
In a dimly lit apartment painted in grey and portraits of a family hung on the wall as well as other portrait and design, Mark was sitting on a couch while tapping his feet with a steady rhythm that reveals his agitation like he was waiting for someone when suddenly the sound of the door being unlocked was heard and Lucinda walked into the apartment " Sorry I'm late,had to finish up with work" She said while taking off her jacket 

"Are you out of your mind?" Mark hissed without waiting for Lucinda to settle in, his usually composed demeanor was shattered, replaced by a seething fury.

"Excuse me" Lucinda replied shocked by the words coming out from Marks mouth

"I heard you went to see Amelia in the hospital" he questions with anger etched in his voice

" I did,so what about it"she snapped, completely ignoring Marks anger

"What about it? Visiting Amelia? Do you realize what you've done?"

Lucinda met his gaze, her expression defiant. "what I've done is visiting my friend who got into an accident and was in a coma for 6 months and is finally awake"she said Calmly as she takes a sit opposite mark with her legs crossed 

Mark's eyes narrowed, his voice dropping to whisper as he scoffs "Your friend?, what kind of friend will have an affair with her friends boyfriend and work together with her friends boyfriend to get rid of her"

Lucinda looks at him Coldly with anger glued to her eyes " when you approached me,I had no idea you were with her,and I never planned to hurt Amelia,her mother was like a mother to me_"

" And she took everything from me" Mark yells cutting her off,

Lucinda remains quiet as she maintains her composure

Mark regains his composure "Be careful around Amelia,she's smart and stubborn so don't go see her again before you ruin everything we've worked so hard for"

" I've told you she's my friend and I can see her anytime I want,and you are not allowed to hurt Amelia,the plan is still on but you get rid of the idea of hurting her,you've already put her in the hospital,don't do anything more to hurt her" Lucinda warns

Mark slams his hand against the table in front of him making Lucinda jerk from fear but her composure intact

" Are you threatening me Lucy? " Mark question with a cold look in his eyes and Lucinda remains quiet

"She's not your friend,and I'm warning you don't do anything stupid and don't you threaten me again, you're still with me thanks to your beauty, we wouldn't want that beauty to disappear would we?" Mark threatens with authority all over his words

Lucinda bit her lips, feeling the weight of his words," Fine but I should warn you,be careful,she into you and the help she got it won't be long before she finds out the truth and remembers everything"

Mark scoffed, dismissing her concerns. "Just stick to the plan and stay away from her. We'll deal with this our way." He stands up and live the room making Lucinda let out a deep breath and drinking a glass of water to calm her nerves


Meanwhile, in the hospital, the sterile scent of disinfectant mingled with the faint aroma of flowers that adorned Amelia's room. The day she has been waiting for what seemed to be an eternity had finally arrived,she was being discharged. The nurses moved around efficiently, ensuring all her paperwork was in order, while Amelia sat on the edge of her bed wearing a flowery gown that respected her elegant curves, a mix of relief and anticipation washing over her.

Amelia's dad along with Josh were there to help with the discharge and take her home,with their presence comforting and reassuring her. "Ready to get out of here?" Josh asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Amelia nodded," you bet,I'm tired of laying on this bed, can't wait to jump into my bed"

a nurse hands Amelia's dad a clipboard. "Amelia, is all set to go, Just sign here." Amelia's dad takes the clipboard and signs it. "Alright sweetie, everything's Been settled,let's go" Amelia's dad announced

Josh helped with Amelia's bag and together they left the hospital and headed to the parking lot where Amelia's dad had parked his car

Josh put her bags in and helped her into the back seat of the car while Amelia's dad entered the driver's seat.

"You have to stop petting me Josh,I'm fine now" Amelia said with a light smile on her face

"Alright let's go" Amelia dad said as he started the car when suddenly Amelia grunts in pain as she holds her head" Aaah" 

" Sweetheart are you ok"

"Lia what's wrong,should we go back and see the doctor" both Josh and Amelia's dad questions with concern all over their faces

"No I'm fine,just a slight pain" she assures but her eyes betrayed a lingering uncertainty. "I've been having these episodes, sometimes I dream about my mom and wake up with no memory of the dream, sometime it's flashes of the accident "

"Let's go see the doctor " Amelia dad's says to Amelia

" No dad,the doctor said it's a result of my long sleep so don't worry just drive,let's go home" Amelia assures

" Alright sweetie but if the headaches persist, then we go to the doctor " Amelia's dad said and he drove them home.

Josh looked at Amelia with a feeling of uncertainty as the ride continued ,it was a silent ride but after 25 minutes they finally arrived at Amelia's house

" Home sweet home" Amelia says as she steps down from the car and inhaled deeply " I've forgotten what fresh air smells like" she's Chuckled 

Her sister runs out of the house and gives Amelia a big hug " welcome home "

Amelia hugs her back" I'm glad to be back, don't forget about your promise" she teased

The babysitter helps takes Amelia bags inside 

"I prepared a welcome meal for you ,all your favorites and had your room clean" Amelia dad says as he walks to the door of the duplex, " you'll stay for dinner right Josh"

" Sorry uncle I have work that needs my attention but I'll come over another day" Josh responds and Amelia notices the red dot in his head

" Alright son" Amelia dad says as he walks into the house

" Are you ok,you know I can tell you just lied but you've been silent throughout the trip" Amelia questions

" I need a drink and I can't tell you dad that,I'm going over to the bar to clear my mind and then I'll head to the office, and see what's going on there" Josh explains and a green dot appears in his head

" Alright,just don't get drunk,unless you'll hit the news and end up ina scandal,CEO of the the biggest law firm in the country gets drunk" Amelia imitates " Being Ceo must be hard"

" Yes it is but thanks to my resources, connections and power,I can gather evidence as much as I like and get to the bottom of your accident " Josh says " I should get going now and you better get inside "

" Kk, see you later Josh, I'll text you so that we can finally get serious with the investigation " Amelia chips

" Silly girl I've always been serious " Josh says as a black clean car parks in front of them " my rides here"

"Bye Josh" 

" see you later Lia"Josh says before entering into the car and it drives off

" I wonder what's really bothering him" Amelia whispers to herself and she heads inside.