
The sound of the rain dropping, the screeching tires,the blinding intensity of the trucks light,the deafening crash, the sensation of being thrown violently in her car's seat, the smoke coming out of the engine of Amelia's car,her flipped car laying on its roof echoed in Amelia's Mind as she sat there in her flipped car, consciousness about to fade when she saw a shadowy figure through the shattered windscreen standing calmly in front of the flipped car and staring at her but Amelia couldn't see the face because of the blur in her vision caused by the pain. A man who looks in his mid forties approached the hooded figure and the figure handed an envelope to the driver while muttering something but Amelia too weak couldn't make out what they were saying .

With a jolt, Amelia woke up, covered in sweats, her heart racing and breath coming in ragged gasps. She turned on her table light and looked at the clock on the table and it read 3:00 AM.The night was thick with an oppressive silence with the sounds of crickets being heard as Amelia sat on her bed, trying to gather her breaths and calm herself to avoid waking her sister who was in the next room. Without hesitating, she grabbed her phone and dialed Josh's number.

After a few rings, his groggy voice answered, "Amelia? It's three in the morning. Is everything okay?"

"I remembered something about the accident, Josh" she said urgently, her voice trembling. "There was a hooded figure, and he gave the truck driver an envelope Josh."

There was a pause on the other end before Josh replied, more alert now. "Okay, hang tight. I'll come over first thing in the morning. We'll figure this out."

" Alright " Amelia answered

" Go back to sleep ok" Josh says 

 " I don't think I can...."

" You have to," Josh cuts in before she could completes her sentence " I can stay on the line till you fall asleep how's that" 

" I would love that but you should go back to sleep,I can hear the sleepiness in your voice" Amelia teases " Goodnight Josh see you in the morning "

" Goodnight Lia, don't stay up too late, I'll see you in the morning " Josh replys and Amelia ends the call.


The next day, the sun cast a warm glow through the windows of Amelia's room as she sat waiting for Josh and the sound of the door bell brought her back from her thoughts as she ran to the door hoping its Josh on the other end

She opened the door to see the smiling face of Josh as he stood in front of the door

" So much for I'll see you in the morning" she snapped with determination and a hint of pale etched on her face

"I'm sorry, something urgent came up at work and it's related to your case so I had to go deal with it first " Josh pleads 

" Fine" Amelia scoffs

" You didn't sleep did you" Josh questions seeing the tired look in her face

" I couldn't,I tried plus I've been waiting for you so it's practically your fault.. come in" She explains as she directs Josh inside where he is greeted by Amelia's dad " Hey son, didn't know you were coming"

" Hello Uncle" Josh smiles 

" Hi Josh" Fiona walks into the living room and greets Josh,she's really fond of him

" Hello princess,guess what I brought for her highness" Josh smiles

" What is it" she said with excitement and he brings out a little box and opened it revealing a Pearl bracelet

" It's so pretty" she says with excitement in her eyes

" Only the best for her highness " he chuckles and puts the bracelet on for her

" Thank you Josh" she giggles as she looks at the bracelet on her hand with adoration

' what about me" Amelia teased and he throws a chocolate bar at her 

" A chocolate bar?? " Amelia mocks

" Your favorite" Josh smirkes

"Tch, I'll accept it just because I'm craving chocolate" she teased and they both chucked 

" Come join us for lunch " Amelia's Dad says to Josh

" Gladly uncle,I forgot to have lunch because I was in a hurry" Josh chuckles

" Dad, Josh and I will be in my room,we have important business " Amelia says to her dad as she pulls Josh upstairs to her room

" Alright, I'll call you when lunch is ready" Amelia's dad says before returning to the kitchen.

