
As Amelia stood in the kitchen, the enticing aroma of freshly made waffles wafted throughout the house. Just then, a knock at the door broke the silence. "Fi, could you please get the door? That might be Josh," Amelia called out to her sister, who was sitting at the kitchen table, eagerly waiting for the waffles to be ready.

He had called earlier, saying he had found some critical information and needed to see her immediately. 

"Hello Princess" Josh greeted holding a folder as Fiona opened the door.

" Hi Josh,come on in" Fiona gestured

" What smells so good " Josh asks as he entered the house

" Big sis is making waffles" Fiona giggles

" Hope it tastes as good as it smells" Josh and Fiona chuckled and teased

" Both of you won't have any if you keep mocking me " Amelia threatened as she came out of the kitchen with a plate of Waffles topped with some honey.

" that looks really delicious" Josh said to Fiona as he saw Amelia with the plate of goodies

As they sat down to eat, Josh asked, "What about Uncle?" noticing his absence. 

" His said he has work to do and he's trying to find out clues relating to my coma" Amelia explained when she dropped her spoon," Let's get down to business" Amelia said as she stood up and gestured Josh to follow her

" This waffles are so good, can we just do business after I'm done" Josh pleads

" Now Josh" Amelia insists

" Ok, ok, protect my waffles Fi" Josh winks at Fiona and followed Amelia to her room.

They got to Amelia's room, and Josh handed her a folder he had brought with him. Amelia opened it, her eyes scanning the documents.

" Josh what documents are these"

" You asked me to do something earlier on and these are the result" Josh explained

" This are files about Cindy" Amelia mutters

 Josh took a sit next to Amelia,"I did some digging. Cindy's past is...complicated. She was an orphan, lost her parents in a tragic accident when she was six years old, she was kept in an orphanage and after a few months she disappeared for four years."

Amelia looked up from the documents, confusion etched on her face. "Disappeared? Where did she go?"

Josh shook his head. "That's the thing. No one knows. She just vanished. When she reappeared, she had a new identity, and shortly after, we met her and became friends"

" What are you getting at Josh" Amelia questioned

" She entered our lives when your mum's work started going global and it could just be a coincidence or it's not" Josh implored

Amelia's heart sank. "Are you trying to say Cindy could be a spy "

" It's just all speculations, I could be wrong" Josh assures

" Josh I know you too well to know you're just not speculating" Amelia adds

Josh takes a deep breath "I would have concluded she was a spy but at the hospital you said she was saying the truth after you questioned and asked is she will betray you which makes things complicated" 

" But something was off about her" Amelia adds

" And that is why I'm trying to find out, I still have people keeping an eye on her so maybe with time we would know more" Josh assures

" Time Josh,time is the one thing we don't have,my life is on the line in case you've forgotten" Amelia snaps

Josh placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know, but right now we can't any hasty decision. But there's more. I found out something about Mark as well."

Amelia's eyes widened, the folder slipping from her hands. "What about him?"

" Mark's parents worked for your mum" Josh reveals

" What!" Amelia exclaimed " Mark's parent worked for my mum"

 Josh took a deep breath" Yes they did but then there was a fallout,I still don't know the details but they stopped working for your mum after the fallout and died soon after,it was said to be suicide"

" I didn't know about this, why would they commit suicide and how is this related to me" Amelia questions as she goes through the files in the folder with confusion coursing through her

"This is one of the missing piece I've been looking for,this is why I asked if you were hiding anything from me" Josh explains " your mother and the research and wealth she handed over to you could be a key in this case" 

Amelia felt a wave of nausea. "So, this is all connected to my mom?"

Amelia's mind raced as she tried to process the revelations. "This is all so much. I feel like everything I knew was a lie, at this point I don't understand anymore,first Lucy is having an affair with Mark and somehow Mark and Lucy are connected to my accident and Cindy might be a spy,if she is who is she working for and is she also involved in my accident? And is Mark's parent related to this?." Amelia asked herself as she places her hands on her head and stares at the ground Asif loosing herself when she felt a warm hug

"I don't know Lia,I don't know how to answer your questions, I'm also trying to get an answer so please get a hold of yourself, we can't find out anything if you're this way" Josh says to with a warm and soothing voice easing away the fatigue and worries on Amelia.

Amelia took a deep breath, her determination solidifying. " You're right Josh, I need to get ahold of myself" 

Josh nodded and breaks the hug. "That's right Lia"

Amelia stood up, the folder clutched in her hand. "We need answers and we won't get them without asking questions, it's time I meet the truck driver and question him myself"

Josh nods in agreement, when they were interrupted by a knock on the the door

"Amelia, there's someone here to see you and I ate all the waffles" Fiona announces as she enters Amelia's room

" How could you Fi, you've broken my heart" Josh teases as he forms a crying face and Fiona giggles.

" I'm not expecting anyone, so who is looking for me" Amelia mutters to herself

"I'll make more waffles later,I'm going to see who's here for me" Amelia smiles as she leaves the room and heads to the living room with Fiona and Josh walking behind her and talking about waffles.

They got to the living room and Amelia stood frozen with different emotions running through her as she sees the person waiting for her calmly in the living room when she finally speaks " what are you doing here.....Lucy??"