
'ive been sleeping for 6 months,what happened??' Amelia struggled to comprehend what had happened

The blur in Amelia's Eyes began to clear and she could see the person beside her Clearly

"Cindy...." Amelia managed to blurt out weakly 

"Yes Amy,it's me, don't worry the doctor is on their way,I'm so glad you're awake" Cindy said to her with teary eyes. Cindy is Amelia's Childhood friend,they actually grew up together.

 The doctor along with 2 nurses walked into the room and bustled around her, They asked her questions to see her responsiveness to stimulus, prodded, and poked, trying to discern if any damage lingered from her prolonged unconsciousness, but what concerned Amelia was the green and red dots she kept seeing on their foreheads as they were talking,she had thought it was Cindy who put the dot on her forehead as she saw it earlier on but now she keeps seeing the dots on doctor and nurses foreheads and couldn't understand the meaning, after rounding on her they told Cindy that she will be fine but she's still fuzzy from the wounds she obtained on her head and with time she will become clearer and better.

They removed her oxygen mask and helped her to seat up and told her to rest well and that they will come by to run more tests before exiting the room

Confusion fogged in Amelia's mind as memories of the accident flooded back, a blur of screeching tires, shattered glass rushed through her mind and she flinches and closes her eyes tightly

Noticing this Cindy holds her hands and comforts her and Amelia opens her eyes 

"You're fine now Amy, your dad,Mark and Josh has been so worried about you, and trust me not much has happened since you've been asleep"she chuckles 

Amelia Chuckles and tries the ask Cindy about the dots she keeps seeing

''dots...." Amelia says weakly

"What dots" Cindy asks confused 

"The dots...on your head" she finally asks

" There's no dot on my forehead Amy,don't worry you're not crazy,the Doctor said you are still fuzzy so just rest up and you'll be fine" Cindy assures her and the dot on her head turns green

At this moment Amelia realized that the dots were something only her could see and their color changes with each time someone talks

"I.." before she could speak, a familiar presence walks in and Amelia's hearts skipped a beat as Panic surged anew as memories of the crash flooded back, the terrifying realization washing over her like a tidal wave which causes her to flinch in pain

Mark,her boyfriend rushes into the room. His face etched with concern, 

"Amelia, oh my god, I'm so relieved you're awake," Mark said, his voice dripping with feigned sincerity.

Amelia's couldn't say anything and just stared at him as little memories of the accident kept flashing in her mind but she couldn't put what happened together,then her gaze flickered to his forehead, where a small, glowing dot hovered a vivid red against his skin. Her heart clenched as she got an idea of what the dot could mean and decided to find an opportunity to test her theory

"Amelia baby,why are you just staring at me,I've been so worried about you these past few months" he said as the red dot remained on his forehead

"Hello to you too Mark"Cindy said to him with disdain in her words

"Ohh hi,I'm sorry I was just glad to see her awake,I couldn't tell you were beside me" Mark said

"Yea right " Cindy scoffed 

"Cee can you tell me my name" Amelia finally said breaking the awkward feeling in the room

"Don't tell me you've forgotten your name" Cindy said touching Amelia's forehead to check her temperature

"No Cee,I'm just checking something" Amelia Chuckled

"Well your name is Amelia " Cindy answered and a green dot appeared on her head

"I guess I was right" Amelia said with her voice weakened 

" Right about what" Cindy ask wearing a worried look

"I'm here now baby you'll be fine" Mark said and Amelia looked just stared at him saying nothing 

"Amelia,why are you just staring at me?" Mark questions worriedly 

Ignoring his words, Amelia focused on the newfound ability pulsing within her.

Amelia's anger simmered beneath the surface as she watched him, her mind racing with questions and suspicions and finally she decides to speak

"What happened before my accident Mark?" She questions with the little strength she had obtained 

"What are you asking me, nothing happened baby" the red dot glows on his head as he answered Amelia 

" What about the my accident,do you have something to do with it" 

" Why would you say that,I would never do anything to hurt you baby" Mark says and he dot in his head glows bright red

Amelia's heart clenches as she saw the dot in his head and she tries to conceal the pain and anger that's building up inside her 

" Alright,Can you call my dad and tell him I'm awake please Mark " Amelia says weakly trying to hide the anger in her voice

"Ofcourse I'll do that now"Marks leaves the room to make the call

" what's going on Amy,you can't hide your feelings in front of me" Cindy questions Amelia

" He's cheating on me Cee and for some reasons I'm not sure of he wants me dead" Amelia whispers with tears building up in her eyes

" How can you be sure of that,I hate the guy but I don't think he would try to hurt you" Cindy says confused

"I don't know how to explain but i can see when someone is lying to me Cee" Amelia says weakly

"What??, you can't conclude based on your gut feeling " Cindy tried to reason with her

" No Cee,I mean it literally "

" What are you talking about"

Before they could continue their conversation Marks walks into the room

"I just called your dad and he will be here soon but I have some work I need to do so I have to go but I'll be back to see you later" he says as he walks up to her and kisses her forehead 

" Sure,ofcourse" she said trying so hard to hide her anger

" Take care of her Cindy,bye babe" marks says as he walks out of the room and Amelia couldn't hold it in anymore and started having a panic attack

" Amy, what's wrong" Cindy asks worriedly while holding Amelia

" Nurse, Doctor, somebody help" Cindy yells out calling for help as Amelia couldn't stop panicking and passed out.