Chapter 6: Link Start(Reboot)

""Link Start""

A link has been formed between us the second I said those words.

Which was followed by a punch on my cheek which sent me flying and hit the wall causing a hole on it.

"What the hell are you thinking," she shout while coming to me and grabbing me by my coller.

That punch wake me up from the effects of the visions. She is looking me straight in my eyes wanting an explanation.

"I can explain", man...she is quiet pissed.

"You better young man...but first come here you're nose is bleeding,"she took a tissue from the desk and gestures me to sit on the sofa.

'she didn't hold back when she punched me', I'm still feeling some pain from my cheek.

My Mom has similar power to chromastone from ben 10, she can absorb energy, use it to strengthen herself, Store the energy and release the energy in the from of energy blast.

So she became an S rank hunter pretty easily.

I took the full force from an S rank hunter before so my body should already adopted to the power of S rank as this is not the first time I'm punched by an S rank but somehow it still hurts.

'Guess this is the power of a mother not the S rank Hunter,' which brought a smile to my face.

"You should start to explain what did you do and why you formed a link with me,"she said while wiping the blood coming from my nose.

We are sitting side by side and facing eachother.

"Ok mom.."and I began explaining what I did and what I saw in the visions.




"I'm sorry for punching you,"after hearing my explanation she pulled me into a warm hug.

'It's totally worth it.' this is so comfortable as my head is now between her breasts as she is hugging me tightly and starts to caressing the back of head.

"I'm sorry for forming a link with you mom. I may have been little effected my the visions but even if I'm in my right mind I would still form the link with you, after seeing the visions it's a awake up call for me...I don't want to lose you...I love you mom...I don't want to be seperated from even death can't seperate us,"I said looking into her eyes while my face is still between her breasts with seriousness in my voice.

"...", she started at me for a while and gave a kiss on my forehead and again placed my head in between her breasts. We sat like that for sometime.




**With Cassie and Emma**

"Damn it, even when I tried my best to not let it happen it still happened,"she said while carrying a bloodied body on her shoulders looking for some healers.

She found one quickly with her powers.

"Please heal her quickly..."she placed the body on the floor while the healer is using his powers to restore the body to it's previous state.


Suddenly a explosion took place near them but Cassie pressed a button on her watch and an energy shield formed quickly covering them all.

"Hahahaha....where is she... we're obviously having so much fun....come out little spider..."the irregular who called himself Green Goblin is flying in his glider with bombs in his hands while searching for someone.

'Damn it Gwen, you should take this in other place there are many injuried people here,'she thought frustrated as this area is currently hosting injuried people.


Suddenly a figure fall from sky in between goblin and Cassie with a hand movement webbed the glider of the goblin and pulled it away from here with all her strength which caused it to go out of control for few secs.

"This is between us...don't you dare involve others,"she webbed the walls and pulled herself from the ground and went in the same direction as the green freak.

'She arrived on let's focus on Emma' cassie turned her head to see that the healer is doing his best to heal Emma who is now a bloodied body.




Earlier when she was trying to save a child the entire building falling. Even though she can escape she went to the child and throw him out of the way, thanks to that the child is safe. But the same can't be said about Emma.

While she has the enchanted suit on her, the suit is damaged in the previous confrontation with green freak. So, it's not in a very good condition to withstand the fall of an entire building.

'I knew this will happening which is the reason I'm keeping an eye on her but damn, a second of distraction is all that led to this,' she saw this vision so she tried to have Emme as close as possible and she even told her about the vision. But it still happened.

'It seems there is no other is bound to happen anyway...'with that she opened her phone and dailed a number.

"Mark...we have a situation..."




It's already night time.


I'm currently flying with high speed in a certain direction.

Today is the worst, first I can't make out with sue in the morning, second Cassie broke down, third I form a link with mom which of course is the best thing that happened so scratch that and lastly Emma got into an accident and is in serious condition.

I'm on my way to the location Cassie send me. By using rift I can go to that place in an instant but it seems that damned freak destroyed the rift first before going wild.

If I didn't consume almost all of my energy in creating powers of Cassie and use them, I can teleport there with reality warping and solve the situation in an instant.

Using the powers of Cassie drained me, not only in terms of energy but also mentally.

If I didn't have the powers of celestial sapien, I'll be brain dead since the visions I saw are endless. Infinite visions and their experiences of death came to me all at once.

'I'm gonna fu*king kill him if something happened to Emma,' I took note to deal with the green freak as soon as I healed Emma.

By reversing time on her body, I can heal her, from what Cassie told me her condition is getting worse and without proper treatment she won't survive.

'Fu*k it,' I shoot forward.

**Boomm** I flew breaking the sound barrier.




"I'm sorry..." the healer said as he give up on saving her life.

"You don't have to heal her just hold on for a few minutes until the help arrives,"Cassie tried to argue with him as she need to keep Emma alive until Mark arrives.

"I'm sorry...but even if you brought an S rank healer it is too late for her," apologizing he went to tend to others.


At that moment a figure landed near them causing cracks on the ground.

"How is she," I asked while looking at her.

"She don't have much time mark, you have to do it now," Cassie told me and let me see Emma.




I sat near her body and used my powers to restore her body. Slowly her body is returning to it's original state, she regained her consciousness but still in a trace.

"I thought...I'd die without... saying...goodbye.... thanks for being with my life....and in moments...Mark...I have.... something....I have to.... tell you... something...."Emma spoke with some difficulty.

"I'm listening Emma." It seems even though her body is healed, her mind is in after effect for being close to dying. It will take sometime for her to register this.

"I... you a love you mark...I love you so already have...sue..and...Cassie...they are.. better than life..Mark..with happy...,"with that she closed her eyes ready to accept death.

"You can't escape from the Eternal Monarch Emma, even death cannot take you away from me, so prepare to spend all your eternity with me," after hearing her words my resolve to be her with me doubled.

""Link Start""