
Amelia's fingers tightened around the steering wheel, commanding control as her eyes pierced through the veil of the windy rain-drenched road ahead. Each raindrop painted a melancholic rhythm on her windshield. Lost in the labyrinth of her mind, she couldn't shake the haunting memory of the scene she had witnessed earlier that day.

"Tonight I'm going to find out what the truth is" she whispered to herself as she steps on the pedal to hasten her ride

As she drove along the dark road, the familiar sound of her phone ringing brought her back from her thoughts. With a quick glance, she located the device and tapped the answer button, seamlessly transitioning the call to speaker mode, ensuring her focus remained on the road ahead.

Voice on the phone: Lia, where are you

Amelia:I'm on my way to meet Mark, something is going on and I want to find out what

Voice on the phone: you're being rash,

Amelia: Don't try to stop me Josh,I know something is going on and you know that too,

Voice on the phone: *sigh* I know I can't stop you but promise you won't do anything rash,your dad was worried as you left in such a hurry 

Amelia: well I can't promise you that

Voice on phone: Lia!!

Amelia: *Chuckles* Alright fine! I won't do anything rash,and tell him I'll be fine

Voice on Phone : Better,call me when you arrive, I'll take care of him 

Amelia: I.....

 Amelia was interrupted by The blinding intensity of a massive truck that shone on her and a deafening screech pierced the air as the truck drove into the intersection and collided with Amelia's car, panic surged through her veins, her heart pounding in her chest as she gasped in fear,the merciless impact of the trucks collision with her car sent her car into a violent spin,metals crunched and glasses were being shattered,the collision happened in an instant but to Amelia,time seemed to have been put in slow motion as her car rolled and flipped over,each rotation accompanied by a sickening ache in her stomach ,finally the car same to a stop but Amelia was stuck in the car that had flipped upside down,with steam coming out from the engine,covered in bruises,she remained quiet as her conscious began to fade

"Lia!!,What happened?,are you alright?, Answer me!! Lia!!!" The voice from the phone called out but to no avail,as Amelia couldn't make a sound but stay trapped in her seat her conscious still fading until finally she lost conscious


In a large bright room covered in white paint,The sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air, and the steady beep of machines echoed in room as Amelia laid on a grey sheeted wide bed with different drip bags and oxygen connected to her, she slowly opens her eyes to the blinding sunlight that filled the room and notices a presence sitting beside her,

"Amy you're finally awake,hold on I'll call the doctor right away" the familiar voice assured Amelia and she picks up a telecom by the bedside and phones the doctor

' Doctor?where am I?what happened?' Amelia questions herself as confusion flushed her mind as she couldn't move her lips to ask the person with her those questions 

"Don't worry Amy, you'll be fine" the familiar voice assures Amelia as she notices the confused look on her face." You were in an accident and you've been in a coma for 6 months,but don't worry you'll be fine now"

'6 months??,what the hell happened' she thinks to herself

'i've been asleep for 6 months?'