"Tell me everything," Josh said as they settled in Amelia's room

" Ok remember when the orange light flashed in my eye and I couldn't figure out what it was I wasn't saying about my accident" Amelia states

" Yes I remember,when we discovered that orange means half truth "

" Yea,it's turns out I saw something that day but it was somehow pushed to my subconsciousness,I had a nightmare about the accident and that's when I remembered" Amelia says as she described the nightmare she had involving the hooded figure to Josh 

"That's a big lead," he said thoughtfully. "I knew there was more to your accident,just didn't know the mastermind would be on the scene which means it really was a trap set for you, We need to find out who that figure is. And you didn't see the face? "

" I don't know,it was blurry plus the rain,I can t recall" Amelia explained

" That's fine Lia,you don't need to push yourself too hard, we'll figure this out,if we can get our hands in the truck driver then we can find the mastermind " Josh assures

"I knew it was a good idea calling you" Amelia chips

" Ofcourse it is,I'm the best after all" Josh smirks

Before they could delve further into their discussion, a knock was heard on Amelia's door and Amelia's sister Fiona walks in " sis there's someone here to see you and lunch is ready as well"

"I'm not expecting anyone, I'll be down in a sec" Amelia says to her sis and Fiona walks out of the room

.Amelia walks downstairs towards the dinning room with Josh by her side to find Mark helping her dad set the table

"Hey, Amy," he greeted, "I thought I'd drop by and see how you're doing,"

Amelia forced a smile, her discomfort evident. "Thanks, Mark. We were just about to have lunch Would you like to join us?"

" Your dad already asked me to join" Mark said with a smile in his face

" I can see that" Amelia says sarcastically as she watches him set the table with her dad

" It's a good time I made extra" Amelia's dad chipped

"Good to see you Josh, looking good as always" Marks says forcing a weird smile that still showed his dislike toward Josh

" Ofcourse" Josh says calmly 

" Alright everyone sit,let's eat" Amelia's dad says to the and Mark, Josh, Amelia as well as Fiona all took their seat.

The lunch was tense , with an awkward silence that filled the room. Amelia's dad suddenly broke the silence " So Mark how are things moving between you and Amelia now that she's back from the hospital"

*Cough* Amelia let's out a weird cough increasing the awkwardness in the room

" Dad just focus on the meal" Amelia maintains her composure " I'm done,thanks for the meal" she stands up and heads to her room

" Tch she barely ate anything " Amelia's dad worried

" I'll go after her and see whats wrong" Mark said as he stands up and goes after Amelia

" The food is delicious uncle"Josh says to reduce the intensity as Mark and Amelia heads upstairs 

" Babe whats the matter" Mark says as he enters Amelia room and closes the door

" I didn't ask you to follow me" Amelia said sternly

" Come on,this isn't like you Amy" Marks say as he tries to hold her hand but she brushes it off

" You're cheating on me and you think I wouldn't find out" Amelia snapped

" I've told you before ,it's a misunderstanding "

" Is my accident also a misunderstanding " Amelia snaps 

Mark freezes and tries to maintain his composure" what are you talking about Amy"

" Did you think I wouldn't remember that you are the one behind my accident" Amelia questions 

" I don't know what you're talking about " Marks says and a red dot appeared on his head

" I thought as much, just leave Mark" Amelia says and she opens the door pointing for Mark to leave

" Just get some rest Amy and we'll talk, I'll go for now" mark says before leaving the room and heads downstairs

" Thank you for the lunch Mr Edward, I'll be heading off now" Mark says to Amelia's dad 

" See you later Fi"Mark says to Fiona 

" No problem " Edward replies and Mark leaves the house

Josh helps Edward clear the table and went up to see Amelia

* Knock knock* "Lia are you alright" he says as he knocks and opens the door where he finds her sitting by her window and looking out,the dim light of the sun setting radiated on her beauty making her look even more beautiful and Josh looks at her in awe

She turns to look at him" I'm fine Josh,just really want to get to the bottom of all this" she smiles sadly to him

 He maintains his composure" I promise you we will, tomorrow I'll come pick you up and take you to the office and I'll show you all the Intel I've gathered"

She smiles at him warmly" I would love that".