Amelia trembled as she saw the hooded figure walks into the restaurant and sits with the truck driver, Josh looks at her with concern etched in his face " Lia we can go back if you're not up for this"

" No josh we're staying,this is our chance " Amelia responds determined " I just wish I could see the face or hear what they are discussing...we should go closer"

" No that's risky,it could alert them of our presence " Josh responds

Amelia gets irritated as she couldn't see or hear the hooded person " sitting here isn't going to get us any clues"

" Just calm down Lia, remember we're here mainly to find out who that person is" Josh tries to Calm Amelia " Don't be irrational about this"

Amelia takes a deep breath " ok you're right,"

"They're definitely up to something," Josh whispered," and we're going to find out what,so just calm down ".

Amelia nodded, her heart pounding. She watched as the hooded figure handed the driver what seemed to be a file envelope,the driver takes the envelope and slides out a file,looks at it and slides it back into the envelope and nodded , the scene mirroring her haunting dreams.

The hooded figure gets up to leave after handling the truck driver an envelope

" He's leaving Josh" Amelia alerts"Josh, stay here and keep an eye on the driver," Amelia instructed, her voice firm despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "I'm going after him."

Josh grabbed her arm, concern etched on his face." No it's dangerous"

"Please trust me,I'm leaving the truck driver to you" Amelia says, determination written all over her face" the more you stop me now,the farther away the hooded person gets"

Josh understands that he can't convince her otherwise and decided to let her go

"Lia, please be careful."

Amelia nods and follows the hooded figure behind quietly and carefully 

As if sensing being followed,the hooded figure walks into a dark alley and Amelia follows from behind, unknown to her that she's being led on by the hooded figure.

The narrow alley was damp and littered with debris, the walls closing in around her. She could barely see the figure ahead, a silhouette blending with the shadows.

The hooded figure suddenly stopped, his back still to her. "Why are you following me?" His voice was calm and feminine like,with an eerie sensation, sending a shiver down her spine.

Amelia's heart raced as she stepped out of the corner she was in. "I want answers about my accident," she said, her voice echoing in the confined space. "I know you're involved."

" I have no idea what you're talking about" The hooded figure denies

Amelia surprised at the realization of the hooded figures Voice " I saw you at the scene of my accident,what I didn't know is you're a female, tell me who are you"

" Who I am is none of your business,and I have no idea what you're talking about " the hooded figure continues to denies and due to the darkness of the alley,she couldn't use her abilities but at this moment,she didn't need it

" Cut the crap,I already told you I know it's you" Amelia blurts 

The figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed off the walls. "Seems like You're so bent on not believing me"

" Because I know it's you,just give in and tell me who you are,I won't let you go without finding out who you are and why you tried to kill me and how Mark and Lucinda are involved " Amelia says sternly, determination joined with every word she said

" I expected you to be more careful, but you're stupid as usual going around and playing with fire" her back still to Amelia,she tilts her head and looks at Amelia but Amelia couldn't see the face due to the darkness of the alley " Seems like being in a Coma hasn't taught you enough" 

" What do you....." Before she could complete her sentence, something hard struck the back of her head. Pain exploded in her skull, and her vision blurred. She fell to the ground, darkness closing in around her.

" Nighty night Amelia" The hooded figure Smirked and walked away leaving Amelia laying on the cold ground

Amelia layed on the ground of the cold alley,her consciousness slowing fading away when she heard Josh voice calling out for her, "Lia!" he called out, his voice low but urgent.

''Josh..." She voices out barely a whisper before slipping into the darkness

Josh called out again " Lia where are you" his voice laced with concern, after walking a little he sees her lying on the ground, unconscious. Panic surged through him rushed towards her and he knelt beside her, raised her head and checks her pulse. She was alive, but clearly hurt.

"Amelia!, wake up," he pleaded, gently shaking her shoulder. She didn't respond. " I'm so sorry I couldn't Protect you,please be fine" He said as he carefully lifts her into his arms and carried her out of the alley, his heart pounding with fear and anger.


At the hospital, Josh paced the waiting room, his mind racing with worry and frustration. The minutes dragged on until a doctor finally emerged.

"She's stable," the doctor said, offering a reassuring smile. "She has a mild concussion but she'll recover. She's still unconscious but you can see her how if you want to."

Josh exhaled in relief " Thank you Doctor" 

He hurried to Amelia's room after talking to the doctor and walks up to her bed, He saw her laid on the bed,with a bandaid wrapped around her head, looking pale but beautiful as always, her face calm as she's asleep and her lashes long and beautiful,he places his hands calmly on her soft face, tracing his finger through her warm face

" I couldn't Protect you again" He mutters to himself with anger and pain etched in his voice " I shouldn't have allowed you to go alone, I'm so sorry Lia" tears begins to drop from his eyes

" I promise I will get to this bottom of this and everyone who has hurt you will pay" Josh says sternly with anger and determination in his voice.