearing a rosy color bra and a small leather skirt barely covering her bottoms. She leaned on Ethan and smiled coquettishly. 

"Hey handsome, looking for company for the night?" she offered only to earn a distaste from him. "Want to buy me a drink?" she played with her hair as she asked him.

Ethan looked away showing his disinterest. He had thought hiring a woman would be good for him. Since he had ignored Ana's invitation and had not taken advantage of the girl in his house. But now that he looked at the dressed-up woman, he felt repulsed.

"What? I am not to your taste?" The woman was not in the mood to accept defeat. She leaned on Ethan and rubbed her boobs on his chest with a look of confidence.

Ethan's eyes narrowed when her hands reached for his neck and she tried to pull him for a kiss. The scent of alcohol mixed with sex and other men made him frown deeper.

"No" he held her by her arms and pulled her away from his body. "I am not looking for a company. I am only here to drink," he explained but the woman did not buy the excuse. She looked at Ethan with a knowing smile.

"Playing hard to get! Will ya? Do not worry, I will only charge half of you. Come." She tried to lean on him again but he was holding her too tightly for her comfort.

When the woman was not able to touch him even after a few attempts, she gritted her teeth.

"Ha! Why did you waste my time then?" spatting hard, she glared at him and then pointed at a distance. "I am sure you want an innocent girl like her." She did not wait for Ethan to reply. Her heels dug a hole in the ground as she walked away mumbling a curse. 

Ethan shook his head. He realized he did not want to sleep with the woman donned in heavy makeup and an accent that did not suit her. It would be better to slip away from there and wait for tomorrow when Ana would visit him in a dress.

He grinned and stood up only to see the girl the woman had pointed at. This time she was surrounded by eight more women all dressed like the woman who had approached him. But they all were glaring at her while her hands were held by two women.

He did not know what took over him as he walked toward them.

"Have I not told you already? You have been chosen by the second leader of our gang. It is an honor for you. If you serve your boss well, he will treat you with the best dresses and jewels. What will you earn by being a waitress in a small bar? But you can earn a lot by being his lover." the woman pointed in a nasty tone as she pinched the nipple of the other girl. Her face is full of menacing aura.

The woman sobbed as she was humiliated in public. But struggling was futile. Two other girls were holding her arms tightly and she could not move. So many spectators looked at the scene only to enjoy her predicament. No one would come forward to save her.

"The last lover had died from his hands. If he is so gracious, why don't you go and serve him yourself?" with rage burning her heart, she spat those words like a curse only to get a slap in return.

"You bitch! Not only did you insult the boss but you have the audacity to talk back with me?" the woman looked at the young girl with eyes full of malice, "I have been kind to you by coaxing you when I can force you inside. Now you are going to regret it." she signaled the girls holding her to drag her away.

The girls nodded and pushed the reluctant girl. She complained and struggled, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

A few smirked at her enjoying her struggle while a few looked at her with pity. 

"Please! I do not want to serve anyone from the dragon gang."