

 The sterile scent of antiseptic which Amelia seems to have gotten used to filed the room as She sat on her hospital bed with Josh, and Cindy sitting next to her bed with different notes in their hands 

" What do we have so far" Amelia asks with intensity and she wants nothing more than getting to the bottom of everything 

"Well Josh has been the one doing the investigation even after the Court closed the case" Cindy chipped in

" The driver of the truck was found but since it was raining he used that as an excuse in court and was asked to settle but your dad refused so he was jailed for 5 months and released on bail,with no idea of who granted him bail" Josh informed

" The rain wasn't even that heavy to not see the road,it's obviously a lie" Amelia said sternly

" I know that Lia, I was able to sneak around get the drivers call history and transaction and it showed that a large sum on money was sent to his account an hour before the accident happened,but the perpetrator is still at large" Josh informed with anger hidden In his words

" Why didn't you give that to the court" Cindy questions 

" Firstly I wasn't the lawyer in charge of Amelia's case,I could only work from the shadows so if I had bring in this as evidence,it would have alerted the driver and who ever employed him and it would have been for nothing,my plan is to gather enough evidence that the court won't be able to turn a blind eye to no matter how much they have been coaxed" josh elaborates ,"I know for a fact that Mark was definitely involved," Josh said, his voice low and urgent as he leaned forward. "But the details, the how and the why of it all, are still out of reach and there's no evidence that glues him to this case."

" What do you think Amy" Cindy turns to Amelia bringing her back from her thoughts" what do you remember about the night of the accident "

" I was suspicious of Mark and Lucinda from start but Lucy was my friend and really close to my mum when my mum was still alive, so I didn't think that she would actually betray me but then I overheard her on call with someone when I went to see her and I think it was Mark,I couldn't make out what she was saying but then she said everything would be over soon and he have to stop pretending and leave me alone" Amelia elaborate her face a mask of concentration,"Then I rushed into my car to get to Marks place and then the accident happened, what's surprising the most is she knew I was coming to her place and her door wasn't locked and she wasn't careful knowing I was coming,

"like it was a trap to lure you to Marks place" Josh added

" Exactly then I was on call with you and boom my car got hit by a truck"

" Is that all you remember " Cindy questions

" Yes" Amelia responds when suddenly a sharp orange light appeared in her eyes and she grunts in pain " Aaah"

"Lia are you alright" Josh holds Amelia with worry etched into his face

" Amy are you ok??,are you stressed out" Cindy asks with concern

" Yes I'm fine,a bright light just flashed in my eyes" she assures them and relaxes on her bed 

' what the heck was that bright light,I've seen orange on people's head and I don't know the meaning,why is it flashing in my eyes' Amelia digs into her thoughts as she tried to understand the meaning of the blinding light she had just seen

" We should stop here for now and continue the investigation later" Josh sighed as he gathers their notes together, allowing Amelia to rest up

'what exactly are my abilities,why do I have them and how do I use and understand them' Amelia engulfed herself in het thoughts and snapped back to reality when suddenly the door to her room swung open and a familiar presence walks into the room,with her golden hair and fair skin and bright blue orbs that illuminates her beauty and the shape of a goddess ,Her brows knitted in concern , as she approached Amelia with cautious steps. "Amelia, I heard you woke up, I just... I needed to see how you were,I'm so glad you're awake and alright," Lucinda said as a bright green dot appeared on her head

" You are??,I mean that's so nice of you" Amelia blurts with confusion racing through her mind ' what's going on,isn't Lucy with Mark'

Josh and Cindy glances at each other, suspicions written all over their faces as they were surprised by the sudden visit of Lucinda

"Hi Josh, and Cindy, seems like I came at a wrong time" she said as she glances through the notes around them " I've ben so caught up with work and didn't have the time to come see you" she explained as the green dot on her head turned pale red

" It's ok Lucy,I'm just glad you came to see me" Amelia responds breaking the awkwardness in the room

"I had to,I'm really sorry this had to happen to you"Lucy said with sadness written on her face and the red dot on her head changing to green

"It's ...fine" Amelia assures as confusion floods her mind " Lucy can ask you a question"


"Are you having an affair with Mark" Amelia asks Coldly and silence grew in the room

"No Amy" she responds with the dot on her head glowing red

" I would never do anything to hurt you Amelia, you're like a sister to me" Lucy assures as an orange dot appeared on her head

Josh let's out a cough 

" I sould better get going,take care of yourself Amy" she says calmly as she exits the room,

"She's obviously lying" Cindy blurted as she couldn't hold it in anymore

Josh remains silent as he notices the confused look on Amelia's face" why are you quiet Lia"

" I'm quiet because she actually cares about me" Amelia let's out and both Cindy and Josh responded together


" When she said she was worried and glad I'm awake, and sorry the dot on her head actually glowed green" Amelia's explains

"That can't be true, are you sure it's not a glitch or something "Cindy let's out

" It's not a computer that has glitches " Amelia Chuckled " but she was clearly lying about not having an affair with Mark" 

" That's impossible,why would she care" Cindy blurted out as Josh remains quiet while starring at Amelia

' There's something you're not saying Lia and that's the reason you're confused ' Josh thinks to himself as he remains quiet

And their conversation saying was interrupted by the sound of Cindy's phone ringing

" I have to go, something has come up but you guys should keep me informed and I'm sure something is up with Lucinda" she declared as she exits the room

"You can talk now,I know something else is bothering you" Josh said to Amelia bringing her out from her thoughts

" When I was in pain earlier and orange light flashes in my eyes like he one I told you about only it was brighter and felt sharp" Amelia explained

"There's a but" Josh says as if knowing how her mind was wired

" But when Lucy said she would never try to hurt me,the orange dot appeared on her head and I really have no idea it means" she elaborates

" Red is for lies and green is for truth and orange is somehow like red,what if it means half truth or half lies " Josh deduced 

" Can that be possible " Amelia doubts

" Your ability is already something that isn't possible so how about we test this speculation,if I'm correct then we've cracked a case" Josh implored

" Alright" Amelia agrees

" Ask me a question that can be true and false" 

" are an only child right " Amelia asks

" Yes I am" Josh says and the dot on his head glowed orange

" Oh my Gosh,you were right " Amelia blurts out "you are an only child but not the only child,your sis died when she was still a baby so practically it's half the truth and half a lie"

" You just had to use that question " Josh sighed

"I'm so sorry " Amelia realizes

" It's ok Lia,but now you know I was right" Josh acknowledges

" You're so smart" Amelia Praises

" I know, that means Lucinda wasn't lying but not just saying the entire truth,she would be a grand piece in solving this case" Josh implores

" That's true but it also means,I know more about my accident but somehow for some unknown reason,I'm not saying the entire truth " Amelia mutters 

"What could it be"