
A few days later

In Amelia's house.

"She hasn't stepped out of her room and she's not been eating well since the day you dropped her off" Edwards says to Josh as Worry is plastered on his face

" That's why I'm here Uncle,she hasn't been taking my calls, I'm here to cheer her up" Josh says with determination in his voice

" I'm counting on you" Edwards smiles warmly and Josh makes his way to Amelia's room

Since she met Lucinda, Amelia has been feeling an immense pain and betrayal,the weight of Lucinda's words had been drowning up, making her unable to feel anything other than that sadness

* Knock knock* Josh knocks on Amelia's door " Lia I'm coming in" he says as he opens the turns to turns the door handle to open the door and walks into the room.

Amelia's room was cloaked in shadows, the curtains drawn tightly against the world outside. Amelia barely stirred when the knock echoed through her room. She heard Josh walk in but she remained curled up in her bed

"You know locking yourself up and not picking my calls isn't going to make your worries and problems go away" He says as he walks towards the window and opens up the curtains and the warm glow of the sun radiated in the room.

Amelia looked up, her eyes red-rimmed from crying. "I don't know what to do, Josh. Everything feels so overwhelming."

Josh walks towards her bed and sit besides her and tilts his head "now I'm sure you're an imposter,where's the real Amelia " He teased " The Amelia I know won't be locked up in here crying and depressed,where's the stubborn girl I know"

Amelia opened her eyes are the realization of Josh words and sits up, moving away from her curled position 

He smiled and revealed a garment bag he had brought with him. "That's better, I got you something"

Amelia eyed the bag suspiciously but with a flicker of curiosity. "What is it?"

"See for yourself" He says as he hands the bag over to her and she unzips the bag, revealing a beautiful, elegant dress in a rich shade of midnight blue.

"Get out of bed and go take a shower,you stink, and put that on when you're done showering, we're going to out, I'll be waiting downstairs"

Amelia stares at the beautiful gown in her hands as she mutters calmly " it's beautiful "

" Ofcourse it is,only a dress this beautiful can make you look less ugly" Josh teases and Amelia Chuckles 

" You have 30 minutes, be one minute late and you're driving " He smirked

Amelia hesitated, the weight of her grief still heavy. But Josh's earnest smile and the sparkle in his eyes were infectious. She nodded slowly and smiled "Okay. I'll go get ready."

Some minutes later, Amelia stepped out her and headed downstairs where Josh was waiting for her,

"I'm ready" she says alerting Josh and drawing his attention away from Fiona whom he was playing with and he looks up to see her and was dazzles by her beauty. The dress fit perfectly, the blue color illuminating the wonderful curves of her body and her hair beautifully held up with a strand falling in front of her face

" You're staring too hard" Fiona giggled bringing Josh back to his senses

"I thought I saw an angel that's why I was staring" Josh chuckles

Edwards walks in and See's Amelia looking so beautiful, resembling her mother so much

" You look just as beautiful as your mother" Edward says with a warm smile

" Thanks Dad" Amelia shall

"Well it's time to go" Josh says

" Where are we going" Amelia asks curiously

" Don't worry about that,I had the whole day planned out for us" Josh smiles " Uncle we'll be going now"

" Alright,have fun" Edwards says as Amelia and Josh leaves the building and Josh drives them to their first location, Amelia's favourite Cafe.

They sat by the window, sipping coffee and sharing stories, their laughter mingling with the chatter of other patrons.

" We would always sneak out from school and come here" Amelia Giggles

" You mean you would sneak out and force me to come along with you so that we could be in trouble together " Josh teased

" Ofcourse " Amelia says and they bought continued their chatter and kept laughing 

From there, they wandered through the city, visiting art galleries and parks, enjoying the simple pleasures that life had to offer.

Next they went to a photo booth where they both took silly pictures together while enjoying themselves gaining the attentions of other " what a lovely couple, I wish I had a boyfriend like him" two highschool girls whispered as they saw both of enough,their whispers loud enough to be heard by Josh and Amelia and they both looked at each other and smiled

As the day turned to evening, they found themselves at a lively street fair. The air was filled with music, the aroma of food stalls, and the vibrant colors of various booths. Josh convinced Amelia to try a few games, and soon they were competing to win prizes and taking pictures, their laughter echoing through the night.

For a few precious hours, Amelia felt a sense of normalcy and joy return to her life. She cherished every moment, grateful for Josh's unwavering support.

They walked to a small park and sat on a bench 

" It's been so long since I had so much fun" She mutters looking up at the clouds which had become darker and bore some stars. Josh looks at her calmly digesting every moment " me too"

" Well it's getting late and now it's time for the final act" he says as he stands up and stretches out his hand towards her

She takes his hands with excitement glowing in her eyes" what could it be"

" You'll see" he says as he holds her hands warmly and leads them to what seemed like an edge but surrounded with railings

" There's nothing here" Amelia mutters glancing around and seeing nothing

" There is" He says as he stands behind her and points his hands to the sky where suddenly a rain of fireworks started busting out

She gasped in excitement at the beautiful Colors, enjoying every moment of it. She turns to looks at him and with a smile on her face she hugs him " Thank you Josh" She says warmly

Surprised he lets out a gasps but hugs her back " you're welcome Lia"

As the night drew to a close, Josh drove then back to Amelia's house, their hearts lighter from the day's escapades.

They stood in front of the door " Aren't you going to come in" Amelia asks

"I would love to but I need to get back to the office and sort out some works" He says, the dot in his head turns red

" Don't tell me you've forgotten about my abilities " She reminded

" I didn't want to say anything to spoil the fun we had today" He mutters

" Silly , Nothing can spoil the peace and fun you have me today" She smiles

Josh sighs, " don't say things like that you'll make me blush "

" You can tell me,what is it" Amelia says

Josh nodded " while you were hiding in your room " he teased " I pulled a few strings and our Mastermind got wary of our investigation and tomorrow evening,he will be meeting with the truck driver in a local restaurant "

Amelia's heart raced, the weight of reality crashing back in. But this time, she felt a surge of determination rather than despair. "Where do we need to go?"

Josh nodded, recognizing the fire in her eyes. "We will go to the restaurant and catch our driver and the mastermind" 

" I'll come to the office tomorrow and you will explain all the details for me" She said sternly

Josh nodded " I will,now go in before you dad starts to worry"

 Amelia smiles and pecks him on his cheeks" goodnight Josh, I really have no idea what I would do without you, don't let it get to your head tho" She teases

" Too late " he smiles " goodnight Lia, I'll come pick you up tomorrow "

" No need, illy meet you at the office " She responds

"You sure" He says

" I'm sure Josh,now get going " She smiles

" Bye" He says to Amelia and she enters the house,he heads for his car and drives home