
"Are you sure you can go home now" Josh asks worriedly

" Yes I'm fine now and the doctor said so as well" Amelia assures " Don't worry J, I'm fine I promise"

" If you insist" Josh agrees " wait here let me go get the discharge papers " He says to Amelia as she leaves the room.

Amelia sat on the edge of her hospital bed, packing her belongings into a small bag " finally I'm leaving this hospital" she says as she continues to pack her things when the door opens 

" That was fast" Amelia says " It feels like you used a magic portal to get the discharge papers" she teases and turns towards the door and her face turns pale instantly as she sees it isn't Josh at the door but Mark dressed in a casual but unique way in a Jean followed by a black hoodie and his favorite watch in his right wrist.

Amelia's heart skipped a beat, anger and pain flaring up at the sight of him. "What are you doing here, Mark?" she snapped, her voice cold and unyielding. "Leave. Now."

Mark held up his hands in a placating gesture. "Calm down sweet cakes,I'm just here to see how you're doing,who were you expecting" he says and a green dot appears on his head

" That's none of your business" she snaps

" I'm guess it's Josh you were waiting for,I hear you guys have been so close lately,close enough to be lovers" Mark reveals

" Who I'm close with is none of your business now get out" Amelia glares

" I just want to talk,it's been a while you know" Mark smirks

"I have nothing to say to you," she shot back, her eyes blazing. "You betrayed me Mark and I know you're involved in my accident and I'm going to find out everything,and fine out why you're so bent on hurting me" 

" You've said alot for someone who have nothing to say to me" He mocks ignoring the word she just said " But it's one of the things I loved about you, do you remember when we first met? At the roof of the schools building,you were sitting at the edge of the building enjoying the cool breeze, fearless and carefree and I was behind you just staring at how bold and beautiful you were" Mark narrates with a warm smile on his Face

"What's your point " Amelia snaps

" Calm down sweet cakes, it just feels nice whenever I think about how much I love you and how Amazing our relationship is" he says as he walks slowly towards her "I miss us Amy" He says as he stands in front of her with a green dot glaring on his head

Amelia's resolve wavered for a moment as the memories washed over her. The way he used to make her laugh, the tender moments they shared. But the pain of his betrayal cut through the nostalgia like a knife.

" Then why is there a hint of hatred in your voice" Amelia questions with a firm look and Mark's smiles 

"Don't be so mean Amy, don't you miss us" Mark questions

"Those moments don't matter anymore, Mark. They were built on lies," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Get out of my room, we have no business with each other"

 " Oh sweetie, we have way more business with each other than you think" He says as he tries to touch her hair but she moves backward avoiding his touch

" Get out Mark" she sneered

 Mark's scoffs and walks towards the door "Be safe Amy,I wish it wasn't you,then maybe we could have built a lovely family together and we wouldn't be at opposite sides of the war" he says before leaving her room, leaving Amelia standing there, her heart aching thinking about the weight of his words

' what did he mean by he wish it wasn't me' she thought to herself as She sank back onto the bed, tears welling up in her eyes as she remembers how he was always happy with her.

A few minutes later, Josh walked in, immediately sensing her distress. "Lia,a you alright? What happened? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Amelia wiped away her tears, trying to compose herself and looks at Josh and smile with so much sadness etched in her face "Mark was here. He... he tried to talk to me, and kept telling me about the past when we were still in love with each other....I guess it just brought back all the hurt but I'm fine"

Josh's face hardened with anger. "That bastard. He has no right to come here and upset you like this."

Amelia shook her head, " it's fine Josh,I used my powers and he was being sincere about Missing me but had so much hatred coming out from him"

" Why does he hate me so much,what did I ever do wrong to Mark" She questions to herself out loud and tears Wells up in her eyes

Josh moved closer, gently taking her hand in his. "I'm here for you Lia,You're not alone. We'll get through this together, we'll find out why he hates you so much. Now pull yourself together, You're stronger than you think."

She looked up at him, grateful for his unwavering support. " You're right,there's not point crying over spilled milk, thank you, Josh. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Josh gave her a reassuring smile. "Let's get you home, uncle is waiting for us at home as well as Fiona,I wonder what he prepared for dinner"

Amelia chuckles " we won't find out unless we're home,I hope I never come back to the hospital, I'm done being hospitalized"

" And I'll make sure of that, I promise" Josh let's out a reassuring smile

Together, they left the hospital, Josh carrying her bag and guiding her through the corridors. As they got to the parking lot, Amelia took a deep breath in" Aahh the smell of fresh air,how badly I've missed it" She giggles 

" Silly girl" Josh teases 

" Hey try being hospitalized for 6 months and then again for 2 weeks" she jest and they both chuckled and laugh as they walked towards the car

Josh glanced at her, his concern evident. "You sure you're okay to go home? We can stay a few more days till you're completely healed, make sure you're safe."

Amelia nodded, a steely determination in her eyes. "I'm fine Josh,stop being such a mom and lets get going already. We have work to do remember, and I'm not backing down."

Josh smiled, admiring her strength. "There's no changing your mind"

" Not at all" she smiles as she got into the car and Josh drove them home.