
Amelia sat in her living room, the house eerily quiet as Josh and Lucinda were also seated in the living room, and they all exchanged glances at each other

"What do you want this time Lucy" Amelia spoke up breaking the eerie silence in the living room

"I just want to talk to private if that's ok" Lucinda answered as she looked at Josh with warry 

"Whatever you have to say, you can say here or you leave " Amelia responded

Lucinda looked around nervously before speaking. "*Sighs* You're in danger Amelia and you should be careful of the people you call your friends" Lucinda say as she glanced at Josh

"Tell me something I don't know and Josh is the only person I trust ,he's not like you that can betray me easily" Amelia scoffs " If that's what you wanna say then leave because I'm fully aware"

" No you're not,you don't know everything and I didn't mean to betray you,I know you've been investigating but all you've been doing is guessing" Lucinda snaps

" Ohh,are you willing to tell me what I don't know Lucy" Amelia sneers 

"What do you know so far Amy" Lucy asks

" Woah, that's bold of you to ask" Josh chips

" I just want to help" Lucy ensures

" By asking for the information I have so that you could steal it and hand it over to who you're working for,yh I think you should leave Lucy," Amelia snaps

"'re wrong" Lucy lowers her head with sadness written all over her face "I really want to help,I'm tired of all this guilt" 

Amelia looks at her and sees the remorse,fear and sadness in her eyes and notices the green dot on her head

"What are you afraid of Lucy" Amelia asks in a soft voice Asif understanding Lucy feelings

"How do you...." Lucy tries to ask but Amelia cuts her off 

" I'm really good at reading people,so what are u afraid of" Amelia cuts her off

"My sister..." Lucy mutters with tears welling up in her eyes

" Your sister??" Amelia asks confused

" You have a sister?" Josh Questions

" Yes I have a younger sister that has been abroad studying and I've been hiding the fact I have a sister to protect her but she was found and is being held hostage,they are using her as leverage to keep me in line." Lucinda reveals

Josh and Amelia widened their eyes in shock as they listen to Lucinda

Josh looks at Amelia signaling if she's saying the truth and Amelia nods

" I know you probably don't believe me but it's the truth,I would have never done all the things I did if not for her,all I wanted was for her to be safe" Lucinda explains with tears dropping from her eyes

" I believe you Lucy" Amelia says to Lucinda

" You do??" Lucinda Asks with surprise

" Yes, but using your sister against you,that's just inhumane,the government has gone too far" Amelia clenches her fist

" Government??" Lucinda questions with a dash of confusion on her face

" You don't have to pretend, we know the government has a hand in this because they are after Amelia's Mother research and wealth" Josh implies

" What are the both of you talking about,the government isn't involved in this" Lucinda reveals

" What are you talking about,aren't the ones behind everything," Amelia questions

"I was right after all,you guys have just been guessing,what made you think the government is involved in this" Lucy asks and Josh and Amelia stares at her

" We're not sure yet but we think it's related to my mum and the wealth she left in my name and somehow Mark's Parents have a connection with my mum so everything links to my mum and from what I was told,the government is after the wealth I have" Amelia explains

" You're close in a way,we know about the wealth and research your mum left in your name, afterall I was the one who gave her the idea" Lucy reveals

" What" Amelia and Josh both responded at the same time

" It's true that the government wanted your mother's research but just for the credits which they got " Lucinda explains

"So if it's not the government then who is behind all this because I see no reason for Mark to try and hurt Amelia,and you just said your sister is being held hostage" Josh Chips in

"You're right Josh, There is an organization behind all this and they are ready to do anything to get what they want,they are the ones who are holding my sister hostage and they are the ones behind Mark but I can't tell you who they are" Lucy explains as she looks around carefully

" Then what's the point of you coming and telling us all this" Josh questions

" Calm down Josh, it's a powerful organization do you think we are not being watched" Lucy mentions

" What" Josh gasps

" The reason why I wanted to talk to you alone is because there's a spy and he or she is really Close to you,the organization don't trust me so I don't know who it is but Mark does not only that Mark as well as the spy and I are being watched carefully,so I might be in danger right now, telling you the organization behind it is just going to get us all killed" Lucy says to Amelia with a serious and scared look on her face

" You can be rest assured,I'm not the spy" Josh assures

" I might have an idea on who the spy is" Amelia takes a deep breath

" I really want to save my sister and I'm tired of all this already,that's why I came here" Lucy says

"I'm not ready to know the organization behind all this yet but I am ready to know two things and you are going to tell me, first what is this organization after and why do they want me dead, secondly why is Mark working for them,what are they using to hold him" Amelia interrogates

" There's a particular research your mother was working on but she realized how dangerous it could be and hid it away,they are after that research and Mark isn't being threatened,he's doing everything on his own free will" Lucinda Reveals

"I had hoped that wasn't the case with Mark" Amelia sighs as a glimpse of sadness glowed in her eyes

" But it's not only that,I was having an argument with him when he said You were the cause of his parents death" Lucy reveals

" What?, That's impossible " Josh exclaims

Amelia widen her eyes in shock as she recalls Mark speaking to her in the hospital on the day she was getting discharged" when he came to see me in the hospital he said he wish it wasn't me,we could have been happy together,those were his words,I didn't understand then but now I think it's what he meant, he thinks I'm behind his parents death or he has been manipulated to think that way" Amelia elaborates " Everything is beginning to make sense..."