
Amelia stood in a Field of sunflowers,the sunlit meadow, the air fragrant with blooming flowers. She had no idea where she was but she wasn't afraid but instead she felt a surge of warmth and calmness when Ahead of her, a familiar figure approached—a woman with kind blue eyes, and long brown hair and a warm smile.

"Mom?" Amelia's voice wavered with emotion as she recognized her mother.

Her mother nodded, her smile radiant. "My beautiful Iris.", That's the name only her called Amelia since she was a child,She opened her arms and Amelia ran towards her, engulfing her in a tight embrace. The warmth and comfort of her mother's presence enveloped her, making everything that has happened to her recently feel like a distant memory.

"I've missed you so much," Amelia whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

" I've missed you too my Iris"

"I've missed hearing you call me that" she chuckles as tears still rolls down her eyes

Her mother gently pulled back, looking into her eyes." You're all grown up Iris"

Amelia smiles and realizes that she's in an unknown place " Where is this place and what are you doing here,is this real?, "

Her mother smiles " I believe those are not the questions you want an answer to" 

" How..." Amelia tries to ask

" I see you've gotten my gift " Her mother smiles

" What gift " Amelia questions curiously

" Your ability,I knew you would be the one to get it and not your sister,it's an ability that has been passed down to the women in my family for generations, being in a coma made your's to manifest " Her mother explains 

" How do you know about my Coma " Amelia questions 

"I've always been with you, Iris. Watching over you. But now, you need to be strong,I call you Iris for a reason. You've been given a gift and its mire powerful than you think, but it comes with great responsibility."

Amelia nodded, absorbing her mother's words. "I don't know if I can handle it. Alot has happened and I'm so tired and so scared. There are so many enemies that are out to get me , and I don't even know who they all are or why they see after me."

Her mother's expression turned serious. "Your enemies are not the only ones close to you there are people more powerful and dangerous that are out to get you. But you're not alone. Trust in your friends,I see Josh's feelings for you as as strong as always, and trust in yourself. Your power will guide you, but you must learn to trust your instincts."

" What do you mean my enemies are not the only ones close to me?, I don't even know the ones close to me,how do I trust my instincts " Amelia' questions intensely "How do I know who to trust?"

" I'm sure you already know the answer to those questions, open your eyes and don't be afraid of the truth no matter how painful it is" Her mother places a hand on her shoulder, her touch comforting and grounding. 

Her mother's image began to fade, and Amelia questions confusingly " what's happening?"

" Seems like our time is up" Her mother says as she looks as the sky 

Amelia called out, "Wait! Don't go please,don't leave me again"

" I'll always be with you my Iris but you don't belong here,there are people still waiting for you" Her mother says with a warm smile and she continues to fade

" No mum please" Amelia says as he tried to hold her mum with tears rolling down her eyes but to no avail

" Goodbye Iris, I'm sorry for involving you in my mess,take good care of you sister and I'll always watch over you" Her mother says as she fades and her voice echos in the air

With a bolt, Amelia opened her eyes and yells " Mum!!"

Josh sees her awake and panicked and tries to calm her with concern etched in his face " you're ok Lia"

" Mum,where's my mum" she says with tears rolling down her eyes and Josh holds her hands " Clam down Lia, I'm here" 

She looks at him and begins to calm down and realizes she's on a hospital room and feels a throbbing pain in her head and places a hand on her head " what happened"

" I found you laying on the ground in an alley and brought you to the hospital " Josh narrates

" I remember,I was following the hooded person " She explains when she suddenly notices Josh's eye were red and he had a serious and angry look on his face

" What's the matter Josh" Amelia asks with concern all over her face, she knows how Josh has been trying so hard to help her but she hasn't really focused much in him since she woke up

" Its not Lia,I'm just glad you're awake" he answers

" I know that's not true,please with my powers I can understand the color of your emotions " she says sternly 

Josh sighs" you were hurt Lia,I said I would protect you but you were hurt,I knew it was dangerous but I still allowed you to go alone and you were hurt" he clenches his fist and suddenly Amelia hugs him

He widens his eyes in shock

" I'm sorry Josh,Thank you for protecting me" Amelia says to Josh warmly as she hugs him and he holds her warmly 

"But I'm glad I followed the hooded person and now I know who she is" Amelia says and she breaks the hug.

Josh's eyes widened. "Who? Who is it?"

Before Amelia could answer, the door to her room opened, and her father and sister walked in, their faces lighting up with joy and relief at seeing her awake.

"Amelia!" her father exclaimed, rushing to her side. "Thank God you're alright."

Her sister followed, tears in her eyes. "We were so worried about you."

" I'm fine Dad" She assures

" No you're not,I know you're hiding something from me Andi kept quiet coz I thought you wouldn't be in any danger but I cant ignore any longer" Edwards blurts " you and Josh are going to tell me what's going on "

Amelia and Josh exchange glances and she sighs " I didn't want to worry you and that's why I didn't tell you"

" Didn't tell me what? , what are you hiding ? " Edward questions 

Amelia took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I guess it's time I tell you about my accident and Mark and all that has been going on"