
Amelia sat on the bed with Josh beside her, her father sitting beside her, listening intently as she recounted everything that had happened since her accident while Fiona sat at a corner of the room while playing games with her game tab. She spoke of the night of the accident,the information they currently have and the hooded figure, investigation with Josh and Cindy, and the recent attack. Her father's face was a mixture of concern, anger, and confusion.

"This is unbelievable, Amelia," her father said, shaking his head as he clenched his fist and sadness courses through him. "How could you keep all this from me Lia, what kind of a father am I that I didn't notice any of this even when Mark came over"

Amelia gripped her father's hand softly. "Dad, it's not your fault,I should have told you but I didn't want to trouble you more that I already have, I'm really sorry Dad"

Edwards sighs and tries to calm his nerves " why haven't you gone to the police, we should report this to the police and capture those who are responsible" 

" No uncle" Josh chips "We don't have enough evidence to hand over to the police,if we involve the police it will all go up in smoke just like how the court case went, besides we might be dealing with forces more powerful than we imagined,we need to be careful. We need more evidence before we can make a move."

" He's right dad" Amelia agrees thinking back at what her mother told her

Her father nodded in agreement but his expression serious. "I understand. We'll do whatever it takes get to the bottom of this and keep you safe,I don't want you getting hurt again."

"While that is settled,I need to tell you something Josh" Amelia says to Josh " I've had a better understanding of my powers since I woke up and I can't just see lies,I can see beyond that" 

" Powers" Edwards asks interrupting Amelia

" Ohh I forgot to tell you Dad, after my Coma I've been able to see when I'm being lied to but let's just say I had a little awakening while I was unconscious and i can see way more than lies now"

Edwards let's out a warm smile " I guess you really take after your mother,she was gifted just like you"

" You knew" Amelia questions

" Of course, how do you think she always caught you when you would sneakout with Josh " Edwards Smiles as he Pat's her head 

" I always thought it was Fiona selling me out" Amelia smiles

" I guess you blamed Fi for no reason Lia" Josh chuckles

Amelia Chuckles and stares at him and continues what she was saying with a Stern look on her face" you're hiding something,being in this hospital has triggered you and right now I can see you're hiding something major from me Josh and I want to hear it now"

Josh's face becomes somber and he let's out a sigh "There's something you need to know and I know I should have told you earlier, but you were already going through so much and I couldn't add to it"

Amelia's eyes narrowed with curiosity and apprehension. "Say it Josh"

Josh took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact. "Your coma wasn't natural Lia,you were put in a medically induced Coma"

Amelia's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in shock. "What"

Edward exclaimed in shock " what"

Josh looked pained, his voice filled with regret. "I didn't want to overwhelm you. You've been through so much already. I thought it was best to wait until you were stronger."

Amelia's initial shock quickly turned to anger. "You should have told me, Josh! I had a right to know. We could have been looking for answers this whole time."

" I have been looking for answers this whole time Lia,I have," Josh says looking utterly depressed and aggrieved

Amelia looks at Josh and understands how he feels,he's been trying this whole time, investigating and trying to help her and she hasn't given him much consideration.

Edwards placed a calming hand on her shoulder. "Amelia, I know you're upset,I am too, but I know Josh was only trying to protect you. We need to stay focused on finding out who did this and why."

Amelia took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "You're right, Dad. We need to find out who put me in that coma and why they wanted me out of the way. I'm sorry Josh,I Shouldn't have gotten upset, all you've done since I woke up is help me" 

Josh stepped closer, his expression resolute. "I'm sorry, Amelia. I promise I won't keep anything from you again. We'll work together to uncover the truth."

Amelia nodded, her anger fading into determination. "I trust you,but why would Mark and who ever is behind him put me in a coma"

" That's where it's tricky Lia" Josh Explained " Mark and his forces aren't the ones who put you in the Coma"

" What?, If not him then who, wait how do you even know about this" Amelia questions

"I was about to ask the same question" Edward chips 

" I found out three weeks after your accident,I was in your room watching you when the doctor came in and told me he wanted to take you to run some tests to know why you're still unconscious to rule out any brain damage and so I left and you were taken to run some tests" Josh explains " but then I was sneaking around the hospital and at an empty room in a quiet ward in the hospital,I saw the doctor and followed him initially to ask how the tests went and I overheard him on a call saying the job has been done and you won't be waking up anytime soon" Josh narrates "

"Why didn't you inform me, we could have reported to the police " Edward asks

" Because I didn't have any proof,I didn't expect the doctor to do that so I didn't prepare to make evidence" Josh explains 

"After I heard that, I didn't know what to do but I couldn't tell anyone to avoid putting Lia in more danger so I investigated and did some digging and after 3 months I was able to find some clues and I found strong sedatives in your blood sample,strong enough to keep you in a come for a year but I searched for a way to reverse the effects of the drugs and that's why you were able to wake up earlier than intented"

Amelia remains quiet as she tries to process the information Josh had given and her mind raced with so many thoughts

" Then what makes you think it wasn't Mark" Edward asks

" Because Mark was surprised when he found out she was In a coma and tried everything to make you wake up"

" That could just be him pretending" Amelia finally says something

" I know,it's why I'm holding the doctor in my custody right now and trying to get the truth out from him" Josh reveals

" You have the doctor" Amelia questions

" Yes Lia as well as the truck driver" Josh adds

" How did you.." Amelia says 

" I have my ways but I'm still behind at finding out the truth " Josh explains

" I'll make some calls and use my resources to see if I can get any information or clues about the doctor and how he put he got the resources to put her in the coma and I'll try and see if I can recover some CCTV footage even tho it's been erased " Edward contributes

Josh nodded, grateful for the support. "I'll reach out to some of my contacts and see if I can dig up any more information on the sedative. It's not a common drug; someone must have a record of it"

Her father squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We'll get through this, Amy Together."

Amelia let's out a warm smile and feels assured by the support of both her dad and Josh " Thank you Dad and Josh, I have a feeling we are one step closer to finding out the truth and with both of you by my side, I feel more determined than ever"

" It's time we move on to the next act" Amelia says Sternly " I'm sure Mark is getting impatient already and about to make a move".