
"What happened" Amelia slowly opens her eyes

"You scared me for a sec there,you started panicking and passed out" Cindy answers Amelia with the dot on her head glowing green

"How long have you been watching me,have you had any sleep" Amelia questions worriedly

"Don't worry about me, I'll head home as soon as Josh or your dad arrives,you just focus on recovering" Cindy assures

"Josh....I remember,I was on call with him when the accident happened,he must have been worried sick" Amelia sighed as the memory of their last conversation, moments before the crash, played over in her mind like a broken record. He had been there, on the other end of the line, right up until everything went black.

"Worried is an understatement,he was devastated, couldn't stop blaming himself and worked so hard to solve the case of your accident" Cindy blurted " but don't worry he was in a meeting when I called but he will be here any minute,he came here every day over the past six months to check up on you"

"That's just like him,I can't wait to see him again and tell him about my new powers " Amelia let out a small smile

"What powers " Cindy questioned

" I told you I can see when I'm being lied to" 

"Wait like you can actually see it" Cindy asked Amelia with a confused look on her face

"Yes " Amelia giggles

" That's so cool,oh My God,you meant it literally,I thought you just had a feeling"Cindy said to Amelia ''wait so how do you see it,is it written on top of my head or something"

"Close,it actually appears as a dot on your forehead,red for lies and green for the truth" Amelia explains

"Woah,that's so cool" Cindy exclaimed 

" And now I have this gift I'll use it to find out the truth,why and how is mark involved in my accident and what's the reason behind it all" Amelia explained with anger in her voice

" Calm down cupcakes,we don't want you passing out again" Cindy says to Amelia noticing the anger in her

" You know I'm not that weak,I just woke up after a long time and went through shocking events so ofcourse I would pass out" Amelia Chuckles

" Atleast you're becoming you again, even tho you're still weak and in a hospital bed" Cindy mocked and they both let out a laugh

" What about my dad and sister,how did they hold up these past few months,it must have been hard for them" Amelia questions with worry written all over her face

" It was hard indeed, but they pushed through,at first your dad was reluctant to leave the hospital but Josh stepped in and told him he won't leave your side so that your dad could go home and rest a little, but none of that matters anymore, you're finally awake" Cindy assures Amelia with the dot on her head glowing green

" It does matter,I put you all through a lot because of my stubbornness " Amelia sighed

" Atleast you know you're stubborn " Cindy scoffs

"It's not my fault,I was born this way" Amelia Chuckled " I just want to see everyone again "

A tall handsome, well built guy with silky black hair and a face that looks like it was carved by an angel of beauty with bright blue orbs dressed in a white shirt tucked into his perfect looking black pants and a suit in his right hand walks into the room

"Seems likes someone has the strength to laugh and make jokes" the handsome guy said while walking towards Amelia's bed

"Seems like someone is about to cry.. Josh" Amelia mocked

"And whose fault is that" Josh said with teary eyes

"I guess it's mine and I'm sorry" Amelia scoffed when suddenly Josh embraces her softly with tears dropping from his eyes surprising Amelia 

"I missed you Lia and I'm so sorry I couldn't Protect you,I'm so glad you're finally awake"he says to her so calmly,his feelings where so clear she didn't need any supernatural indicator to tell her how genuine his feelings are

Amelia has never seen this emotional and calm part of him before,he's always composed and funny and playful whenever he's with Amelia,they are both best friends and grew up together along with Cindy but Josh was closer to Amelia and her family 

"I'm so glad to see you, Josh and nothing is your fault" she consoles him while hugging him back " but if you don't let go of me my injuries will probably reopen"

" You've been asleep for 6 months,all your wounds are almost healed,dum dum" Josh chuckles as he withdraws from the hug

"This reunion is so cute,even tho I'm completely forgotten" Cindy alerts them

" You were not forgotten,just ignored " Josh mocks 

" Says the crybaby" Cindy scoffed

" Alright guys no fighting,Josh now you're here there's something I need to tell you"Amelia informs Josh " I woke up and somehow got an ability that shows me when I'm being lied to and when Mark was here earlier I discovered that he has a hand in my accident "

Josh paused, his expression a mix of skepticism and intrigue. The dot above his head glowed red expressing his disbelief as he nodded slowly. "Wow, that's... incredible, Lia." 

" It sounded weird to me as well" Cindy says while tapping in his shoulders

" I know it's hard to believe" Amelia says

" ok...let's test this shall we" Josh says as he pulls a chair closer to her bed and takes a sit

" I've already tested it Josh" Amelia assures him

" Well I want to test it for myself " Josh is the CEO of a law firm and a top lawyer in the country so he's so smart and calculative and doesn't take chances

"Fine, I'll ask you a random question which I don't know the answer to,you ready" Amelia says to him

"Alright I'm ready" he exclaimed

" When you first saw me when we were kids what was in your mind" Amelia questions him

" Well,you were a cute little girl and I just wanted to pinch your cheeks" Josh answers and the dot in his head glows red

" you're lying" Amelia blurts out

" I guess your power is authentic then" he says with the dot in his head glowing green

Josh sighed " the first time I saw you wasn't the first time you saw me,I saw you after you were born,I was 4 years old then and your mum had returned from the hospital,she was with my mum and you were in your room, in your cradle and you started crying,I didn't know what to do so I took your little hand and tried to talk to you and you stoped crying and smiled at me and I decided from that day to always be by your side and protect you"Josh narrates and the dot in his head glows bright green

Amelia was speechless as she pondered about how sweet Josh was and how he had always been by her side

" Awwwn that's so sweet and emotional" Cindy said while sniffing and trying to hide her tears

" Look who's the crybaby now" Josh chuckles, "Amelia... I've been digging into the accident since that night with all the resources I could use but It was ruled as just an unfortunate event, and they closed the case quickly, too quickly if you ask me,if what you say about Mark being involved is true then we need to reopen your case and find out the truth, luckily I didn't stop investigation even after the court had closed the case ."

Amelia's heart raced hearing Josh's reassuring words. "What would I do without you Josh"

" I have no idea" he chuckles

"Now, we're like super detective" Cindy Chuckles 

" Don't worry Lia,I promise we'll get to the bottom of this" Josh assures holding her hands

" I trust you Josh, I know we will" Amelia says with a warm smile