
" I should probably head home and take a shower, you guys keep me updated" Cindy informed with an orange dot glowing on her head.

' orange,what's that?' Amelia thought to herself 

" Take good care of her Josh" Cindy said

"Ofcourse I will,I don't need you telling me that" Josh says as he notices the confused look on Amelia's face

" Bye guys, I'll come by later" Cindy waves before exiting the room

" Ok why do you look so confused " Josh says bringing Amelia out from her thoughts

"I can trust you right" Amelia questions

" Ofcourse you can Lia and you don't need your ability to know that" Josh assures with a bright green dot glowing in his head

' he's actually right ' Amelia says to herself

" Ok, just now when Cee said she was going home to take a shower and orange dot appeared instead of green" Amelia Explained

"What does it mean" Josh asks

" I'm confused because I don't know what it means,so far I know green means truth and red means lies,I have no idea what orange means" Amelia elaborated 

" Since you don't know the meaning don't think too much about it,it will take time before you fully understand your ability so don't think too much about it, we'll figure it out" Josh ensures

"You know you really scared me, one minute you were talking and the next all I could hear were sounds I didn't want to understand " Josh mumbles with a sad look on his face " you must have been so scared"

Memories of the accident glances through Amelia's mind " I was scared, I was scared that I would never see your or my dad or sister or Cindy again,I was scared I wouldn't find out the truth about Mark but then I heard your voice on the phone calling out to me,I couldn't talk or say anything at that point but I heard your voice and I was relieved because I knew it won't take up to 5 minutes to find and save me,I knew you would arrive before an ambulance and I'm sure I was right" Amelia let out a warm smile " you brought me to the hospital didn't you"

" Yes you're right,that doesn't matter now,you're fine and that's all that matters " Josh assures with a warm sad look in his face

"You're hiding something from me Josh,and I don't need my ability to know you're hiding something and I know it's related to my accident " Amelia informed

"And I promise to tell you once you're discharged,there are so many hidden things involved in your accident and you deserve to know just not now " Josh assures

" Alright,I trust you" Amelia sighed " how are we going to find out the truth behind my accident,what are we starting with"

" I'm sure you mean, what am I starting with, because you are going to rest up untill you're discharged " Josh declared

"That's not fair,so you want me to just lay here and do nothing " Amelia snapped

"The last time you decided to do something,you ended up in a coma for 6 months,I'm not leaving you out of the investigation,I'm just saying you should focus on getting better and when you're discharged we can investigate together" Josh implored

" And I totally agree with him" a familiar voice says while walking into the room

" Dad!!" Amelia gasped with tears building up in her eyes 

Their discussion was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of her father, his eyes brimming with unshed tears as he beheld his daughter awake once more. Behind him stood her sister, a mix of relief and apprehension written across her face.

"Amelia, sweetheart, you're awake," her father choked out, rushing to her side and enveloping her in a tight embrace.

" I'm so sorry for making you worried dad" Amelia apologizes while enjoying the warm embrace of dad

" You don't have to apologize ,as long as you're finally awake I'm ok,I wouldn't be able to face your mum if anything had happened to you" Amelia dad says while breaking the hug and looking at her, sadness written all over his eyes

After Amelia's mum died 3 years ago her dad had been extra protective of Amelia and her little Sister, because he felt guilty for his wife's death and couldn't stop blaming himself, thinking if only he had been around,she wouldn't have been murdered.

" I'm fine Dad" Amelia let's out a warm smile

A mischievous glint danced in Amelia's eyes as she turned to her 10 years old sister, feigning ignorance. "And who might you be?" she teased, relishing in the playful banter that had always defined their relationship and hugs her warmly. " I missed you"

" I missed you too sis,I promise I will listen to you from now on so please don't leave again" her little sister Fiona says with tears streaming down her eyes and a warm green dot on her head

" Are you sure about that, don't go back on your words Fi" Amelia teased

" You're such a bully" Fiona says while trying to stop her tears and breaks the hug "Just get better"

" Silly girl,I'm already better" Amelia assures

" That is for the doctor to decided, Hello uncle" Josh says indicating his presence that was completely forgotten

" Thank you for taking care of her in my absence" Amelia's dad says to Josh

" No need to thank me uncle,were practically family " he says with a warm smile on his face

"Ofcourse you're like the son I never had"

" Awwwn her sweet " Amelia Chuckles

"Why were you out there in the first place,you left in such a hurry,what was going on? " Amelia dad's questions

"So many questions dad,but I promise once everything is settled I will tell you all about it" Amelia assures

" Just promise me you won't put yourself in harm again" Amelia dad's sigh knowing how stubborn she is

 " I promise dad,plus Josh wouldn't let anything happen to me"

" Alright darling " Amelia dad let's out a sigh of relief

" Enough of the questions,tell me what has happened in the past few months I was asleep" Amelia say pulling them all into a series of story telling about the events that happened while she was asleep and their voices and laughter filled the room.