
"I've told you all I know,I'm sure you'll have doubts but you have to trust me, everything I've told you is the truth" Lucinda exhales as she stood up and took her bad " I should get going, before they notice my absence"

Josh and Amelia remain quiet as they ponder everything she has disclosed with them

"I just hope I can find my sister and your forgiveness" Lucinda says before walking out the door.

Josh looks at Amelia "do you think we can trust her"Josh asked, his voice low and filled with concern. "She's been part of this from the beginning."

" She didn't say anything that was a lie and there no mixtures,she was being totally honest" Amelia responds

" So we can trust her,if everything she says is true then she's in danger" Josh announces

" What's do you mean" Amelia looks up confused

"If there's really a spy,then they would be fully aware of Lucinda's involvement with us and considering what she said about the organization,they would go to any lengths to get what they want but why haven't they made a move on you yet" Josh questions

"We need to keep Lucy safe" Amelia says

" How are we going to do that,we can't make someone follow her around,that would attract more attention'' Josh explains

" I'm fully aware of that,but we can take her in,make it look like we captured here and questioning her as well as the truck driver" Amelia exclaims

Josh sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I hope we can pull it off. We can't afford any more surprises."

Amelia stood up and went closer to Josh, placing a hand on his arm. "We'll be careful, I feel we are close to the bottom of all this,we have new information,and we know the next step to take from here"

Josh sighs " what's the next step Lia"

Amelia looked at him with boldness in eyes and an anxious smile on her face "I'm going to talk to Mark"

" What??, No way it's too dangerous,I won't let you" Josh rejects the idea

" I know that,and that's why we're are going to put a little mic on me and gather a team that would be close-by incase anything happens" Amelia explains

" Why do you always come up with dangerous ideas" Josh smirks

"I was born that way I guess" Amelia smiles as she looks at Josh

Josh takes her hands and looks into her eyes " Amelia when all this is over,could we preharp....."He says anxiously and Amelia looks at him and smile " when all this is over, we'll see what awaits us"

" Sure" Josh let's out and stares at her when the sound of the door opening was heard snapping them back to reality

"Hello Uncle" Josh greeted awkwardly as Edwards entered the house.

" Hi son,I have some new " Edward responds as he takes a seat next to the both of them

" Concerning what Dad" Amelia questions

" It's about your Coma" Edwards exhales"the doctor that put you in the coma,is a distant relative of Lucinda "

"What" Josh and Lucinda both responded at the same time

" She ordered him to put you in a Coma" Edward sighs

" Now we really need to bring here into custody and question her about this" Amelia let's out

" But I thought she was being honest" Josh asks

" What do you mean son" Edwards asks

" She was just here and revealed alot to us" Amelia narrates everything to her Dad

"Are u sure she wasn't lying" Edwards asks

" No dad,I used my abilities and there wasn't a trace of lie in anything she said" Amelia assures

"I know what to do" Amelia says as she takes out her phone and calls Lucinda


" Are you sure about this Lia" Josh Asks Amelia with concern laced on his face as he inserts a tiny recorder in Amelia's dress

Amelia smiles at him as she stood inches away from him" I'll be fine Josh and I know you're here to save me if anything happens"

Josh stares at her deeply unable to move "Just.... I'll be here" He says to her in a low voice and she embraces him in a warm hug

" I'll be fine" she whispers to him as she came out from the van and headed to her car and drove to Marks place with the Van following her from a distance

She arrived at this place at stood at the front of his door taking a deep breath and pressed the doorbell,as she sound of the doorbell echoed through the house she remembered the old times when she would come here to find Mark to hang out with him

She was brought back from her thought as the door opened and revealed Mark standing in front of her

"Amelia,you actually came,come in" He said as he gestured her into the house" when you called and told me you wanted to see me ,I was alittle surprised and seeing as your not with your lover it must be quite serious"

" Don't you think you've said too much" she sneers as she entered into the house

" Forgive me,I guess I just missed you too much and really excited to see you" He responds " take a seat,I made dinner"

"Thanks but I'm just here to talk" Amelia responded as she took a seat

" I knew you would say that, atleast have some wine " Mark offered

" No thanks " She snapped

" Don't worry sugarcakes it's not poisoned" he smiles as he brings two wine glass and a bottle of wine

" See it's a new bottle" He said as he opened the wine and poured a glass for her and himself and extended it to her before sitting opposite her and taking a sip from his wine glass " so what do you wanna talk about"

"Why do you hate me so much,what did I do to you and just you know you don't have to lie" she looks at him sternly " what did my mum do to you and how does it concern me"

" Looks like someone has been blabbing alot lately" He smirks" well since you have an idea I guess I will tell you after you take a sip of that wine,it's really good"

" I'm being serious" Amelia snaps

" and so am I" He responds with a smile

'since he also drank the same wine and it's a new bottle,I guess it isn't poisoned then' she thought to her before taking a sip

" Good's story time then" He smiles as he takes a sip from his wine"my parents worked for your mum and invested alot into her research but when she decided to shut down and take away everything,my parents went bankrupt and faced a lot of hardship and one day when they were heading out,the brakes of their car failed and they drove into a river which was the ruled as suicide" he narrates

" How does that involve my mum or me" Amelia questions

" Well your dear mother was the one who ordered someone to tamper with their brakes because they were close to finding out where she hid all her research and I know about your pretty little ability so I'm sure you know I'm saying the truth" Mark explains

Amelia widens her eyes in shock" how do you know about my abilities,only a few people know about it"

" Then you should suspect that few people,but I believe.your question should be why would I be willing to tell you,well it's about time the drug should be taking effect" He smirks

" What do you mean" Amelia says as she tries to stand up but falls back on the chair and begins to loose consciousness

'he also drank the wine so how come I was drugged' she thought to herself

" I know what you're thinking,you're thinking I drank the wine as well,yes I do but my glass wasn't drugged" He said as he walks towards her and searches her and removes the recorder on her dress " hi there lover,I will be taking your lover away now" he says as he speaks into the recorder before breaking it

Amelia struggles to keep her eyes open but couldn't " my...mum.... didn't" she mutters weakly before passing out.

" I also wished that was the case " He says lowly as he traces his hand through her cold face and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ears

" Well we should better get going" He says to himself as he lifts her up and walks towards the back door and drives away.