

Amelia walked into Josh's office, she is the only one who has Special access to his office. She See's Josh hunched over his desk, the familiar clutter of papers and digital screens surrounding him. He looked up as she entered, a serious expression on his face.

" Why are you looking so serious, is it about the truck driver, did plans change?" Amelia asks as she walks over to his desk and sits on the desk

"Lia, there's something we need to talk about," Josh said, his voice steady but laced with concern. "Is there anything you're not telling me?"

Amelia hesitated, her mind racing. "What do you mean?"

Josh leaned forward, his eyes searching hers. " I've been looking at your case and we have no idea who the mastermind is and what his reason is for hurting you but we know who Mark is and he has no reason why he should hurt you,unless there's something you know that I don't know about and from the Intel I have the mastermind is probably using his anger or hatred or whatever it is he has against you"

Amelia sighed " I've not though about it but now you mention it, it actually makes no sense for Mark to try and kill me ,Mark wasn't always like this,he shouldn't have any reason that I know of to try this hard to hurt me"

" Plus he hasn't made a move since you woke up, like he's waiting for something " Josh added " The more I try to solve this case,the harder it is to get to the bottom,just like how I couldn't solve your mum's case and find and the murderer" He says with a low voice indicating his sadness

Amelia stared at him sadly and suddenly remembers " There is one thing I haven't told you about,only my dad and I knows about it but I don't see how it could be related to this case"

" You wouldn't know that unless we check it out, Lia we're in this together,it could be the only lead I have left to solve this case"

Amelia sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I have a lot of fortune that's under my name"

" Why do you mean" Josh asks curiously

" My mum was the owner of the AE Research Facility" Amelia Reveals

Josh widens his eyes in shock " That was the biggest research facility in the world,the cure for different viruses and the research on Artificial intelligence and robots and many other life changing research is from that facility,isn't it owned by the government, how does it belong to your mum "

" The government wanted the facility,but she wouldn't give it up,it's her hard work and sweat that built that company,so instead she made a deal with the government,all credits and recognition related to the researchs would be given to the government and the public will see the government as the owner but the rights and ownership of the facility will remain hers but they still went after her and so she transferred all the stocks and shares and the facility over to me and hid all her researchs to avoid it entering the wrong hands and to avoid putting me in harm's way she never told anyone about it" Amelia revealed " no one knows about this so I don't see how it's related to my accident "

" Wow,this is big news, and I have no idea what to say but one thing is for sure,it's related to your mum's death and related to your accident " Josh declares " and I'm going to use all the resources in my powers to find out how"

" I know you will" Amelia says " now that's been said what about the truck driver "

" He's meeting the mastermind tonight at a local restaurant just close by,and our mission is to find out who the mastermind is tonight and bring the truck driver in for questioning " Josh says

Amelia nodded " if we catch the mastermind then we won't need the driver right " 

" We're not so sure it's the mastermind he'll meet that's why we still need him and besides he was ready to take a life just because of money,not just any life but yours,there no way I'm letting him off the hook" Josh said sternly

Amelia smiles " Alright then,I should call Cindy and...." 

" No don't " Josh cuts her off " We will tell her about it later "

 Amelia See's the red dot on his face " you're lying and I can see it clearly"

Josh sighs " please Lia, don't call her,when I gather the proof I'm looking for, I'll tell you why"

Amelia sighs sadly" I trust you Josh , but how are you getting all the Intel and information you've been gathering "

Josh looked away briefly before meeting her gaze again. "I own this law firm,I have resources all over the country and I've been working on your case for 6 months without stopping,it wasn't easy but I was able to dig up a lot and gather alot of information plus working with some contacts I have from my old job. People who owe me favors and are good at digging up information. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to put you at more risk."

Amelia nodded slowly, understanding the weight of their shared secrets. "We have to trust each other, Josh. Completely."

Josh reached out, squeezing her hand. "Agreed. Now, let's go. We have a truck driver to spy on."

Amelia smiles " but before we go I think I need to tell you that I've been having these dreams and I keep seeing the hooded figure but it becomes clearer each time and my mum is always there trying to tell me something "

" We'll figure it out,I don't know how but I'm sure we'll figure it out,I know these dreams are significant and important and that's why you're telling me" Josh implores and Amelia nods " don't worry we'll figure it out" He assures


That evening, they found themselves at a dimly lit local restaurant. They sat at a corner while waiting carefully for the driver and his hirer.

After a few minutes the driver walks in and takes a seat at the corner of the dimly lit restaurant.

" Josh that's him ,it's the truck driver" Amelia whispers

" I know that but how do you know it's him,I thought you didn't see his face" Josh questions

" I didn't but now I remember him taking an envelope from the hooded person at the night of the accident,the memory just flashed in" She explains

" Let's wait and see if the hooded person comes" Josh says

And after a few minutes a person wearing a hood and a mask walks in heads towards the driver snd Amelia widens her eyes in shock

" Josh's him,the hooded person on the night of the accident ,it's really him" she says as she begins to tremble