
The next day

Amelia sat on her soft bed, dressed in a silk black gown that complemented her body features and a black jacket, waiting for Josh to arrive. The sound of the doorbell alerted Amelia and she stood up and left her room and headed downstairs where she saw Josh waiting for her

" Who died,?" Josh teased at her full black attire

" My feelings for mark" she responded 

" Ok... didn't expect that" he smirked " shall we go"

" Let's go" Amelia said " Dad I'm going to the office with Josh,I will be back by dinner " she announced before leaving the house with Josh where he opened the door to the front sit of his car Amelia and enters the driver's seat and drives them to his Law firm

They arrived at the firm minutes later,at the parking lot of the skyscraper and headed towards Josh's Private elevator that leads inside the grand building.

"I've missed this place" Amelia smiles warmly as they both head up to lobby of the building, upon arrival they were greeted by the present in the lobby and they continued walking towards another Private Elevator that led to The floor where the Ceo's office,which is Josh office was located

" Good morning Sir, Good morning Ma" Josh secretary greeted

" Good morning Sarah, Cancel my meeting and appointments for today and no one is allowed to disturb me unless it's an emergency, the only one allowed is Cindy got that?" Josh instructed the secretary

" Yes sir" Sarah respond and Amelia and Josh walks into his grand office painted on white with a black stealth door and so many fancy furniture.

" Why are you cancelling all your activities for today" Amelia questions as she takes a sit in front of a table that had so many files on it 

" Because today we have work to do and we don't need distraction " he responded a she sat next to her

" Cindy will be here soon,so where do we start" Amelia asks

" We start from the beginning " Josh says

A knock on the door is heard and Cindy walks in

" Glad you're here, we were just about to start" Amelia says

" Alright let's start then" Cindy replys as she takes a seat next to the both of them 

"Here's what I've got so far," Josh said, sifting through a pile of papers. "Phone records between the driver and an unknown person, financial transactions of huge some of money, and some surveillance footage of the accident, But the CcTv couldn't get the face of the mastermind.

Amelia felt a chill run down her spine. her mind racing back to her vivid dream of the hooded figure and the envelope, "where's the truck driver now"

" He's still in the country, I just need to find a way to bring him in for questioning" josh pitched

" Wouldn't that be dangerous,what if he reports to the police" Cindy questions

" If I bring him in,he's not leaving until I've gathered enough proof and send him to jail" Josh says

Amelia's phone buzzed with a text message interrupting their discussion. She glanced at the screen and See's Lucinda's name. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the message: *Can we meet? I need to talk to you. Please.*

Josh noticed her sudden distraction. "Everything okay?"

"Lucinda wants to meet," Amelia replied, a mix of curiosity and caution in her voice. "She says she needs to talk to me."

Cindy frowned. "Do you think it's a good idea? She could be involved in this mess."

Amelia took a deep breath. "I need to hear what she has to say. She might have information we need, besides we keep going in circles, we have no new clues or leads,whatever she has to say I want to hear it"

"I guess you're right " Josh said a mix of sadness on his voice

" You're trying your best Josh but until we have something solid,we just keep going in circles,I'm sure we'll figure it out, but Mark,my boyfriend who I went to the same college with and dated for a year tried to kill me and Lucinda knows why and there's someone behind all this, so we need all the information we can get" Amelia Elaborates 

" Alright, I'll put a recorder on you and we'll be able to hear everywhere has to say and record it all" Josh says with a warm smile

Amelia replys Lucinda text and decided to meet her at a cafe nearby.

Amelia arrived at the café where she had agreed to meet Lucinda. She spotted her sitting at a corner table, looking unusually pensive. As Amelia approached, Lucinda stood up, a sincere expression on her face.

"Amelia, thank you for coming," Lucinda said softly, gesturing for her to sit.

Amelia took a seat, her gaze steady. "What do you want to talk about?"

Lucinda sighed, her hands fidgeting nervously. "I owe you an apology. I never meant for things to go this far. I was… I was involved with Mark, but I didn't know he was planning to hurt you." She says and the dot in her head appears green

" So you know Mark was the one behind my accident" Amelia says with anger in her voice

"It's complicated Amy" Lucinda muttered her head lowered facing the table, " I wish there was a way I could change things"

Amelia listened, her emotions a whirlwind of anger, betrayal, and a glimmer of understanding. "Why are you telling me this now?"

Lucinda met her eyes, her voice trembling. "Because I care about you, and I need you to be careful__"

" You need me to be careful??, you who was like a sister is sleeping with my boyfriend,not only that you are involved in my accident " Amelia said trembling

" I would never do anything to hurt___" Lucinda says but was cut off by Amelia slamming her hand on the table gathering the attention of everyone in the cafe

" Don't tell me that bullshit Lucinda, I hate the fact you're saying the truth,you don't want to hurt me??,i was in a fucking Coma for 6 months,I am traumatized,my car was flipped over and I was in it, you're having an affair with my boyfriend and you know why he tried to kill me and you're not telling me and you say you don't want to hurt me" Amelia said her voice increasing rapidly

Lucinda lowers her head,tears building in her eyes,she could feel the pain in Amelia's Voice "I'm really sorry" she mutters in a low voice

" Don't freaking apologize to me" Amelia yells with tears rolling down her eyes " Why did the both of you who I love so much do this to me"

" I should get going" Lucinda composes her sef and stands up to leave,while Amelia sat still with her heads lowered and tears falling out from her eyes

"one more thing before I go,Mark isn't the only one you need to watch out for, be careful of the people around you and I'm really sorry things had to turn out like this,if I could I would go back in time and change things, goodby Amelia " She looks at Amelia and then she leaves the cafe 

Amelia sat still there,unable to move when Josh entered the Cafe and sat next to her " it's ok Lia" He whispers to her holding her shoulders and she drops her head on his shoulder " I'm tired Josh,please don't leave me"

" I'm here Lia, I promise I won't leave you " Josh Comforts Amelia 

" You recorded it right " she mutters weakly,her head still on his shoulders

" Yes I did"

" She said I should be careful of people around me" Amelia added

" I heard that as well" Josh says

" I can't loose you Josh or anyone else" She whispers

" You won't loose me,I promise" He says calmly" Cindy had to leave early, I'll take you home when you're ready ' Josh says warmly

" Thank you Josh" Amelia replys softly as she falls asleep on Josh's shoulders and he carries her and drives her home

They arrive at her house and he carries her out of the car and into the house and then to her room

" She looks so tired" Edward Says with worried etched in his words as Josh places her on the bed

" She had a rough day uncle" Josh replys 

' I shouldn't have allowed her to meet Lucinda alone ' Josh thinks to himself 

" Let's allow her to rest,Have dinner before you g " Edwards say calmly as they left Amelia's room

" I'm sorry uncle but I have to refuse,I have work I need to round up on" Josh responds

" I know there's something going on that you both aren't telling me,just take It easy on yourselves,I can't bear to see the both of you in harm" Edwards Says to Josh 

" I promise we'll explain everything later" Josh assures 

" I trust you son" Edward smiles " let me not keep you, go before it gets late and make sure to take care of yourself " 

" I will uncle" Josh says before saying goodbye and leaving the house